2,659 research outputs found

    Housing in the first periphery of Barcelona: towards the finding of criteria for urban renewal

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    During the mid XX th century the former outskirts of Barcelona was the field of an unprecedented urbanization process addressed to housing purposes. A very heterogeneous system of settlements occupied the steep hillsides of Tres Turons and Collserola. These former deprived residential suburbs became, in less than twenty years, fully urban neighbourhoods with extreme densities and urgent needs. From beginning the 80’ to our days “Barcelona on slope” has become the conceptual and physical frame for urban renewal policies. Although there’s still much to do, the large amount of accomplished plans and actions calls for an evaluation and a synthesis from which probable criteria for future actions can be inferred.Postprint (published version

    Professional profile of graduates with a degree in physical activity and sports science in Spain

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    The new job opportunities that resulted from the growth of the sports industry, due to the impact of sports on society and the increase of sports practice, along with the concern about the influence of such practice on health, have led experts in this field to demand the professionalization of the sector. Thereby, a regulatory development is being carried out, which, although at the regional level, recognises the professions of sports, determining the official academic titles or professional qualifications required for the professional practice and assigning to each profession its corresponding functional scope. Despite the fact that the affiliation rate of the Professional Association of Graduates in Physical Activity and Sports Science does not exceed 15% of the university graduates in Spain, such rate has increased in the last years. As an example, in Andalusia, the number of members has doubled in the last four years. This increase in affiliation may be a reflection of the professionalization process that the sports sector has been experiencing. The aim of this study was to determine the professional profile of graduates with a university degree in Physical Activity and Sports Science. As the main results, there continues to be a higher percentage of men who opt to take these courses, most of them have complementary training/education and there is a high percentage of multiple employment, that is, they combine more than one job, although teaching is still the most popular profession of choice. However, the percentage of graduates who choose teaching as a career is decreasing, which could be due to the diversification of the sector and of the sports professions

    Sistema de detección de atacantes enmascarados basado en técnicas de alineamiento de secuencias

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    Los ataques enmascarados constituyen la actividad malintencionada perpetrada a partir de robos de identidad, entre la que se incluye la escalada de privilegios o el acceso no autorizados a activos del sistema. Este trabajo propone un sistema de detección de atacantes enmascarados mediante la observación de las secuencias de acciones llevadas a cabo por los usuarios legítimos del sistema. La clasificación de la actividad monitorizada es modelada y clasificada en base a algoritmos de alineamiento de secuencias locales. Para la validación del etiquetado se incorpora la prueba estadística no paramétrica de Mann-Whitney. Esto permite el análisis de secuencias en tiempo real. La experimentación realizada considera los conjuntos de muestras de Schonlau. La tasa de acierto al detectar ataques enmascarados es 98,3% y la tasa de falsos positivos es 0,77 %

    Programas de respiro para cuidadores familiares

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    La atención a las dependencias es uno de los grandes retos que tiene planteada la política social al comienzo del presente milenio. Uno de los problemas por resolver es la atención y prevención de los efectos negativos que tienen los cuidados prolongados sobre los cuidadores de familiares dependientes. En el presente trabajo se describen los objeti - vos y los distintos formatos de los programas de apoyo a las familias con miembro s dependientes. Se hace especial hincapié en los programas de re s p i ro por ser los mejore s evaluados por los cuidadores informales. En concreto se analizan las situaciones de dependencia más habituales, discapacitados y personas mayores, describiendo tanto programas específicos como algunas de las líneas de investigación emprendidas

    Refinamiento probabilístico del ataque de revelación de identidades

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    En la actualidad muy pocas empresas reconocen que se encuentran continuamente en riesgo al estar expuestos a ataques informáticos tanto internos como externos. Más allá de simplemente instalar herramientas de protección contra hackers y células del crimen organizado tales como antivirus y firewalls, deben incluir mecanismos adecuados de seguridad en TI que brinden protección a los ataques que son cada vez más complejos. Existen diversos estudios que muestran que aun cuando se aplique el cifrado de datos en un sistema de comunicación, es posible deducir el comportamiento de los participantes a través de técnicas de análisis de tráfico. En este artículo presentamos un ataque a un sistema de comunicación anónimo basado en el ataque de revelación de identidades. El refinamiento probabilístico presenta una mejora sustancial respecto al ataque previo

    Auto-Configuration Protocols in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

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    The TCP/IP protocol allows the different nodes in a network to communicate by associating a different IP address to each node. In wired or wireless networks with infrastructure, we have a server or node acting as such which correctly assigns IP addresses, but in mobile ad hoc networks there is no such centralized entity capable of carrying out this function. Therefore, a protocol is needed to perform the network configuration automatically and in a dynamic way, which will use all nodes in the network (or part thereof) as if they were servers that manage IP addresses. This article reviews the major proposed auto-configuration protocols for mobile ad hoc networks, with particular emphasis on one of the most recent: D2HCP. This work also includes a comparison of auto-configuration protocols for mobile ad hoc networks by specifying the most relevant metrics, such as a guarantee of uniqueness, overhead, latency, dependency on the routing protocol and uniformity