18 research outputs found

    Causal symmetries

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    Based on the recent work \cite{PII} we put forward a new type of transformation for Lorentzian manifolds characterized by mapping every causal future-directed vector onto a causal future-directed vector. The set of all such transformations, which we call causal symmetries, has the structure of a submonoid which contains as its maximal subgroup the set of conformal transformations. We find the necessary and sufficient conditions for a vector field \xiv to be the infinitesimal generator of a one-parameter submonoid of pure causal symmetries. We speculate about possible applications to gravitation theory by means of some relevant examples.Comment: LaTeX2e file with CQG templates. 8 pages and no figures. Submitted to Classical and Quantum gravit

    Bi-conformal vector fields and their applications

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    We introduce the concept of bi-conformal transformation, as a generalization of conformal ones, by allowing two orthogonal parts of a manifold with metric \G to be scaled by different conformal factors. In particular, we study their infinitesimal version, called bi-conformal vector fields. We show the differential conditions characterizing them in terms of a "square root" of the metric, or equivalently of two complementary orthogonal projectors. Keeping these fixed, the set of bi-conformal vector fields is a Lie algebra which can be finite or infinite dimensional according to the dimensionality of the projectors. We determine (i) when an infinite-dimensional case is feasible and its properties, and (ii) a normal system for the generators in the finite-dimensional case. Its integrability conditions are also analyzed, which in particular provides the maximum number of linearly independent solutions. We identify the corresponding maximal spaces, and show a necessary geometric condition for a metric tensor to be a double-twisted product. More general ``breakable'' spaces are briefly considered. Many known symmetries are included, such as conformal Killing vectors, Kerr-Schild vector fields, kinematic self-similarity, causal symmetries, and rigid motions.Comment: Replaced version with some changes in the terminology and a new theorem. To appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Causal Relationship: a new tool for the causal characterization of Lorentzian manifolds

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    We define and study a new kind of relation between two diffeomorphic Lorentzian manifolds called {\em causal relation}, which is any diffeomorphism characterized by mapping every causal vector of the first manifold onto a causal vector of the second. We perform a thorough study of the mathematical properties of causal relations and prove in particular that two given Lorentzian manifolds (say VV and WW) may be causally related only in one direction (say from VV to WW, but not from WW to VV). This leads us to the concept of causally equivalent (or {\em isocausal} in short) Lorentzian manifolds as those mutually causally related. This concept is more general and of a more basic nature than the conformal relationship, because we prove the remarkable result that a conformal relation \f is characterized by the fact of being a causal relation of the {\em particular} kind in which both \f and \f^{-1} are causal relations. For isocausal Lorentzian manifolds there are one-to-one correspondences, which sometimes are non-trivial, between several classes of their respective future (and past) objects. A more important feature of isocausal Lorentzian manifolds is that they satisfy the same causality constraints. This indicates that the causal equivalence provides a possible characterization of the {\it basic causal structure}, in the sense of mutual causal compatibility, for Lorentzian manifolds. Thus, we introduce a partial order for the equivalence classes of isocausal Lorentzian manifolds providing a classification of spacetimes in terms of their causal properties, and a classification of all the causal structures that a given fixed manifold can have. A full abstract inside the paper.Comment: 47 pages, 10 figures. Version to appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Further properties of causal relationship: causal structure stability, new criteria for isocausality and counterexamples

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    Recently ({\em Class. Quant. Grav.} {\bf 20} 625-664) the concept of {\em causal mapping} between spacetimes --essentially equivalent in this context to the {\em chronological map} one in abstract chronological spaces--, and the related notion of {\em causal structure}, have been introduced as new tools to study causality in Lorentzian geometry. In the present paper, these tools are further developed in several directions such as: (i) causal mappings --and, thus, abstract chronological ones-- do not preserve two levels of the standard hierarchy of causality conditions (however, they preserve the remaining levels as shown in the above reference), (ii) even though global hyperbolicity is a stable property (in the set of all time-oriented Lorentzian metrics on a fixed manifold), the causal structure of a globally hyperbolic spacetime can be unstable against perturbations; in fact, we show that the causal structures of Minkowski and Einstein static spacetimes remain stable, whereas that of de Sitter becomes unstable, (iii) general criteria allow us to discriminate different causal structures in some general spacetimes (e.g. globally hyperbolic, stationary standard); in particular, there are infinitely many different globally hyperbolic causal structures (and thus, different conformal ones) on R2\R^2, (iv) plane waves with the same number of positive eigenvalues in the frequency matrix share the same causal structure and, thus, they have equal causal extensions and causal boundaries.Comment: 33 pages, 9 figures, final version (the paper title has been changed). To appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Trapped surfaces and symmetries

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    We prove that strictly stationary spacetimes cannot contain closed trapped nor marginally trapped surfaces. The result is purely geometric and holds in arbitrary dimension. Other results concerning the interplay between (generalized) symmetries and trapped submanifolds are also presented.Comment: 9 pages, no figures. Final corrected version to appear in Class. Quantum Gra

    Dynamical laws of superenergy in General Relativity

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    The Bel and Bel-Robinson tensors were introduced nearly fifty years ago in an attempt to generalize to gravitation the energy-momentum tensor of electromagnetism. This generalization was successful from the mathematical point of view because these tensors share mathematical properties which are remarkably similar to those of the energy-momentum tensor of electromagnetism. However, the physical role of these tensors in General Relativity has remained obscure and no interpretation has achieved wide acceptance. In principle, they cannot represent {\em energy} and the term {\em superenergy} has been coined for the hypothetical physical magnitude lying behind them. In this work we try to shed light on the true physical meaning of {\em superenergy} by following the same procedure which enables us to give an interpretation of the electromagnetic energy. This procedure consists in performing an orthogonal splitting of the Bel and Bel-Robinson tensors and analysing the different parts resulting from the splitting. In the electromagnetic case such splitting gives rise to the electromagnetic {\em energy density}, the Poynting vector and the electromagnetic stress tensor, each of them having a precise physical interpretation which is deduced from the {\em dynamical laws} of electromagnetism (Poynting theorem). The full orthogonal splitting of the Bel and Bel-Robinson tensors is more complex but, as expected, similarities with electromagnetism are present. Also the covariant divergence of the Bel tensor is analogous to the covariant divergence of the electromagnetic energy-momentum tensor and the orthogonal splitting of the former is found. The ensuing {\em equations} are to the superenergy what the Poynting theorem is to electromagnetism. See paper for full abstract.Comment: 27 pages, no figures. Typos corrected, section 9 suppressed and more acknowledgments added. To appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    A regularisation approach to causality theory for C^{1,1}Lorentzian metrics

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    We show that many standard results of Lorentzian causality theory remain valid if the regularity of the metric is reduced to C^{1,1}. Our approach is based on regularisations of the metric adapted to the causal structure

    Causal structures and causal boundaries

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    We give an up-to-date perspective with a general overview of the theory of causal properties, the derived causal structures, their classification and applications, and the definition and construction of causal boundaries and of causal symmetries, mostly for Lorentzian manifolds but also in more abstract settings.Comment: Final version. To appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Piecewise Silence in Discrete Cosmological Models

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    20 pages, 1 figure20 pages, 1 figureWe consider a family of cosmological models in which all mass is confined to a regular lattice of identical black holes. By exploiting the reflection symmetry about planes that bisect these lattices into identical halves, we are able to consider the evolution of a number of geometrically distinguished surfaces that exist within each of them. We find that the evolution equations for the reflection symmetric surfaces can be written as a simple set of Friedmann-like equations, with source terms that behave like a set of interacting effective fluids. We then show that gravitational waves are effectively trapped within small chambers for all time, and are not free to propagate throughout the space-time. Each chamber therefore evolves as if it were in isolation from the rest of the universe. We call this phenomenon "piecewise silence"