657 research outputs found

    Towards an Ashtekar formalism in eight dimensions

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    We investigate the possibility of extending the Ashtekar theory to eight dimensions. Our approach relies on two notions: the octonionic structure and the MacDowell-Mansouri formalism generalized to a spacetime of signature 1+7. The key mathematical tool for our construction is the self-dual (antiself-dual) four-rank fully antisymmetric octonionic tensor. Our results may be of particular interest in connection with a possible formulation of M-theory via matroid theory.Comment: 15 pages, Latex, minor changes, to appear in Class. Quantum Gra

    Hamiltonian Noether theorem for gauge systems and two time physics

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    The Noether theorem for Hamiltonian constrained systems is revisited. In particular, our review presents a novel method to show that the gauge transformations are generated by the conserved quantities associated with the first class constraints. We apply our results to the relativistic point particle, to the Friedberg et al. model and, with special emphasis, to two time physics.Comment: 20 pages, Latex, references added, the "massless" sense of (87) is clarifie

    High optimization process for increasing the attenuation properties of acoustic metamaterials by means of the creation of defects

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    Copyright (2008) American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics along with the following message: The following article appeared in “Romero García, V.; Sánchez Pérez, JV.; García-Raffi, LM.; Herrero Durá, JM.; S. Garcia-Nieto; Blasco Ferragud, FX. (2008). High optimization process for increasing the attenuation properties of acoustic metamaterials by means of the creation of defects. Applied Physics Letters. 93:2235021-2235023” and may be found at http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3040317. Authors own version of final article on e-print serversAn improvement in the attenuation capabilities of acoustic metamaterials by means of the creation of defects is considered here as a multiobjective optimization problem. From this point of view, it is possible to define the optimum strategy in the creation of defects to achieve an important increase in acoustic attenuation in a predetermined range of frequencies. A powerful multiobjective optimization algorithm called evMOGA has been used to solve this problem. The study has been restricted to the case of a two-dimensional sonic crystal formed by rigid cylinders in air, the defects being vacancies in the initial structure.This work was partially supported by MEC (Spanish Government) and FEDER funds: Project Nos. 419DPI2005-07835 and MAT2006-03097 and Generalitat Valenciana Project Nos. GV06/026 and GV/2007/191.Romero García, V.; Sánchez Pérez, JV.; García-Raffi, LM.; Herrero Durá, JM.; García Nieto, S.; Blasco Ferragud, FX. (2008). High optimization process for increasing the attenuation properties of acoustic metamaterials by means of the creation of defects. Applied Physics Letters. 93(22):2235021-2235023. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.3040317S223502122350239322Fang, N., Xi, D., Xu, J., Ambati, M., Srituravanich, W., Sun, C., & Zhang, X. (2006). Ultrasonic metamaterials with negative modulus. Nature Materials, 5(6), 452-456. doi:10.1038/nmat1644Torrent, D., & Sánchez-Dehesa, J. (2008). Anisotropic mass density by two-dimensional acoustic metamaterials. New Journal of Physics, 10(2), 023004. doi:10.1088/1367-2630/10/2/023004Sánchez-Pérez, J. V., Caballero, D., Mártinez-Sala, R., Rubio, C., Sánchez-Dehesa, J., Meseguer, F., … Gálvez, F. (1998). Sound Attenuation by a Two-Dimensional Array of Rigid Cylinders. Physical Review Letters, 80(24), 5325-5328. doi:10.1103/physrevlett.80.5325Fokin, V., Ambati, M., Sun, C., & Zhang, X. (2007). Method for retrieving effective properties of locally resonant acoustic metamaterials. Physical Review B, 76(14). doi:10.1103/physrevb.76.144302Sanchez-Perez, J. V., Rubio, C., Martinez-Sala, R., Sanchez-Grandia, R., & Gomez, V. (2002). Acoustic barriers based on periodic arrays of scatterers. Applied Physics Letters, 81(27), 5240-5242. doi:10.1063/1.1533112Torrent, D., & Sánchez-Dehesa, J. (2007). Acoustic metamaterials for new two-dimensional sonic devices. New Journal of Physics, 9(9), 323-323. doi:10.1088/1367-2630/9/9/323Romero-García, V., Fuster, E., García-Raffi, L. M., Sánchez-Pérez, E. A., Sopena, M., Llinares, J., & Sánchez-Pérez, J. V. (2006). Band gap creation using quasiordered structures based on sonic crystals. Applied Physics Letters, 88(17), 174104. doi:10.1063/1.2198012Herrero, J. M., Blasco, X., Martínez, M., Ramos, C., & Sanchis, J. (2007). Non-linear robust identification of a greenhouse model using multi-objective evolutionary algorithms. Biosystems Engineering, 98(3), 335-346. doi:10.1016/j.biosystemseng.2007.06.004Kafesaki, M., & Economou, E. N. (1999). Multiple-scattering theory for three-dimensional periodic acoustic composites. Physical Review B, 60(17), 11993-12001. doi:10.1103/physrevb.60.11993Ehrgott, M., & Tenfelde-Podehl, D. (2003). Computation of ideal and Nadir values and implications for their use in MCDM methods. European Journal of Operational Research, 151(1), 119-139. doi:10.1016/s0377-2217(02)00595-7Coello Coello, C. A., Van Veldhuizen, D. A., & Lamont, G. B. (2002). Evolutionary Algorithms for Solving Multi-Objective Problems. Genetic Algorithms and Evolutionary Computation. doi:10.1007/978-1-4757-5184-

    Silk Fibroin: An Ancient Material for Repairing the Injured Nervous System

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    Silk refers to a family of natural fibers spun by several species of invertebrates such as spiders and silkworms. In particular, silkworm silk, the silk spun by Bombyx mori larvae, has been primarily used in the textile industry and in clinical settings as a main component of sutures for tissue repairing and wound ligation. The biocompatibility, remarkable mechanical performance, controllable degradation, and the possibility of producing silk-based materials in several formats, have laid the basic principles that have triggered and extended the use of this material in regenerative medicine. The field of neural soft tissue engineering is not an exception, as it has taken advantage of the properties of silk to promote neuronal growth and nerve guidance. In addition, silk has notable intrinsic properties and the by-products derived from its degradation show anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Finally, this material can be employed for the controlled release of factors and drugs, as well as for the encapsulation and implantation of exogenous stem and progenitor cells with therapeutic capacity. In this article, we review the state of the art on manufacturing methodologies and properties of fiber-based and non-fiber-based formats, as well as the application of silk-based biomaterials to neuroprotect and regenerate the damaged nervous system. We review previous studies that strategically have used silk to enhance therapeutics dealing with highly prevalent central and peripheral disorders such as stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and peripheral trauma. Finally, we discuss previous research focused on the modification of this biomaterial, through biofunctionalization techniques and/or the creation of novel composite formulations, that aim to transform silk, beyond its natural performance, into more efficient silk-based-polymers towards the clinical arena of neuroprotection and regeneration in nervous system diseases

    Resonant radiation pressure on neutral particles in a waveguide

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    A theoretical analysis of electromagnetic forces on neutral particles in an hollow waveguide is presented. We show that the effective scattering cross section of a very small (Rayleigh) particle can be strongly modified inside a waveguide. The coupling of the scattered dipolar field with the waveguide modes induce a resonant enhanced backscattering state of the scatterer-guide system close to the onset of new modes. The particle effective cross section can then be as large as the wavelength even far from any transition resonance. As we will show, a small particle can be strongly accelerated along the guide axis while being highly confined in a narrow zone of the cross section of the guide.Comment: RevTeX,4 pages,3 PS figure

    Hole distribution in phononic crystals: design and optimization

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    An exhaustive study has been made into the potential improvement in attenuation and focusing of phononic crystal arrays resulting from the deliberate creation of vacancies. Use is made of a stochastic search algorithm based on evolutionary algorithms called the epsilon variable multi-objective genetic algorithm which, in conjunction with the application of multiple scattering theory, enables the design of devices for effectively controlling sound waves. Several parameters are analyzed, including the symmetries used in the distribution of holes and the optimum number of holes. The validity and utility of the general rules obtained have been confirmed experimentally.This work was partially supported by MEC (Spanish Government) and FEDER funds: Project Nos. 419DPI2005-07835, and MAT2006-03097 and Generalitat Valenciana Project Nos. GV06/026 and 420 GV/2007/191. The authors would like to thank John Rawlins (associate member of the Institute of Translation and Interpreting (No. 9743) of UK, and "Certified PRO" of ProZ according to the EN 15038) for his help with the use of English.Romero García, V.; Sánchez Pérez, JV.; García Raffi, LM.; Herrero Durá, JM.; García Nieto, S.; Blasco, X. (2009). Hole distribution in phononic crystals: design and optimization. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 125(6):3774-3783. https://doi.org/10.1121/1.3126948S37743783125

    Iso-spectral potential and inflationary quantum cosmology

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    Using the factorization approach of quantum mechanics, we obtain a family of isospectral scalar potentials for power law inflationary cosmology. The construction is based on a scattering Wheeler-DeWitt solution. These iso-spectrals have new features, they give a mechanism to end inflation, as well as the possibility to have new inflationary epochs. The procedure can be extended to other cosmological models.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure

    Cortical Reshaping and Functional Recovery Induced by Silk Fibroin Hydrogels-Encapsulated Stem Cells Implanted in Stroke Animals

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    The restitution of damaged circuitry and functional remodeling of peri-injured areas constitute two main mechanisms for sustaining recovery of the brain after stroke. In this study, a silk fibroin-based biomaterial efficiently supports the survival of intracerebrally implanted mesenchymal stem cells (mSCs) and increases functional outcomes over time in a model of cortical stroke that affects the forepaw sensory and motor representations. We show that the functional mechanisms underlying recovery are related to a substantial preservation of cortical tissue in the first days after mSCs-polymer implantation, followed by delayed cortical plasticity that involved a progressive functional disconnection between the forepaw sensory (FLs1) and caudal motor (cFLm1) representations and an emergent sensory activity in peri-lesional areas belonging to cFLm1. Our results provide evidence that mSCs integrated into silk fibroin hydrogels attenuate the cerebral damage after brain infarction inducing a delayed cortical plasticity in the peri-lesional tissue, this later a functional change described during spontaneous or training rehabilitation-induced recovery. This study shows that brain remapping and sustained recovery were experimentally favored using a stem cell-biomaterial-based approach
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