162 research outputs found

    IEO Studies on discards and By-catch of the Shrimper Industrial Fleet in West Africa

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    Studies on discards and by-catch on the shrimper industrial fleet in West Africa (Mauritania and Guinea Bissau)(IEO Program of Scientific observations onboard. 2010 and 2011

    What do shrimper trawlers fish in North West Africa? The issue of discards

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    In compliance with the Regulation ( 2017 1004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 May 2017 on the establishment of a Union framework for the collection, management and use of data in the fisheries sector and support for scientific advice regarding the common fisheries policy (Data Collection Framework, DCF), Spain performs a monitoring program through scientific observations onboard the Spanish shrimper fishery operating in Mauritanian waters.The Spanish shrimper trawlers fishing off Mauritanian waters usually alternate the use of two different gears, depending on the target species. Outriggers are used to fish Parapenaeus longirostris and Penaeus notialis usually during daylight hauls and the classic bottom otter trawl with trawl doors baka type) is employed for a deeper fishery, especially targeting Aristeus varidens These last deep hauls are usually made at night. This fishery is characterized by capturing a great diversity of species three target species, other retained species and a significant amount of species that end up back in the sea, discard

    Lanzamiento del Proyecto International Horizonte 2020, “MISSION ATLANTIC” cartografiado y evaluación para el desarrollo sostenible del Océano Atlántico

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    Con una financiación de 11,5 millones de euros procedente del programa europeo H2020, MISSION ATLANTIC constituye la primera iniciativa en desarrollar y aplicar de forma sistemática Evaluaciones Integrales Ecosistémicas (Integrated Ecosystem Assessments, IEAs) a nivel de la cuenca atlántica

    Towards effort quantification through VMS and observers' data: the case of shrimps trawlers in Mauritanian waters

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    The Spanish shrimp trawlers is one of the most important fleets operating in Mauritania. They target 3 species: -Penaeus notialis (at 20-80 m depth) -Parapenaeus longirostris (at 100-350 m depth) -Aristeus varidens (at 400-800 m depth) in 3 types of fishing operations that can be carried out during the same day. A critical challenge is to define suitable metrics of effective fishing effort since logbooks only provide information of catches by day. Accurate CPUE obtained from these vessels could be considered good abundance indices of its target stocks, which is of paramount importance for assessment purposes. The objective of this analysis was to use Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) information to robustly infer fleet activity as well as estimate units of effort directed to each of the three target species of the Spanish trawlers operating within the EEZ of Mauritania. The estimates of trawling effort by target species obtained from VMS data show consistency in both values and temporal trends with those registered by observers on-board. The adoption of a consistent method for analysing VMS data will help to ensure that calculations of trawling effort are repeatable and comparable among studies

    DNA-barcoding Decapoda and Stomatopoda from West-Africa

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    Codificación del AND de Decápodos y Estomatópodos capturados en Costa Oeste de Áfric


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    Deep-seafisheriestakeplaceatgreatdepths(between200-2000meters),oncontinentalslopes,oceanicseamounts,ridgesystemsbanks. Thesefisheriestargetdemersal/benthicspeciesusingarangeofgearsincludingbottomandmid-watertrawls,potsandlonglines. Deep-seafisheriestakeplaceinbothexclusiveeconomiczones(EEZs)andinareasbeyondnationaljurisdiction(ABNJ)

    Spain Freezer bottom trawl shrimp fishery - Senegalese waters, 2011

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    Inventario de las pesquerías españolas en el área CECAF. Descripción de la pesca española de arrastre marisquero congelador en aguas de Senegal, 2011: visión general, localización, actividad pesquera (área de pesca, recursos explotados, especies objetivo, especies acompañantes, tipo de barco, segmento de flota, estacionalidad, duración de las mareas, puertos e indicadores de la pesquería), uso y mercados, gestión (marco jurisdiccional, régimen de gestión), estado y tendencias y fuentes de información

    Spain Freezer bottom trawl shrimp fishery - Mauritanian waters, 2013

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    Inventario de las pesquerías españolas en el área CECAF. Descripción de la pesca española de arrastre marisquero congelador en aguas de Mauritania, 2013: visión general, localización, actividad pesquera (área de pesca, recursos explotados, especies objetivo, especies acompañantes, tipo de barco, segmento de flota, estacionalidad, duración de las mareas, puertos e indicadores de la pesquería), uso y mercados, gestión (marco jurisdiccional, régimen de gestión), estado y tendencias y fuentes de información