29 research outputs found

    Distribución de las Aguas del Cabildo por la ciudad de Córdoba durante los siglos XVII al XIX

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    Se lleva a cabo una descripción del trazado de las estructuras hidráulicas del sistema de abastecimiento a la ciudad de Córdoba durante los siglos XVII al XIX correspondientes a las Aguas del Cabildo, en funcionamiento desde 1604. Se esquematiza el trazado de ésta en el antiguo distrito de Trascastillo, su funcionamiento, cuantificación y reparto de los volúmenes de agua suministrados. La presencia de determinados elementos de este antiguo sistema aún en el núcleo urbano de esta ciudad, incrementa considerablemente el valor patrimonial de la misma.A description about the hydraulic structures of an old water supply in Córdoba city (Aguas del Cabildo) during the period XVII-XIX century is carried out. The layout Trascastillo district is schematized and quantified its water volumes. Some elements of this water network are identified in its current urban nucleus

    Multi-Objective Spatial Optimization: Sustainable Land Use Allocation at Sub-Regional Scale

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    The rational use of territorial resources is a key factor in achieving sustainability. Spatial planning is an important tool that helps decision makers to achieve sustainability in the long term. This work proposes a multi-objective model for sustainable land use allocation known as MAUSS (Spanish acronym for “Modelo de Asignación de Uso Sostenible de Suelo”) The model was applied to the Plains of San Juan, Puebla, Mexico, which is currently undergoing a rapid industrialization process. The main objective of the model is to generate land use allocations that lead to a territorial balance within regions in three main ways by maximizing income, minimizing negative environmental pressure on water and air through specific evaluations of water use and CO2 emissions, and minimizing food deficit. The non-sorting genetic algorithm II (NSGA-II) is the evolutionary optimization algorithm of MAUSS. NSGA-II has been widely modified through a novel and efficient random initializing operator that enables spatial rationale from the initial solutions, a crossover operator designed to streamline the best genetic information transmission as well as diversity, and two geometric operators, geographic dispersion (GDO) and the proportion (PO), which strengthen spatial rationality. MAUSS provided a more sustainable land use allocation compared to the current land use distribution in terms of higher income, 9% lower global negative pressure on the environment and 5.2% lower food deficit simultaneousl

    The Development of an Open Hardware and Software System Onboard Unmanned Aerial Vehicles to Monitor Concentrated Solar Power Plants

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    Concentrated solar power (CSP) plants are increasingly gaining interest as a source of renewable energy. These plants face several technical problems and the inspection of components such as absorber tubes in parabolic trough concentrators (PTC), which are widely deployed, is necessary to guarantee plant efficiency. This article presents a system for real-time industrial inspection of CSP plants using low-cost, open-source components in conjunction with a thermographic sensor and an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). The system, available in open-source hardware and software, is designed to be employed independently of the type of device used for inspection (laptop, smartphone, tablet or smartglasses) and its operating system. Several UAV flight missions were programmed as follows: flight altitudes at 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 and 120 m above ground level; and three cruising speeds: 5, 7 and 10 m/s. These settings were chosen and analyzed in order to optimize inspection time. The results indicate that it is possible to perform inspections by an UAV in real time at CSP plants as a means of detecting anomalous absorber tubes and improving the effectiveness of methodologies currently being utilized. Moreover, aside from thermographic sensors, this contribution can be applied to other sensors and can be used in a broad range of applications where real-time georeferenced data visualization is necessary

    An Analysis of the Influence of Flight Parameters in the Generation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Orthomosaicks to Survey Archaeological Areas

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    This article describes the configuration and technical specifications of a multi-rotor unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) using a red–green–blue (RGB) sensor for the acquisition of images needed for the production of orthomosaics to be used in archaeological applications. Several flight missions were programmed as follows: flight altitudes at 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 and 80 m above ground level; two forward and side overlap settings (80%–50% and 70%–40%); and the use, or lack thereof, of ground control points. These settings were chosen to analyze their influence on the spatial quality of orthomosaicked images processed by Inpho UASMaster (Trimble, CA, USA). Changes in illumination over the study area, its impact on flight duration, and how it relates to these settings is also considered. The combined effect of these parameters on spatial quality is presented as well, defining a ratio between ground sample distance of UAV images and expected root mean square of a UAV orthomosaick. The results indicate that a balance between all the proposed parameters is useful for optimizing mission planning and image processing, altitude above ground level (AGL) being main parameter because of its influence on root mean square error (RMSE)

    Effect of Lockdown Measures on Atmospheric Nitrogen Dioxide during SARS-CoV-2 in Spain

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    The disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 has affected many countries and regions. In order to contain the spread of infection, many countries have adopted lockdown measures. As a result, SARS-CoV-2 has negatively influenced economies on a global scale and has caused a significant impact on the environment. In this study, changes in the concentration of the pollutant Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) within the lockdown period were examined as well as how these changes relate to the Spanish population. NO2 is one of the reactive nitrogen oxides gases resulting from both anthropogenic and natural processes. One major source in urban areas is the combustion of fossil fuels from vehicles and industrial plants, both of which significantly contribute to air pollution. The long-term exposure to NO2 can also cause severe health problems. Remote sensing is a useful tool to analyze spatial variability of air quality. For this purpose, Sentinel-5P images registered from January to April of 2019 and 2020 were used to analyze spatial distribution of NO2 and its evolution under the lockdown measures in Spain. The results indicate a significant correlation between the population’s activity level and the reduction of NO2 values

    Positional Quality Assessment of Orthophotos Obtained from Sensors Onboard Multi-Rotor UAV Platforms

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    In this study we explored the positional quality of orthophotos obtained by an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). A multi-rotor UAV was used to obtain images using a vertically mounted digital camera. The flight was processed taking into account the photogrammetry workflow: perform the aerial triangulation, generate a digital surface model, orthorectify individual images and finally obtain a mosaic image or final orthophoto. The UAV orthophotos were assessed with various spatial quality tests used by national mapping agencies (NMAs). Results showed that the orthophotos satisfactorily passed the spatial quality tests and are therefore a useful tool for NMAs in their production flowchart

    Project-Based Learning Applied to Unmanned Aerial Systems and Remote Sensing

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    The development of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) technology and the miniaturization of sensors have changed the way remote sensing (RS) is used, popularizing this geoscientific discipline in other fields, such as precision agriculture. This makes it necessary to implement the use of these technologies in teaching RS alongside the classical platforms (satellite and manned aircraft). This manuscript describes how The Higher Technical School of Agricultural Engineering at the University of Córdoba (Spain) has introduced UAV RS into the academic program by way of project-based learning (PBL). It also presents the basic characteristics of PBL, the design of the subject, the description of the teacher-guided and self-directed activities, as well as the degree of student satisfaction. The teaching and learning objectives of the subject are to learn how to determine the vigor, temperature, and water stress of a crop through the use of RGB, multispectral, and thermographic sensors onboard a UAV platform. From the onset, students are motivated, actively participate in the tasks related to the realization of UAV flights, and subsequent processing and analysis of the registered images. Students report that PBL is more engaging and allows them to develop a better understanding of RS

    Wavelength Selection Method Based on Partial Least Square from Hyperspectral Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Orthomosaic of Irrigated Olive Orchards

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    Identifying and mapping irrigated areas is essential for a variety of applications such as agricultural planning and water resource management. Irrigated plots are mainly identified using supervised classification of multispectral images from satellite or manned aerial platforms. Recently, hyperspectral sensors on-board Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) have proven to be useful analytical tools in agriculture due to their high spectral resolution. However, few efforts have been made to identify which wavelengths could be applied to provide relevant information in specific scenarios. In this study, hyperspectral reflectance data from UAV were used to compare the performance of several wavelength selection methods based on Partial Least Square (PLS) regression with the purpose of discriminating two systems of irrigation commonly used in olive orchards. The tested PLS methods include filter methods (Loading Weights, Regression Coefficient and Variable Importance in Projection); Wrapper methods (Genetic Algorithm-PLS, Uninformative Variable Elimination-PLS, Backward Variable Elimination-PLS, Sub-window Permutation Analysis-PLS, Iterative Predictive Weighting-PLS, Regularized Elimination Procedure-PLS, Backward Interval-PLS, Forward Interval-PLS and Competitive Adaptive Reweighted Sampling-PLS); and an Embedded method (Sparse-PLS). In addition, two non-PLS based methods, Lasso and Boruta, were also used. Linear Discriminant Analysis and nonlinear K-Nearest Neighbors techniques were established for identification and assessment. The results indicate that wavelength selection methods, commonly used in other disciplines, provide utility in remote sensing for agronomical purposes, the identification of irrigation techniques being one such example. In addition to the aforementioned, these PLS and non-PLS based methods can play an important role in multivariate analysis, which can be used for subsequent model analysis. Of all the methods evaluated, Genetic Algorithm-PLS and Boruta eliminated nearly 90% of the original spectral wavelengths acquired from a hyperspectral sensor onboard a UAV while increasing the identification accuracy of the classification

    Characteristics of areas affected by fire in 2005 at Parque Nacional de Torres del Paine (Chile) as assessed from multispectral images

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    El uso de sensores remotos para la evaluación de la severidad es una de los aspectos más importantes en el estudio de grandes incendios, así como la aplicación de los resultados para el proceso de restauración. En este trabajo se ha estudiado la aplicación de imágenes de los sensores Landsat ETM+ y ASTER para evaluar la vegetación previa, la superficie recorrida por el fuego y los daños producidos por el incendio ocurrido en el año 2005 en el Parque Nacional de Torres del Paine (Chile). Los resultados obtenidos indican que el índice delta NBR es bastante versátil para evaluar la superficie afectada, estimada en este caso en 17.138 ha, así como la severidad de los daños (Fiabilidad = 81,5 %; κ = 0,73). Por otro lado, se ha confirmado la adecuación del uso de imágenes Landsat ETM+ para mejorar la calidad de los mapas de vegetación previa a la ocurrencia del fuego (Fiabilidad = 79,5 %; κ = 0,75). La combinación de esta información se ha podido aplicar para apoyar la restauración del área afectada por el incendio. Sin embargo, los resultados también han mostrado algunas limitaciones de los sensores, en particular en la definición de ecosistemas con representaciones superficiales pequeñas y/o fragmentadas, lo cual sugiere que el uso de sensores de mayor resolución espacial puede mejorar los productos cartográficos finales y, por tanto, la calidad de los trabajos de restauración.The use of remote sensors is one of the most important aspects in the study of large fires for an assessment of their severity, as well as the application of the results to the restoration process. This work has studied the application of images from the Landsat ETM + ASTER sensors in order to evaluate the prior vegetation, the surface burned and the damage caused by a fire occurring in 2005 in the National Park of Torres del Paine (Chile). The results obtained indicate that the delta NBR index is reasonably versatile for evaluating the affected surface, in this case estimated at 17.138 ha, as well as the damage severity (Reliability = 81.5 %; κ = 0.73). In addition, the suitability of using Landsat ETM+ images to improve the quality of maps of vegetation prior to the fire (Reliability = 79.5 %; κ = 0.75.) has been confirmed. It has been possible to apply a combination of this information to assist in the restoration of the fire-affected area. However, the results have also shown some limitations in the sensors, particularly in the definition of ecosystems with small and/or fragmented surface representations, which suggests that the use of sensors with a greater spatial resolution could improve the final cartographic products, and, therefore, the quality of the restoration works

    Machine Learning Methods and Synthetic Data Generation to Predict Large Wildfires

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    Wildfires are becoming more frequent in different parts of the globe, and the ability to predict when and where they will occur is a complex process. Identifying wildfire events with high probability of becoming a large wildfire is an important task for supporting initial attack planning. Different methods, including those that are physics-based, statistical, and based on machine learning (ML) are used in wildfire analysis. Among the whole, those based on machine learning are relatively novel. In addition, because the number of wildfires is much greater than the number of large wildfires, the dataset to be used in a ML model is imbalanced, resulting in overfitting or underfitting the results. In this manuscript, we propose to generate synthetic data from variables of interest together with ML models for the prediction of large wildfires. Specifically, five synthetic data generation methods have been evaluated, and their results are analyzed with four ML methods. The results yield an improvement in the prediction power when synthetic data are used, offering a new method to be taken into account in Decision Support Systems (DSS) when managing wildfires