21 research outputs found

    Not without my mobile phone: alcohol binge drinking, gender violence and technology in the Spanish culture of intoxication

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    The practice of binge drinking has in recent decades consolidated what is known as the ‘culture of intoxication’ among the young people of Spain. This has coincided with the increase in the use of mobile-phone technology and of social networks within the night-time economy. Our main aim is to explore these new, potentially risky uses and violent behaviours, through an analysis of the discourses of the young people involved. This is a qualitative study with in-depth interviews (n¼24) of young people between the ages of sixteen and twenty-two, resident in two cities in the south of Spain: Granada and Seville. Findings: our results show that gender violence is present in the contexts where alcohol is consumed intensively and is related to the use of the mobile phone in interpersonal or couple relationships. This violence is practiced mainly against the women, who suffer sexual harassment and violation of their public image through information and communication technologies. Our data show that prevention should consider the new vulnerabilities that are generated out of the problematic association between technology and alcohol, using innovative strategies that are adapted to the new patterns of youth behaviour.Ministry of Industry, Economy and Competitiveness FEM2016- 77116-C2-1-RFEDER FEM2016- 77116-C2-1-

    Adolescentes y violencia de género en las redes sociales

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la influencia de las redes sociales en la Violencia de Género en adolescentes y jóvenes. Este estudio se plantea conocer y revisar la violencia de género que se promueve en las redes sociales de más auge actualmente. Las consecuencias que tienen en las personas que la padecen y su impacto en la salud. Analizaremos la intervención enfermera en estos fenómenos emergentes en la población joven y adolescentes. Para dimensionar el fenómeno y poder analizar el estado de la cuestión, se ha realizado una revisión bibliográfica y actualización del conocimiento, utilizando diferentes bases de datos de los últimos 5 años, desde 2009-2014

    Design and validation of the scale for the detection of violence in courtship in young people in the Sevilla University (Spain)

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    Objetivo: diseñar y validar un instrumento específico para detectar la violencia ejercida y padecida en las relaciones de parejas jóvenes , la Escala Multidimensional de Violencia en e lNoviazgo (EMVN). Método: Estudio descriptivo de validación clinimétrica. Muestreo aleatorio estratificado por sexo y área de conocimiento, en el que se adoptó como criterio de inclusión tener o haber tenido alguna relación de pareja. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 447 sujetos. Resultados:Se ha obtenido la EMVN de 32 ítems con tres dimensiones: agresiones físicas y sexuales, conductas de control (ciberacoso, vigilancia y acoso)y abuso psicoemocional (denigración y dominación), como víctima o como agresor/a. No se han encontrado diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre la violencia ejercida y la padecida,pero sí en función del sexo. Conclusión: La EMVN es una escala válida y fiable que mide los distintos elementos de la violencia en parejas de jóvenes y puede suponer un recurso para la detección integral de conductas violentas en las relaciones de noviazgo que se establecen entre jóvenes.Objective: to design and validate a specific instrument to detect exercised and suffered in the relations of young couples in violence. Method: descriptive study of validation clinimetric. Stratified by sex and area of knowledge, which was adopted as inclusion criteria have or have had any relationship. The sample consisted of 447 subjects. Results: we obtained the Multidimensional Scale Dating Violence (EMVN), 32 items with three dimensions: physical and sexual assault, behavior control (cyberbullying, surveillance and harassment) and abuse psicoemocional (disparagement and domination), as a victim or as aggressor. No statistically significant differences were found between the violence exerted and the violence suffered, but it was based on sex. Conclusion: the EMVN is a valid and reliable scale that measures the different elements of violence in couples of young people and you can suppose a resource for the comprehensive detection of violent behaviors in dating relationships that are established among young people

    Love attitudes styles amongst college students.Differences by sex-gender

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    En este trabajo describimos los estilos de amor que se dan entre la población juvenil de la Universidad de Sevilla y hacemos un análisis de las diferencias según el sistema sexo-género. Para ello, se ha realizado un estudio descriptivo y transversal que ha empleado una adaptación contextualizada de la escala Love Attitudes Style (Hendrick et al. 1998). Este instrumento validado de recogida de datos, que hemos denominado ‘ReLAS’, fue administrado finalmente a 447 estudiantes de la Universidad de Sevilla (267 mujeres y 180 hombres). Los resultados señalan que, por lo general, los sujetos cuen-tan con un concepto idealizado y romántico del amor, en el que la sexualidad y los aspectos más pasionales o de atracción son secundarios, aunque con ciertos matices importantes, como hemos podido comprobar al estudiar las diferencias por sexo atribuibles a los roles de género.This paper aims at describing love attitudes styles amongst the youth at Universidad de Sevilla and re-views differences in such attitudes by sex-gender sys-tem. To do so, a descriptive and interdisciplinary study was conducted using a contextualized adaptation of the Love Attitudes Style Scale (Hendrick et al. 1998). This validated data collection tool, referred to as ‘ReLAS,’ was applied to 447 students from the said Spanish uni-versity (267 women and 180 men). Our findings indicate that, overall, the subjects possess an idealized, roman-ticized view of love, wherebyfactorssuch as sexuality, passion and attraction play a secondaryif significantly nuanced role, as emerged when looking intosex-based differences that are attributable to gender roles

    Mitos y persistencia en el cortejo en las relaciones de noviazgo en adolescentes y jóvenes

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    El tema de esta investigación tiene como objetivo estudiar la violencia de género en las relaciones de parejas adolescentes y jóvenes. El estudio se plantea conocer y evaluar las distintas conductas de maltrato psicológico que se dan actualmente a edades más tempranas, siendo el noviazgo en la adolescencia y juventud un momento critico, ya que las primeras relaciones pueden sentar las bases de lo que puede llegar a ocurrir en la etapa adulta. Se ha realizado una investigación cuantitativa, centrándonos en el maltrato psicológico y en el acoso en las relaciones de cortejo, para ello hemos utilizado una escala validada de persistencia en el cortejo (Sinclair 2000). El estudio se ha realizado en el alumnado de primer curso de Grado de Enfermería durante el curso 2011-2012

    Consumption of Substances in Nightlife Settings: A Qualitative Approach in Young Andalusians (Spain)

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    Adolescence and youth are stages of exploration and experimentation, when the consumption of psychoactive substances for recreational or experimental purposes often begins. The general objective of this study was to explore youth consumption habits in nightlife settings and associated factors in Andalusia (Spain). To this end, we took into account young people’s perceptions about patterns of drug polyconsumption in nightlife settings and the perceptions and actions of health and teaching professionals towards this issue. We carried out a qualitative methodology with 24 in-depth interviews and 3 discussion groups with Andalusian girls and boys aged between 16 and 22 (n = 45) and 13 in-depth interviews with social agents (health and teaching professionals). We performed narrative discourse analysis and triangulation of identified categories and measured the units of analysis. The results show information relating to gender, age of initiation, most commonly consumed substances, motivation and effects, peer group pressure and how they obtained the substances, and the perceptions held and main activities carried out in the educational institutions and health centers

    COVID-19 and female immigrant caregivers in Spain: Cohabiting during lockdown

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    From a gender perspective, female immigrant domestic caregivers have been particularly impacted during the COVID-19 pandemic: first, as female immigrants, and second, due to their work within the domestic care sector, which has been so badly affected in this pandemic. This study investigates the emotions and experiences of 15 female Latin American immigrant domestic workers, caregivers in five Andalusian cities (Seville, Cádiz, Málaga, Huelva and Córdoba) (Spain) who were cohabiting with their employees/ patients during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown, using qualitative research through in-depth interviews and life stories. The results show the moral debt accrued by the caregivers with the family who employ them, while worsening the physical and psychological health of many of the caregivers, due to both work overload and fear of the global pandemic

    Young People and Sexual Harassment in Night-Time Leisure Spaces: Double Female Vulnerability

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    En este artículo se analiza el acoso sexual hacia las chicas jóvenes en los espacios de ocio nocturno. El objetivo se ha centrado en conocer los posibles riesgos, así como las vivencias y percepciones en torno a la violencia de género, específicamente el acoso sexual, que tienen lugar en los espacios de ocio nocturno, analizando a su vez las estrategias y posibilidades de cambio. La metodología es cualitativa, con 24 entrevistas en profundidad, a personas entre 16 y 22 años. Los resultados muestran un discurso de espejismo de la igualdad en el ocio nocturno: ellos pueden tener una sexualidad explícita, ellas deben respetar normas no escritas sobre el uso del espacio público, horarios y lugares. Ellos normalizan el acoso como un elemento más de la fiesta. Se desarrollan estrategias grupales diferenciadas tanto de intimidación como de defensa. Las chicas identifican “puntos negros” o peligrosos. Concluimos que las chicas tienen miedo de ser agredidas sexualmente, y que los varones utilizan el acoso sexual como ejercicio de poder, perpetuando un mandato social diferenciado por género en los espacios de ocio nocturnos.This article analyses the sexual harassment that girls and young women are exposed to in the spaces of nightlife. The objective is focused on learning the possible risks, as well as the experiences and perceptions concerning gender violence, and specifically sexual harassment, which take place in nightlife spaces, while also analysing strategies and possibilities for change. The methodology used is qualitative, with 24 in-depth interviews with people between the ages of 16 and 22. The results show a discourse of illusory equality in nightlife spaces: boys/young men can have an explicit sexuality, whereas girls/women must respect some unwritten rules on the use of public space, times and places. Boys/men normalize harassment as one more aspect of nightlife. Differentiated group strategies are developed, both of intimidation and defence. Girls/women identify dangers or “black spots”. We conclude that girls/women are afraid of being sexually assaulted, and that males use sexual harassment as an exercise of power, perpetuating a gender-differentiated social mandate in spaces of nightlife

    Influencia del consumo abusivo de alcohol en las conductas de riesgo de los y las adolescentes

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    La adolescencia es definida por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) como el período de la vida que se extiende desde los 11 a los 19 años. Pero esta consideración etaria no se puede considerar cerrada ya que los límites de edad cambian en relación al contexto social y cultural. Existe acuerdo al considerar la adolescencia como una etapa de cambios en actitudes y comportamientos (OMS, 1995). Es una etapa en la que chicos y chicas comienzan a tomar sus propias decisiones y, en determinadas ocasiones, estas pueden derivar en comportamientos de riesgo que generen algún tipo de peligro o daño para la salud. Las diversas conductas de riesgo suelen mantener relaciones entre ellas y están relacionadas con la clase social y el género. Ambas juegan un papel importante en la percepción, valoración y realización de las prácticas de riesgo. Son muchos los estudios cuantitativos llevados a cabo que muestran que el alcohol es la droga más consumida entre los y las adolescentes. Estos estudios relacionan el consumo de alcohol con otras conductas de riesgo pero no analizan las percepciones, valoraciones y el significado que otorgan los y las adolescentes a esta práctica. Nuestro objetivo se centra en analizar el significado que le otorgan al riesgo y los motivos que llevan a los y las adolescentes a consumir alcohol. Para ello hemos realizado un abordaje cualitativo y como marco teórico incorporamos la perspectiva de género entretejida con la clase social

    Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Validation of the Portuguese Version of the Multidimensional Scale of Dating Violence 2.0 in Young University Students

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    Background: Dating violence has become a problem of social relevance with short- and longterm health consequences. Nurses are in a privileged position to detect and address this problem in health facilities and as school nurses in schools, providing health education and detecting this violence correctly. Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the cross-cultural validation of the Portuguese version of the Multidimensional Scale of Dating Violence-Short (MSDV 2.0). Methods: A validation investigation was carried out in two phases: (1) cross-cultural adaptation of the items and content validation of the Portuguese version of MSDV 2.0 and (2) psychometric validation. Results: Phase (1): The items of the original version include a cross-cultural translation from Spanish to Portuguese and analysed by a group of experts in gender violence and by the authors of the original scale, then a back translation was made and again reviewed by the experts. Young university students also participated for face validity, and a pilot test was carried out. Phase (2): Confirmatory factor analysis was performed using the robust maximum-likelihood estimation method, which confirmed the fivedimensional structure, obtaining good fit rates (chi-square significance (χ2) = 187.860 (p < 0.0001); root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA) = 0.049; comparative fit index (CFI) = 0.937; Tucker–Lewis index (TLI) = 0.923). Reliability analysis indicated adequate internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha (α) = 0.88 to 0.70). Finally, scores of the Portuguese versions MSDV 2.0 were correlated, as expected, positively with the Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale (DASS-21) (r = 0.36 to 0.16) and negatively with the Medical Outcomes Study Questionnaire Short Form 36, Health Survey (SF-36) (r = −0.30 to −0.14). Conclusions: To date, it is the only instrument that measures dating violence in a multidimensional way validated in the Portuguese university context.Grant for the internal mobility of personnel dedicated to research (Modality A-13A of the own research plan) from the University of Sevill