4 research outputs found

    Heterogeneous multi-robot system for mapping environmental variables of greenhouses

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    The productivity of greenhouses highly depends on the environmental conditions of crops, such as temperature and humidity. The control and monitoring might need large sensor networks, and as a consequence, mobile sensory systems might be a more suitable solution. This paper describes the application of a heterogeneous robot team to monitor environmental variables of greenhouses. The multi-robot system includes both ground and aerial vehicles, looking to provide flexibility and improve performance. The multi-robot sensory system measures the temperature, humidity, luminosity and carbon dioxide concentration in the ground and at different heights. Nevertheless, these measurements can be complemented with other ones (e.g., the concentration of various gases or images of crops) without a considerable effort. Additionally, this work addresses some relevant challenges of multi-robot sensory systems, such as the mission planning and task allocation, the guidance, navigation and control of robots in greenhouses and the coordination among ground and aerial vehicles. This work has an eminently practical approach, and therefore, the system has been extensively tested both in simulations and field experiments.The research leading to these results has received funding from the RoboCity2030-III-CM project (Robótica aplicada a la mejora de la calidad de vida de los ciudadanos. fase III; S2013/MIT-2748), funded by Programas de Actividades I+ D en la Comunidad de Madrid and co-funded by Structural Funds of the EU, and from the DPI2014-56985-Rproject (Protección robotizada de infraestructuras críticas) funded by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of Gobierno de España. This work is framed on the SAVIER (Situational Awareness Virtual EnviRonment) Project, which is both supported and funded by Airbus Defence & Space. The experiments were performed in an educational greenhouse of the E.T.S.I.Agrónomos of Technical University of Madrid.Peer Reviewe

    Behavior-Based Control for an Aerial Robotic Swarm in Surveillance Missions

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    Aerial robotic swarms have shown benefits for performing search and surveillance missions in open spaces in the past. Among other properties, these systems are robust, scalable and adaptable to different scenarios. In this work, we propose a behavior-based algorithm to carry out a surveillance task in a rectangular area with a flexible number of quadcopters, flying at different speeds. Once the efficiency of the algorithm is quantitatively analyzed, the robustness of the system is demonstrated with 3 different tests: loss of broadcast messages, positioning errors, and failure of half of the agents during the mission. Experiments are carried out in an indoor arena with micro quadcopters to support simulation results. Finally, a case study is proposed to show a realistic implementation in the test bed.The research leading to these results has received funding from RoboCity2030-DIH-CM, Madrid Robotics Digital Innovation Hub, S2018/NMT-4331, funded by “Programas de Actividades I + D en la Comunidad de Madrid” and cofunded by Structural Funds of the EU.Peer reviewe

    Monitoring traffic in future cities with aerial swarms: Developing and optimizing a behavior-based surveillance algorithm

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    Traffic monitoring is a key issue to develop smarter and more sustainable cities in the future, allowing to make a better use of the public space and reducing pollution. This work presents an aerial swarm that continuously monitors the traffic in SwarmCity, a simulated city developed in Unity game engine where drones and cars are modeled in a realistic way. The control algorithm of the aerial swarm is based on six behaviors with twenty-three parameters that must be tuned. The optimization of parameters is carried out with a genetic algorithm in a simplified and faster simulator. The best resulting configurations are tested in SwarmCity showing good efficiencies in terms of observed cars over total cars during time windows. The algorithm reaches a good performance making use of an acceptable computational time for the optimization.This work is part of the SwarmCity project: monitoring future cities with intelligent flying swarms, developed by the Robotics and Cybernetics Research Group of the Centre for Automation and Robotics (UPM-CSIC). The research leading to these results has received funding from the SAVIER (Situational Awareness VIrtual EnviRonment) project of Airbus Defence & Space; RoboCity2030-III-CM project (Robótica aplicada a la mejora de la calidad de vida de los ciudadanos. Fase III; S2013/MIT-2748), funded by Programas de Actividades I + D en la Comunidad de Madrid and cofunded by Structural Funds of the EU; and from the DPI2014-56985-R project (Protección robotizada de infraestructuras críticas) funded by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of Gobierno de España.Peer reviewe

    Bringing Adaptive and Immersive Interfaces to Real-World Multi-Robot Scenarios: Application to Surveillance and Intervention in Infrastructures

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    Multiple robot missions imply a series of challenges for single human operators, such as managing high workloads or maintaining a correct level of situational awareness. Conventional interfaces are not prepared to face these challenges; however, new concepts have arisen to cover this need, such as adaptive and immersive interfaces. This paper reports the design and development of an adaptive and immersive interface, as well as a complete set of experiments carried out to establish comparisons with a conventional one. The interface object of study has been developed using virtual reality to bring operators into scenarios and allow an intuitive commanding of robots. Additionally, it is able to recognize the mission's state and show hints to the operators. The experiments were performed in both outdoor and indoor scenarios recreating an intervention after an accident in critical infrastructure. The results show the potential of adaptive and immersive interfaces in the improvement of workload, situational awareness and performance of operators in multi-robot missions.This work was supported in part by the SAVIER (Situational Awareness VIrtual EnviRonment) project of Airbus Defence and Space; RoboCity2030-III-CM project (Robótica aplicada a la mejora de la calidad de vida de los ciudadanos. Fase III; S2013/MIT-2748), through the Programas de Actividades I+D en la Comunidad de Madrid and Structural Funds of the EU, and in part by the DPI2014-56985-R project (Protección robotizada de infraestructuras críticas) through the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of Gobierno de EspañaPeer reviewe