37,674 research outputs found

    On the frequency dependence of p-mode frequency shifts induced by magnetic activity in Kepler solar-like stars

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    The variations of the frequencies of the low-degree acoustic oscillations in the Sun induced by magnetic activity show a dependence with radial order. The frequency shifts are observed to increase towards higher-order modes to reach a maximum of about 0.8 muHz over the 11-yr solar cycle. A comparable frequency dependence is also measured in two other main-sequence solar-like stars, the F-star HD49933, and the young 1-Gyr-old solar analog KIC10644253, although with different amplitudes of the shifts of about 2 muHz and 0.5 muHz respectively. Our objective here is to extend this analysis to stars with different masses, metallicities, and evolutionary stages. From an initial set of 87 Kepler solar-like oscillating stars with already known individual p-mode frequencies, we identify five stars showing frequency shifts that can be considered reliable using selection criteria based on Monte Carlo simulations and on the photospheric magnetic activity proxy Sph. The frequency dependence of the frequency shifts of four of these stars could be measured for the l=0 and l=1 modes individually. Given the quality of the data, the results could indicate that a different physical source of perturbation than in the Sun is dominating in this sample of solar-like stars.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Deep into the Water Fountains: The case of IRAS 18043-2116

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    (Abridged) The formation of large-scale (hundreds to few thousands of AU) bipolar structures in the circumstellar envelopes (CSEs) of post-Asymptotic Giant Branch (post-AGB) stars is poorly understood. The shape of these structures, traced by emission from fast molecular outflows, suggests that the dynamics at the innermost regions of these CSEs does not depend only on the energy of the radiation field of the central star. Deep into the Water Fountains is an observational project based on the results of programs carried out with three telescope facilities: The Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (JVLA), The Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA), and the Very Large Telescope (SINFONI-VLT). Here we report the results of the observations towards the WF nebula IRAS 18043−-2116: Detection of radio continuum emission in the frequency range 1.5GHz - 8.0GHz; H2_{2}O maser spectral features and radio continuum emission detected at 22GHz, and H2_{2} ro-vibrational emission lines detected at the near infrared. The high-velocity H2_{2}O maser spectral features, and the shock-excited H2_{2} emission detected could be produced in molecular layers which are swept up as a consequence of the propagation of a jet-driven wind. Using the derived H2_{2} column density, we estimated a molecular mass-loss rate of the order of 10−910^{-9}M⊙_{\odot}yr−1^{-1}. On the other hand, if the radio continuum flux detected is generated as a consequence of the propagation of a thermal radio jet, the mass-loss rate associated to the outflowing ionized material is of the order of 10−5^{-5}M⊙_{\odot}yr−1^{-1}. The presence of a rotating disk could be a plausible explanation for the mass-loss rates estimated.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    Pair Creation of Dilaton Black Holes in Extended Inflation

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    Dilatonic Charged Nariai instantons mediate the nucleation of black hole pairs during extended chaotic inflation. Depending on the dilaton and inflaton fields, the black holes are described by one of two approximations in the Lorentzian regime. For each case we find Euclidean solutions that satisfy the no boundary proposal. The complex initial values of the dilaton and inflaton are determined, and the pair creation rate is calculated from the Euclidean action. Similar to standard inflation, black holes are abundantly produced near the Planck boundary, but highly suppressed later on. An unusual feature we find is that the earlier in inflation that the dilatonic black holes are created, the more highly charged they can be.Comment: 23 pages, LaTeX, 6 figures; submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Inquiry based learning: why buying a car with a tree included? Enhancing science and mathematic learning

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    International reports reveal a deficient situation in relation to science and mathematics learning, which can be considered as an obstacle for the education of literate and informed citizens and the qualification and the preparation of future scientists and engineers. This situation may be partly attributed to the way science and mathematics are taught at school. Research on effective teaching approaches shows that inquiry based learning (IBL) improves students’ engagement and motivation for science and mathematics learning and promotes the development of process skills, critical thinking and conceptual understanding of some science and mathematics topics. The present work describes the design and implementation of an instructional approach for enhancing science and mathematics learning through IBL. The instructional approach is based on the design of an interdisciplinary task which starts by challenging students through the analysis of an advertisement. The initial scenario engages students in an investigation process to look for evidence and understanding while acquiring meaningful learning of key science topics and mathematical tools. The task also takes advantage of current technological resources to facilitate and support the overall inquiry process. (Orig.
