714 research outputs found

    A group-based architecture and protocol for wireless sensor networks

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    There are many works related to wireless sensor networks (WSNs) where authors present new protocols with better or enhanced features, others just compare their performance or present an application, but this work tries to provide a different perspective. Why don¿t we see the network as a whole and split it into groups to give better network performance regardless of the routing protocol? For this reason, in this thesis we demonstrate through simulations that node¿s grouping feature in WSN improves the network¿s behavior. We propose the creation of a group-based architecture, where nodes have the same functionality within the network. Each group has a head node, which defines the area in which the nodes of such group are located. Each node has a unique node identifier (nodeID). First group¿s node makes a group identifier (groupID). New nodes will know their groupID and nodeID of their neighbors. End nodes are, physically, the nodes that define a group. When there is an event on a node, this event is sent to all nodes in its group in order to take an appropriate action. End nodes have connections to other end nodes of neighboring groups and they will be used to send data to other groups or to receive information from other groups and to distribute it within their group. Links between end nodes of different groups are established mainly depending on their position, but if there are multiple possibilities, neighbor nodes could be selected based on their ability ¿, being ¿ a choice parameter taking into account several network and nodes parameters. In order to set group¿s boundaries, we can consider two options, namely: i) limiting the group¿s diameter of a maximum number of hops, and ii) establishing boundaries of covered area. In order to improve the proposed group-based architecture, we add collaboration between groups. A collaborative group-based network gives better performance to the group and to the whole system, thereby avoiding unnecessary message forwarding and additional overheads while saving energy. Grouping nodes also diminishes the average network delay while allowing scaling the network considerably. In order to offer an optimized monitoring process, and in order to offer the best reply in particular environments, group-based collaborative systems are needed. They will simplify the monitoring needs while offering direct control. Finally, we propose a marine application where a variant of this groupbased architecture could be applied and deployed.García Pineda, M. (2013). A group-based architecture and protocol for wireless sensor networks [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/27599TESISPremios Extraordinarios de tesis doctorale

    Estudio del rendimiento de arquitecturas basadas en grupos para WAHSN

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    [ES] Existen muchos trabajos relacionados con las redes ad hoc y las redes de sensores donde se presentan nuevos protocolos que encaminamiento que aportan mejores características, otros trabajos donde se comparan para ver cual posee un mejor rendimiento ó incluso presentan nuevas aplicaciones basadas en este tipo de redes, pero este trabajo aporta otro punto de vista. ¿Por que no ver la red como un conjunto que se divide en grupos para aportar un mejor rendimiento a la red independientemente del protocolo de encaminamiento utilizado?. Para ello, en este trabajo, vamos a demostrar a través de simulaciones, que la agrupación de nodos en redes WAHSN (Wireless Ad Hoc & Sensor Networks) aporta mejoras a la red en general, disminuyendo el tráfico de encaminamiento, el retardo, el throughput, etc. Este estudio se ha realizado evaluando los protocolos estándar más utilizados (DSR [1], AODV [2] y OLSR [3]), así podemos observar cual de ellos aporta un mejor rendimiento. Finalmente, se propone una arquitectura de red basada en grupos optimizada para las redes WAHSN[EN] There are many works related with ad hoc networks and sensor networks where the authors present new routing protocols with better or enhanced features, others just compare the performance of them or present an application environment, but this work tries to give another point of view. Why don¿t we see the network as a whole and split it intro groups to give better performance to the network regardless of the used routing protocol?. First, we will demonstrate, through simulations, that grouping nodes in WAHSN (Wireless Ad Hoc & Sensor Networks) improves the whole network by diminishing the routing traffic, the delay, the throughput, etc. This study was conducted to assess the most used standard protocols (DSR [1], AODV [2] and OLSR [3]) that gives better performance to the whole network when there are groups of nodes. Finally, a group-based network architecture optimized for WAHSN is proposedGarcía Pineda, M. (2008). Estudio del rendimiento de arquitecturas basadas en grupos para WAHSN. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/13472Archivo delegad

    Elaboration of an Interactive Electronic Book of Descriptive Measures

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    [EN] These are the advantages of technology: multimedia presentation, interaction, personalization, etc. Within this context an interactive digital book of the characteristics of the information was realized. In a data set, the following characteristics are usually of paramount importance: 1. the center, 2. the variation, 3. the distribution, 4. the atypical values and 5. The characteristics of the data that change over time. It is important to understand the standard deviation values using tools such as the general rule of rank. Because technology allows us to get many of these statistics automatically, it is not so important to memorize formulas or perform complex arithmetic calculations by hand on the other hand, so that the students can concentrate on understanding and interpreting the values that are obtained from them.The interactive digital book of measures of central tendency contemplates that each chapter indicates prerequisites, learning objectives, written development of the subject, videos with explanation, interactive exercises, widget (html 5. Interactive galleries, interactive images, etc.) review questions.The interactive digital book will provide students with full-screen experience with galleries, videos, interactive diagrams, 3D objects, and math expressions and more; these books give life to the content in ways that a printed page can not do. Students will no longer be limited to static images that illustrate traditional texts, but can now immerse themselves in an image with interactive subtitles, rotate a 3D object or make an answer come to life in a chapter review. You can flip through a book with a single finger on the screen. They can also highlight text, take notes, look up content and find definitions in a glossary very easily. In addition, they can take them wherever they go, which will allow students not only to learn between the walls of the classroom, but also in the virtual space that make up these books.To the PAPIME 104420, project for the support provided in carrying out this workPineda, M.; García, O.; Aguilar, A.; León, F. (2022). Elaboration of an Interactive Electronic Book of Descriptive Measures. En Proceedings INNODOCT/21. International Conference on Innovation, Documentation and Education. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 171-179. https://doi.org/10.4995/INN2021.2021.1350317117

    Multivariate statistical technique over QoS variables to analyze video quality metrics on IEEE 802.11ac networks

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    [EN] We present the results from a measurementbasedperformance evaluation of wireless networks basedon IEEE 802.11ac standard in an indoor environment, withthe aim to analyze their performance under high definitionstreaming video applications. We focus our study on analyzingthe highest performance of these standards using off-theshelfequipment as well as the behavior of Quality of Servicevariables and how they affect to the video quality. Thus, wehave analyzed and measured these variables and have applieda multivariate statistical technique, called Factor Analysis,and finally discuss their behavior.This work was supported by the Universitat de Valencia under the projects UV-INV-PRECOMP14-207134, UVINVAE15-339582, by the Generalitat Valenciana under the project GV-2016-002 and by the Ministry of Economy under the project BIA2016-76957-C3-1-RGarcía-Pineda, M.; Felici-Castell, S.; Segura-Garcia, J. (2018). Multivariate statistical technique over QoS variables to analyze video quality metrics on IEEE 802.11ac networks. En XIII Jornadas de Ingeniería telemática (JITEL 2017). Libro de actas. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 152-159. https://doi.org/10.4995/JITEL2017.2017.6572OCS15215

    Use of a Website and Virtual Laboratory for Teaching of Descriptive Statistics

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    [EN] Most of the statistical information in newspapers, magazines, business reports and other publications consists of data that are summarized and presented in a way that it is easy to read and understand. These summaries of data, which can be tabular, graphical or numerical are known as descriptive statistics. In addition, the presentations in tables and graphs to summarize data, numerical descriptive statistics are also used. Within this context, is developing a web page with a virtual laboratory of the themes of descriptive statistics, which proposes a study guide which aims to reorient and upgrade the approach that must address the study of statistical methods, awakening the topics that were developed so that cases raised to develop learning environments that would enable it to meet the knowledge and manipulate it. With this philosophy, applets, web sites with access to real data, software for free use and in general resources used in the web 2.0, referring to a second generation in the history of the web based on user communities, that foster collaboration and fast exchange of information between them. The technology allows us to enjoy the following principle of the use of the modern statistics. It is not as important to memorize formulas or perform complex arithmetic calculations by hand. One can instead focus on results with any type of technology, to give practical meaning to results through critical thinking. This has to make the students really have to make an effort to understand and interpret the results.Pineda Becerril, M.; García, O.; Aguilar, A.; León, F. (2022). Use of a Website and Virtual Laboratory for Teaching of Descriptive Statistics. En Proceedings INNODOCT/21. International Conference on Innovation, Documentation and Education. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 163-169. https://doi.org/10.4995/INN2021.2021.1349016316

    A group-based wireless body sensors network using energy harvesting for soccer team monitoring

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    [EN] In team-based sports, it is difficult to monitor physical state of each athlete during the match. Wearable body sensors with wireless connections allow having low-power and low-size devices, that may use energy harvesting, but with low radio coverage area but the main issue comes from the mobility. This paper presents a wireless body sensors network for soccer team players' monitoring. Each player has a body sensor network that use energy harvesting and each player will be a node in the wireless sensor network. This proposal is based on the zone mobility of the players and their dynamism. It allows knowing the physical state of each player during the whole match. Having fast updates and larger connection times to the gateways, the information can be routed through players of both teams, thus a secure system has been added. Simulations show that the proposed system has very good performance in high mobility.This work has been partially supported by the Instituto de Telecomunicacoes, Next Generation Networks and Applications Group (NetGNA), Portugal, by Government of Russian Federation, Grant 074-U01, by National Funding from the FCT - Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia through the PEst-OE/EEI/LA0008/2013 Project.Lloret, J.; García Pineda, M.; Catala Monzo, A.; Rodrigues, JJPC. (2016). A group-based wireless body sensors network using energy harvesting for soccer team monitoring. International Journal of Sensor Networks. 21(4):208-225. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJSNET.2016.079172S20822521

    Combinación de cuestionarios simples y gamificados utilizando gestores de participación en el aula: experiencia y percepción del alumnado

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    [EN] The growing use of mobile devices has motivated the development of a wide range of applications to help manage the students’ participation in the classroom. Socrative allows the lecturer to use multiple-choice questionnaires in the classroom, either in a simple or a gamified mode (Space Race). In this paper, we describe our experience at using this tool to promote competitive learning, at both undergraduate and post-graduate levels. The student’s perception indicates that the use of the application helped at increasing engagement and motivation. However, relevant differences were found between both modes of use, underlining the importance of an adequate activity design.[ES] En los últimos años y gracias a la utilización masiva de dispositivos móviles,han proliferado múltiples aplicaciones para la gestion de la participación del alumnado en el aula. Específicamente, Socrative, permite ellanzamiento por el profesor de cuestionarios de opción múltiple en modosimple o en modo gamicado (carrera espacial), fomentando así el juegoy la competitividad. En este trabajo se describe la experiencia obtenidamediante la combinación de ambos modos en una asignatura de Grado yotra de Máster. Los resultados obtenidos as como la percepcion del alumnadoindican que los alumnos se ven altamente motivados por este tipo deherramientas, si bien existen diferencias importantes en ambos modos deutilizacion que conviene tener presentes en el diseño de la actividad.Roger, S.; Cobos, M.; Arevalillo-Herráez, M.; García-Pineda, M. (2017). Combinación de cuestionarios simples y gamificados utilizando gestores de participación en el aula: experiencia y percepción del alumnado. En In-Red 2017. III Congreso Nacional de innovación educativa y de docencia en red. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1128-1139. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2017.2017.6746OCS1128113

    Impact of Social Media on TV Content Consumption: New Market Strategies, Scenarios and Trends

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    The mass adoption of Social Media together with the proliferation and widely usage of multi-connected companion devices have tremendously transformed the TV/video consumption paradigm, opening the door to a new range of possibilities. This Special Issue has aimed at analyzing, from different point of views, the impact of Social Media and social interaction tools on the TV/video consumption area. The targeted topics of this Special Issue and a general overview of the accepted articles are provided in this Guest Editorial

    The Influence of Urban Environments on Oxidative Stress Balance: A Case Study on the House Sparrow in the Iberian Peninsula

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    The House Sparrow is a globally distributed species and is closely associated with anthropised environments. They are well-adapted to urban life; therefore the decline of their populations in Europe represents an unexpected event that demands an investigation into its causes. Causes that have promoted this decline are not well-known, but one of the highlighted hypotheses is an increase of oxidative stress linked to the toxicity of pollution in urban areas. From an ecophysiological perspective, oxidative damage, antioxidant defense, and oxidative balance are considered reliable indicators of environmental stressors such as pollutants. To carry out this study, blood samples were collected from House Sparrows in three different habitats that varied in terms of urbanization degree: urban, suburban, and rural; during the winter and breeding season. According to our results, urban sparrows showed higher levels of oxidative damage and higher activity of antioxidant enzymes, but lower antioxidant capacity in comparison with the rural birds; and these differences especially increase during the breeding season. The maintenance of oxidative balance increases in an urban environment in comparison to a rural one; we suggest that the high level of pollution and the poor quality diet linked to urban environments. The breeding season is expected to be particularly challenging for the oxidative balance of urban birds, when the reallocation of resources between self-maintenance and reproduction may be critical due to the scarcity of antioxidants found in urban areas. This study may contribute to determining the causes of the population decrease of House Sparrows in cities

    Mathematical modeling of reaction mechanism of formation of photochemical smog by applying the semi-implicit method

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    To simulate the different mechanisms we considered a reactor of constant temperature and volume, where the only reactions that are carried out are those with reported kinetic constants [1]. For example, to simulate the formaldehyde kinetic you make a serial of seven chemical reactions where intervene nine chemical species [2].The change in concentration with respect to the time of one specie is mathematically represented by means of an ordinary differential equation. In the studied cases, the mechanism of reaction can be represented as a system of nonlinear ordinary differential equations. In the simulation of the mechanism of reaction, the medullar part is the solution of all the ordinary differential equation that describe the temporary evolution of the concentration of each the species. The differential equation that comes from the kinetic present what it is called rigidity, principally due to the simultaneous presence of radical with called rigidity, principally due to the simultaneous presence of radicals with a really short life time as the presence of hydroperoxide HO2• and species that remain almost constant as the oxygen. The main problem to carry out the precise integration of the differential equation system that represents the mechanism of reaction of the atmospheric chemistry, is the wide when variation of the kinetic constant as it appears in the reactions 2 and 7 which brings as a consequence the instability when applying an explicit numerical method because for any change in so different scales. When this happens, it is said that the differential equation system is rigid. In order to solve the problem that the rigidity of a differential equation system represented we should use special numerical method that ensures precision and stability in its integration. To achieve this whit a classical explicit method it is required a lot of computing time, besides the possible instability. When using the semi implicit method, we developed a computer package using language C++ to solve the system of nonlinear ordinary differential equation. Solving the matrix system with the method mentioned above, it is found the numerical value of the concentration of the five chemical species for every time step, given the initial concentration. The computer program used to solve the system of differential equation was developed in UNAM