9 research outputs found

    Gastronomic Paradigms in Contemporary Western Cuisine: From French Haute Cuisine to Mass Media Gastronomy

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    Thomas Kuhn brings the concept of “paradigm” as the fundamental engine in the progress of humanity. Kuhn defines paradigms as the set of formal theories, experiments and work methods that define a process (scientific, economic, social, and in this case, contemporary haute cuisine), in a given time. According to Kuhn, progress does not happen by gradual accumulation of knowledge, but rather by abrupt advances. In this review, the conceptual evolution experienced by contemporary gastronomy (from the French Revolution to today) is analyzed applying the paradigm structure in light of the scientific knowledge of each era. It is thus reviewed how the first and second gastronomic paradigms, proposed, respectively, by Carême and Escoffier and based on food smell and taste the first and the flavor of the sauces the second, have been replaced by the third and fourth paradigms, led, respectively, by the Nouvelle Cuisine in France and Ferrán Adriá in Spain, and in whose development touch, sight, and sound have become increasingly prominent in gastronomic pleasure. Finally, it is analyzed how new trends in gastronomy: (1) worldwide diffusion of the Spanish tapas; (2) globalization of ethnic and fusion cuisines; (3) the growing disappearance of the professional gastronomic critique and its replacement bymassmedia influencers; (4) the increase of sustainability in cooking with development of local-, vegan-, and paleo-cooking, comfort, and smart food and finally, (5) the growing role of social networks and the self-itis linked to photography or foodstagramming in the gastronomic experience are leading toward a new gastronomic paradigm based on the global socialization of classic gastronomy

    PARP inhibition attenuates histopathological lesion in ischemia/reperfusion renal mouse model after cold prolonged ischemia

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    We test the hypothesis that PARP inhibition can decrease acute tubular necrosis (ATN) and other renal lesions related to prolonged cold ischemia/reperfusion (IR) in kidneys preserved at 4°C in University of Wisconsin (UW) solution. Material and Methods. We used 30 male Parp1+/+ wild-type and 15 male Parp10/0 knockout C57BL/6 mice. Fifteen of these wild-type mice were pretreated with 3,4-dihydro-5-[4-(1-piperidinyl)butoxyl]-1(2H)-isoquinolinone (DPQ) at a concentration of 15 mg/kg body weight, used as PARP inhibitor. Subgroups of mice were established (A: IR 45 min/6 h; B: IR + 48 h in UW solution; and C: IR + 48 h in UW solution plus DPQ). We processed samples for morphological, immunohistochemical, ultrastructural, and western-blotting studies. Results. Prolonged cold ischemia time in UW solution increased PARP-1 expression and kidney injury. Preconditioning with PARP inhibitor DPQ plus DPQ supplementation in UW solution decreased PARP-1 nuclear expression in renal tubules and renal damage. Parp10/0 knockout mice were more resistant to IR-induced renal lesion. In conclusion, PARP inhibition attenuates ATN and other IR-related renal lesions in mouse kidneys under prolonged cold storage in UW solution. If confirmed, these data suggest that pharmacological manipulation of PARP activity may have salutary effects in cold-stored organs at transplantation.Funding: This research was supported by CTS no. 138 Research Group and from the Carlos III Health Institute of the Spanish Ministery of Health and Consumer Affairs (Red de Investigación Renal, REDinREN 012/0021/0025). “FEDER una manera de hacer Europa”

    Enfermedad renal crónica: la carga sanitaria invisible para los organismos que

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    REDINREN RD16/0009.The uptake of the current concept of chronic kidney disease (CKD) by the public, physicians and health authorities is low. Physicians still mix up CKD with chronic kidney insufficiency or failure. In a recent manuscript, only 23% of participants in a cohort of persons with CKD had been diagnosed by their physicians as having CKD while 29% has a diagnosis of cancer and 82% had a diagnosis of hypertension. For the wider public and health authorities, CKD evokes kidney replacement therapy (KRT). In Spain, the prevalence of KRT is 0.13%. A prevalent view is that for those in whom kidneys fail, the problem is "solved" by dialysis or kidney transplantation. However, the main burden of CKD is accelerated aging and all-cause and cardiovascular premature death. CKD is the most prevalent risk factor for lethal COVID-19 and the factor that most increases the risk of death in COVID-19, after old age. Moreover, men and women undergoing KRT still have an annual mortality which is 10-100-fold higher than similar age peers, and life expectancy is shortened by around 40 years for young persons on dialysis and by 15 years for young persons with a functioning kidney graft. CKD is expected to become the fifth global cause of death by 2040 and the second cause of death in Spain before the end of the century, a time when 1 in 4 Spaniards will have CKD. However, by 2022, CKD will become the only top-15 global predicted cause of death that is not supported by a dedicated well-funded CIBER network research structure in Spain. Leading Spanish kidney researchers grouped in the kidney collaborative research network REDINREN have now applied for the RICORS call of collaborative research in Spain with the support of the Spanish Society of Nephrology, ALCER and ONT: RICORS2040 aims to prevent the dire predictions for the global 2040 burden of CKD from becoming true. However, only the highest level of research funding through the CIBER will allow to adequately address the issue before it is too late.El impacto del concepto actual de enfermedad renal crónica (ERC) en la población, médicos y autoridades sanitarias ha sido bajo. Los médicos aún confunden la ERC con la insuficiencia renal crónica. En un manuscrito reciente, en una cohorte de personas con ERC, solo el 23% de los participantes fueron diagnosticados de ERC por sus médicos mientras que el 29% estaban diagnosticados de cáncer y el 82% de hipertensión. Para el público en general y las autoridades sanitarias, la ERC evoca la terapia de reemplazo renal (TRR). En España, la prevalencia de TRR es del 0,13%. La opinión predominante es que para aquellos en los que fallan los riñones, el problema se “resuelve” mediante diálisis o trasplante de riñón. Sin embargo, la principal carga sanitaria de la ERC es el envejecimiento acelerado y la muerte prematura de causa cardiovascular o de cualquier causa. La ERC es el factor mas prevalente de riesgo de mortalidad por COVID-19 después de la edad avanzada. Además, los hombres y mujeres que se someten a TRR todavía tienen una mortalidad anual que es de 10 a 100 veces superior a sus pares de edades similares, y la esperanza de vida se reduce en alrededor de 40 años para jóvenes en diálisis y en 15 años para jóvenes con un injerto renal funcionante. Se espera que la ERC se convierta en la quinta causa mundial de muerte para 2040 y la segunda causa de muerte en España antes de fin de siglo, época en la que 1 de cada 4 españoles tendrá ERC. Sin embargo, para 2022, la ERC se convertirá en la única causa de muerte entre las 15 principales a nivel mundial que no cuenta con el respaldo de una estructura de investigación CIBER en España. Los Principales grupos de investigación renal en España agrupados en la red de investi- gación colaborativa renal REDINREN han solicitado la convocatoria RICORS de investigación colaborativa en España con el apoyo de la Sociedad Española de Nefrología, ALCER y ONT: RICORS 040 tiene como objetivo evitar que se hagan realidad las terribles predicciones sobre la carga mundial de ERC para 2040. Sin embargo, solo el más alto nivel de financiación de la investigación a través del CIBER permitirá abordar adecuadamente el problema antes de que sea demasiado tarde.REDINREN RD16/000

    GENYOi005-A: An induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) line generated from a patient with Familial Platelet Disorder with associated Myeloid Malignancy (FPDMM) carrying a p.Thr196Ala variant

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    Familial Platelet Disorder with associated Myeloid Malignancy (FPDMM) is a rare platelet disorder caused by mutations in RUNX1. We generated an iPSC line (GENYOi005-A) from a FPDMM patient with a non-previously reported variant p.Thr196Ala. Non-integrative Sendai viruses expressing the Yamanaka reprogramming factors were used to reprogram peripheral blood mononuclear cells from this FPDMM patient. Characterization of GENYOi005-A included genetic analysis of RUNX1 locus, Short Tandem Repeats profiling, alkaline phosphatase enzymatic activity, expression of pluripotency-associated factors and differentiation studies in vitro and in vivo. This iPSC line will provide a powerful tool to study developmental alterations of FPDMM patientsThis work was supported by the Ramon y Cajal (RYC-2015-18382) to PJR founded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness; the Instituto de Salud Carlos III-FEDER (CP12/03175 and CPII17/00032) to V.R-M., (PI17/01311) to M.L.L and J.R., (PI17/01966; Fundación Mutua Madrileña AP172142019; Premio Lopez Borrasca SETH 2019; GRS2061/A/19) to J.M.B. and (CPII15/00018 and PI16/01340) to PJR; by the Chair "Doctors Galera-Requena in cancer stem cell research" (CMC-CTS963) to J.A.M. and C.G-L

    Taste and olfactory status in a gourmand with a right amygdala lesion

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    In a patient with a lesion of the right amygdala and temporal pole who had the characteristics of the gourmand syndrome, sensory and hedonic testing was performed to examine the processing of taste, olfactory, and some emotional stimuli. The gourmand syndrome describes a preoccupation with food and a preference for fine eating and is associated with right anterior lesions. It was found that the taste thresholds for sweet, salt, bitter, and sour were normal; that the patient did not dislike the taste of salt (NaCl) at low and moderate concentrations as much as age-matched controls; that this also occurred for monosodium glutamate (MSG); that there were some olfactory differences from normal controls; and that there was a marked reduction in the ability to detect face expressions of disgust.This work was supported by the research projects HUM 02763 (Junta de Andalucia, Spain) and PSIC2011-23702 (MINECO, Spain)

    Validation of KDRI/KDPI for the selection of expanded criteria kidney donors

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    Introduction: KDRI/KDPI are tools use in kidney donor evaluation. It has been proposed as a substitute of, or complementary to preimplantation renal biopsy. These scores have not been validated in Spain. Objective: (1) To investigate the concordance between KDPI and histological scores (preimplantation renal biopsy) and (2) to assess the relationship between KDRI, KDPI and histological score on graft survival in the expanded criteria donors group. Methodology: Retrospective cohort study from 1 January 1998 to 31 December 2010. Results: During the study 120 donors were recruited, that resulted in 220 preimplantation renal biopsies. 144 (65%) grafts were considered suitable for kidney transplantation. 76 (34.5%) were discarded. Median follow up has been 6.4 years (sd 3.9). Median age 63.1 years (sd 8.2), males (145; 65.9%), non-diabetic (191; 86.8%) and without another cardiovascular risk factors (173; 78.6%). 153 (69.5%) donors died of cerebrovascular disease. There were significant differences in KDRI/KDPI score in both groups 1.56/89 (sd 0.22) vs 1.66/93 (sd 0.15), p < 0.01. The KDPI showed moderate concordance and correlation with the histological score (AUC 0.64/correlation coefficient 0.24, p < 0.01). KDPI (HR 24.3, p < 0.01) and KDRI (HR 23.3, p < 0.01) scores were associated with graft survival in multivariate analysis. Conclusion: (1) KPDI and histological scores show moderate concordance. The utility of both scores as combined tools it has to be determined. (2) KDPI score, and especially KDRI score, are valid for estimating graft survival and combined with the biopsy can help to individualized decision making in the expanded criteria donors pool. Resumen: Introducción: El KDRI y su variante KDPI son dos herramientas utilizadas para la valoración del donante renal. Se ha propuesto la utilidad del KDPI como sustituto/complementario a la biopsia renal preimplantación. Estos scores no están validados en España. Objetivo: 1) Investigar la concordancia entre los scores KDPI e histológico (biopsia renal preimplantación), y 2) valorar la relación entre el KDRI, KDPI y la puntuación histológica sobre la supervivencia del injerto, en donantes con criterios expandidos (ECD). Metodología: Estudio de cohortes, unicéntrico, retrospectivo desde el 1 de enero de 1998 hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2010. Resultados: Se reclutaron 120 donantes y 220 biopsias preimplantación. Ciento cuarenta y cuatro (65,5%) injertos fueron aptos para trasplante. Setenta y seis (34,5%) fueron descartados. Tiempo medio de seguimiento 6,4 años (ds 3,9). Edad media de los donantes 63,1 años (ds 8,2), varones (145; 65,9%), no diabéticos (191; 86,8%) y sin otros factores de riesgo cardiovascular (173; 78,6%). Causa de muerte mayoritaria ACV hemorrágico (153; 69,5%). La puntuación KDPI media entre los grupos riñón válido (1,56/89; ds 0,22) y no válido (1,66/93; ds 0,15) es estadísticamente significativa (p < 0,01). El KDPI mostró una concordancia y correlación moderadas con el score histológico (AUC 0,64/coeficiente de correlación 0,24, p < 0,01). Los scores KDPI (HR 24,3, p < 0,01) y KDRI (HR 23,3, p < 0,01) están relacionados con la supervivencia del injerto en el análisis multivariante. Conclusión: 1) Los scores KDPI e histológico presentan una concordancia moderada. 2) Las puntuaciones KDPI, y sobre todo KDRI, son válidas para estimar la supervivencia de los injertos y pueden ser utilizadas de forma combinada con la biopsia para la toma de decisiones individualizadas en el grupo de donantes con criterios expandidos. Keywords: Expanded criteria donors, KDPI, Renal kidney graft survival, Preimplantation kidney biopsy, Palabras clave: Donante con criterios expandidos, KDPI, Supervivencia del injerto renal, Biopsia preimplantació

    Validation of KDRI/KDPI for the selection of expanded criteria kidney donors

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    Introduction: KDRI / KDPI are tools use in kidney donor evaluation. It has been proposed as a substitute of, or complementary to preimplantation renal biopsy. These scores has not been validated in Spain. Objective: 1) To investigate the concordance between KDPI and histological scores (pre- implantation renal biopsy) and 2) To assess the relationship between KDRI, KDPI and histological score on graft survival in the expanded criteria donors group. Methodology: Retrospective cohort study from 1 January 1998 until 31 December 2010. Results: During the study 120 donors were recruited, that resulted in 220 preimplantation renal biopsies. 144 (65%) grafts were considered suitable for kidney transplantation. 76 (34.5%) were discarded. Median follow up has been 6.4 years (sd 3.9). Median age 63.1 years (sd 8.2), males (145; 65.9%), non-diabetic (191; 86.8%) and without another cardiovascular risk factors (173; 78.6%). 153 (69.5%) donors died of cerebrovascular disease. There were significant differences in KDRI/KDPI score in both groups 1.56/89 (sd 0.22) vs 1.66/93 (sd 0.15), p<0.01). The KDPI showed moderate concordance and correlation with the histological score (AUC 0.64 / correlation coefficient 0.24, p <0.01). KDPI (HR 24.3, p<0.01) and KDRI (HR 23.3, p<0.01) scores were associated with graft survival in multivariate analysis. Conclusion: 1) KPDI and histological scores show moderate concordance. The utility of both scores as combined tools it has to be determined. 2) KDPI score, and especially KDRI score, are valid for estimating graft survival and combined with the biopsy can help to individualized decision making in the expanded criteria donors pool.Introducción: El KDRI y su variante KDPI son dos herramientas utilizadas para la valoración del donante renal. Se ha propuesto la utilidad del KDPI como sustituto/complementario ala biopsia renal preimplantación. Estos scores no están validados en España.Objetivo: 1) Investigar la concordancia entre los scores KDPI e histológico (biopsia renal pre-implantación), y 2) valorar la relación entre el KDRI, KDPI y la puntuación histológica sobre la supervivencia del injerto, en donantes con criterios expandidos (ECD).Metodología: Estudio de cohortes, unicéntrico, retrospectivo desde el 1 de enero de 1998 hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2010.Resultados: Se reclutaron 120 donantes y 220 biopsias preimplantación. Ciento cuarenta y cuatro (65,5%) injertos fueron aptos para trasplante. Setenta y seis (34,5%) fueron descartados. Tiempo medio de seguimiento 6,4 años (ds 3,9). Edad media de los donantes 63,1 años (ds 8,2), varones (145; 65,9%), no diabéticos (191; 86,8%) y sin otros factores de riesgo cardiovascular (173; 78,6%). Causa de muerte mayoritaria ACV hemorrágico (153; 69,5%). La puntuación KDPI media entre los grupos riñón válido (1,56/89; ds 0,22) y no válido (1,66/93;ds 0,15) es estadísticamente significativa (p < 0,01). El KDPI mostró una concordancia y correlación moderadas con el score histológico (AUC 0,64/coeficiente de correlación 0,24,p < 0,01). Los scores KDPI (HR 24,3, p < 0,01) y KDRI (HR 23,3, p < 0,01) están relacionados con la supervivencia del injerto en el análisis multivariante. Conclusión: 1) Los scores KDPI e histológico presentan una concordancia moderada. 2) Las puntuaciones KDPI, y sobre todo KDRI, son válidas para estimar la supervivencia de los injertos y pueden ser utilizadas de forma combinada con la biopsia para la toma de decisiones individualizadas en el grupo de donantes con criterios expandidos

    Evaluation of corpora amylacea in refractory epilepsy

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    Objetivos: El objetivo de esta investigación es comprobar si existe relación entre la densidad de cuerpos amiláceos (CoA) y diferentes parámetros clínicos de la enfermedad. Comparar la valoración de CoA con la técnica de Hematoxilina-Eosina (HE) frente a la tinción de PAS. Evidenciar si existe relación entre la densidad de CoA hipocampales y la sobreexpresión de nestina. Métodos: Análisis histológico de muestras de 14 pacientes. Para el contaje de los CoA se utilizaron indistintamente los puntuajes en bruto, así como los valores por grados en una escala semicuantitativa según los criterios de Cherian et al. Para medir la evolución postquirúrgica se utilizó la escala de Engel modificada. Resultados: La proporción muestral que presenta CoA en el hipocampo concuerda con la proporción encontrada en diferentes estudios. Se han obtenido evidencias significativas para indicar que el contaje es distinto según el tipo de tinción, siendo mayor con la técnica del PAS. Se aprecia que la densidad de CoA en el hipocampo y corteza está relacionada directamente con su densidad en estructuras parahipocampales. Con respecto a la edad de inicio, hay indicios de significación. Igualmente sucede con la evolución postquirúrgica. En relación con la duración de periodo de crisis, puede observarse que las variables son independientes. Se ha encontrado una asociación directa entre la sobreexpresión de nestina y la densidad de CoA hipocampales. Conclusiones: En pacientes con Epilepsia Refractaria (ER), se constata un frecuente acúmulo de CoA, siendo mejor su evaluación con la tinción del PAS. Con respecto a la asociación entre la densidad de CoA y la edad de inicio de la enfermedad hay indicios de significación. Igualmente sucede con la evolución posquirúrgica. Sería conveniente continuar con las investigaciones en este campo para contrastar el papel de los CoA en la ER.Objectives: The purpose of this study is to check whether there is or not a relationship between CoA density and different clinical parameters of the disease established. Compare the assessment of CoA with Hematoxylin-Eosin technique against PAS staining. It is also intended to check if it exists a relationship between hippocampal CoA density and Nestine overexpression. Methods: Histological analysis of 14 patients. For the counting of the CoA, raw scores were used interchangeably, as well as discretized values on a semi-quantitative scale according to Cherian et al. criteria. The modified Engel scale was used to measure post-surgical evolution. Results: The proportion of CoA in the hippocampus matches the proportion found in different studies: 64.3%. At α=0.05, there is significant evidence to observe that the counting is different depending on the type of staining used in the slides. The average number of CoA is higher with the PAS. It is seen that the density of CoA in the hippocampus and cortex is directly related to its density in parahypocampal structures. With regard to the relation between CoA density and age of onset, there are signs of significance. As well as in the post-surgical evolution. With regard to the duration of the crisis period, was found that both variables are independent. Finally, it is observed that there is a direct association between Nestine overexpression and hippocampal CoA density. Conclusion: In patients with Refractory Epilepsy (ER), CoA presence is commonly verified, with a better evaluation with PAS staining. Respectfully to the relation between CoA density and age of onset, there are signs of significance, as well as post-surgical evolution with the modified Engel scale. It would be convenient to continue with the investigations in this field to contrast the role of CoA in ER