25 research outputs found

    Metallic spin-glasses beyond mean-field: An approach to the impurity-concentration dependence of the freezing temperature

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    A relation between the freezing temperature (TgT^{}_{\rm g}) and the exchange couplings (JijJ^{}_{ij}) in metallic spin-glasses is derived, taking the spin-correlations (GijG^{}_{ij}) into account. This approach does not involve a disorder-average. The expansion of the correlations to first order in Jij/TgJ^{}_{ij}/T^{}_{\rm g} leads to the molecular-field result from Thouless-Anderson-Palmer. Employing the current theory of the spin-interaction in disordered metals, an equation for TgT^{}_{\rm g} as a function of the concentration of impurities is obtained, which reproduces the available data from {\sl Au}Fe, {\sl Ag}Mn, and {\sl Cu}Mn alloys well.Comment: 4 figures. This is a strongly revised version, where several aspects have been improved, and the equation for the freezing temperature has been refined. It is equivalent to the published version in J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 25 (2013) 13600

    Two-fluid Taylor-Couette flow with countercurrent axial flow: Linear theory for immiscible liquids between corotating cylinders

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