876 research outputs found

    Significance of ISO7637 Pulse 2a to Integrated Circuits (ICs)

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    Year after year, an increasing number of electronic devices is introduced into vehicle designs. In order to address potential problems of these devices due to electrical transient disturbances, the standard ISO 7637 has been issued [1]. It deals with the emission of transients, transient transmission via electrical wiring and the potential susceptibility of electronic components to electrical transients. One of these transients is called “pulse 2a” [2]. It is supposed to simulate the voltage response of the partial load dump of a wiring harness. A corresponding schematic is shown in Figure 1. In this schematic, UA represents the power supply, SI is the ignition switch, LW models the inductive wiring harness, UDUT denotes the voltage drop across the device-under-test (DUT), RL represents the load and SL the load switch triggering a 2a pulse. The voltage waveform of UDUT with its characteristic parameters is depicted for two subsequent 2a pulses in Figure 2. The test pulses described in the different parts of ISO 7637 are stated to be characteristic of typical pulses [1]. Still, a device shall be subjected only to those tests in the relevant part of ISO 7637 which apply to that device. Only the tests necessary to replicate the use and mounting location of the device-under-test (DUT) shall be included in the test plan. In this way, ISO 7637 fosters a fit-for-use rather than a fit-for-standard qualification of devices as described in the Handbook of Robustness Validation [3]. Consequently, ISO 7637 points out the importance to know the correlation between laboratory tests and (the given) vehicle [1] and emphasizes the vehicle manufacturer's responsibility to define the test pulses (and failure criteria) required for a specific DUT [2]. EN 62215-3 [4] refers to ISO 7637-2 [2] and requires in chapter 4 and Annex D to apply pulse 2a directly to ICs, notwithstanding the application notes given in ISO 7637 [1] [2]. The only concession made to IC manufacturers is the allowance to demand an external protection. At the same time, it should be noted that 16 different pulse generators investigated in a round robin test in 2014 were found to give hardly reproducible results [5]. The reason for the poor reproducibility was attributed by the authors to the pulse shaping and decoupling networks of the pulse generators used as well as to loose or missing regulations in ISO 7637. Therefore, this paper investigates the applicability, usefulness and meaningfulness of pulse 2a as specified in ISO 7637 [1] [2] and its application to ICs as specified in EN 62215-3 [4]. The experimental set-ups are summarized in section 2. Two pulse 2a simulation models, their response to resistive and capacitive loads and their energy dissipation are introduced in section 3 and conclusions are drawn in section 4

    Measured Response of Local, Mid-range and Far-range Discontinuities of Large Metal Groundplanes using Time Domain Techniques

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    This work describes a method to detect and to quantify any local or mid-range discontinuity on extended flat metal planes. Often these planes are used for antenna calibration (open area test site-OATS) or the plane could be the ground of a semi-anechoic chamber used in Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) testing. The measurement uncertainty of antenna calibration or EMC testing depends on the groundplane's quality, which can be accessed using this method. A vector network analyzer with time-domain option is used to determine the complex-valued input scattering parameter S̄11,F of an aperture antenna in a monostatic setup. S̄11,F contains the information desired about the discontinuities and is measured in the frequency domain with high dynamic range. But only after a linear filtering utilizing the Chirp-Z-Transform the obtained time-domain signal S̄11,T give clear evidence of local and mid-range discontinuities

    Arc Magmas from Slab to Eruption: The Case of Kliuchevskoy Volcano

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    Arc magmas are generated by a number of mantle and crustal processes. Our multidisciplinary, long-term research is aimed at deciphering these processes for a single arc volcano, Kliuchevskoy volcano in Kamchatka. Some key results of the study follow: 1) Modeling of trace element and H2O contents in melt inclusions suggests that the primary magmas originate via hydrous flux-melting of the mantle wedge at temperatures close to the dry peridotite solidus. The role of decompression melting is minor or absent at Kliuchevskoy and other arc volcanoes built on relatively thick crust. 2) Geochemistry of high-Mg olivine suggests that primary Kliuchevskoy magmas have substantial contribution from olivine-free pyroxenite (up to 30 %), which could be formed by reaction of slab melts (or supercritical fluids) with mantle wedge peridotite. 3) Parental Kliuchevskoy melts start to crystallize as deep as the Moho boundary, and the erupted magmas reflect multistage and complex processes of crystallization, magma mixing and crustal assimilation. None of the Kliuchevskoy rocks analyzed thus far represent true primary melt compositions. 4) The Kliuchevskoy Holocene eruptive history is not steady-state in terms of eruption rate and geochemistry. There are two millenial cycles with major and trace element and OSr- Nd-Pb and U-series isotope compositions of the magmas changing gradually from more to less affected by crustal (?) assimilation. The onset of the cycles correlates with periods of enhanced volcanic activity in Kamchatka, suggesting that the extent of magma-crust interaction is inversely related to magma production rate and thus magma flux from the mantle

    Expression of interleukin 10 in human melanoma.

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    The expression of interleukin 10 (IL-10) mRNA in human malignant melanoma was investigated by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction analysis. Selective expression of IL-10 mRNA in tissues of primary melanomas and melanoma metastases was found in comparison with normal skin. In addition, strong expression of IL-10 mRNA and of biologically active IL-10 was detected in 3 out of 13 melanoma cell lines. Normal melanocytes consistently expressed low levels of IL-10 mRNA but did not produce detectable IL-10 protein, nor did keratinocytes or fibroblasts. The production of biologically active IL-10 by melanoma cell lines suggests that IL-10 mRNA in melanoma lesions may derive at least in part from the tumour cells themselves. Tumour-infiltrating cells, however, could also be a source of IL-10 in melanoma tissues. The presence of IL-10 in melanoma lesions may contribute to the postulated 'paralysis' of an anti-melanoma immune response

    A Reference Section Through Fast-Spread Lower Oceanic Crust, Wadi Gideah, Samail Ophiolite (Sultanate of Oman): Petrography and Petrology

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    In the absence of a complete profile through fast-spreading modern oceanic crust, we established a reference profile through the whole paleo crust of the Samail ophiolite (Sultanate of Oman), which is regarded as the best analogue for fast-spreading oceanic crust on land. To establish a coherent data set, we sampled the Wadi Gideah in the Wadi-Tayin massif from the mantle section up to the sheeted dikes and performed different analytical and structural investigations on the same suite of samples. This paper reports our studies of the lower crust, a 5 km thick pile of gabbros, focusing on petrographic features and on the results of mineral analyses. Depth profiles of mineral compositions combined with petrological modeling reveal insights into the mode of magmatic formation of fast-spreading lower oceanic crust, implying a hybrid accretion mechanism. The lower two thirds of the crust, mainly consisting of layered gabbros, formed via the injection of melt sills and in situ crystallization. Here, upward moving fractionated melts mixed with more primitive melts through melt replenishments, resulting in a slight but distinct upward differentiation trend. The upper third of the gabbroic crust is significantly more differentiated, in accord with a model of downward differentiation of a primitive parental melt originated from the axial melt lens located at the top of the gabbroic crust. Our hybrid model for crustal accretion requires a system to cool the deep crust, which was established by hydrothermal fault zones, initially formed on-axis at very high temperatures

    Inhibition of PI3K-AKT-mTOR Signaling Sensitizes Melanoma Cells to Cisplatin and Temozolomide

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    In melanoma, the PI3K-AKT-mTOR (AKT) and RAF-MEK-ERK (MAPK) signaling pathways are constitutively activated and appear to play a role in chemoresistance. Herein, we investigated the effects of pharmacological AKT and MAPK pathway inhibitors on chemosensitivity of melanoma cells to cisplatin and temozolomide. Chemosensitivity was tested by examining effects on growth, cell cycle, survival, expression of antiapoptotic proteins, and invasive tumor growth of melanoma cells in monolayer and organotypic culture, respectively. MAPK pathway inhibitors did not significantly increase chemosensitivity. AKT pathway inhibitors consistently enhanced chemosensitivity yielding an absolute increase of cell growth inhibition up to 60% (P<0.05, combination therapy vs monotherapy with inhibitors or chemotherapeutics). Cotreatment of melanoma cells with AKT pathway inhibitors and chemotherapeutics led to a 2- to 3-fold increase of apoptosis (P<0.05, combination therapy vs monotherapy) and completely suppressed invasive tumor growth in organotypic culture. These effects were associated with suppression of the antiapoptotic Bcl-2 family protein Mcl-1. These data suggest that inhibition of the PI3K-AKT-mTOR pathway potently increases sensitivity of melanoma cells to chemotherapy