21 research outputs found

    Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratio in PM1 and size segregated aerosol particles over the Baltic Sea

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    We analysed delta C-13 of total carbon (TC) and PN of total nitrogen (TN) in submicron (PM1) and size segregated aerosol particles ( PM0.056-2.5) collected during a cruise in the Baltic Sea from 9 to 17 November 2012. PM1 were characterized by the highest delta C-13 (-26.4 parts per thousand) and lowest delta N-15 (-0.2 and 0.8 parts per thousand) values when air masses arrived from the southwest direction (Poland). The obtained delta C-13 values indicated that combined emissions of coal and diesel/gasoline combustion were the most likely sources of TC. The depleted delta N-15 values indicated that TN originated mainly from liquid fuel combustion (road traffic, shipping) during this period. The lowest PC and highest delta N-15 values were determined in PM1 samples during the western airflow when the air masses had no recent contact with land. The highest delta N-15 values were probably associated with chemical aging of nitrogenous species during long-range transport, the lowest delta C-13 values could be related to emissions from diesel/gasoline combustion, potentially from ship traffic. The delta C-13 analysis of size-segregated aerosol particles PM0.056-2.5 revealed that the lowest delta C-13 values were observed in the size range from 0.056 to 0.18 mu m and gradual C-13 enrichment occurred in the size range from 0.18 to 2.5 mu m due to different sources or formation mechanisms of the aerosols

    Suppression of phase transitions and glass phase signatures in mixed cation halide perovskites

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    Cation engineering provides a route to control the structure and properties of hybrid halide perovskites, which has resulted in the highest performance solar cells based on mixtures of Cs, methylammonium, and formamidinium. Here, we present a multi-technique experimental and theoretical study of structural phase transitions, structural phases and dipolar dynamics in the mixed methylammonium/dimethylammonium MA1-xDMAxPbBr3 hybrid perovskites (0 ≤ x ≤ 1). Our results demonstrate a significant suppression of the structural phase transitions, enhanced disorder and stabilization of the cubic phase even for a small amount of dimethylammonium cations. As the dimethylammonium concentration approaches the solubility limit in MAPbBr3, we observe the disappearance of the structural phase transitions and indications of a glassy dipolar phase. We also reveal a significant tunability of the dielectric permittivity upon mixing of the molecular cations that arises from frustrated electric dipoles

    A 2,000-year record of eelgrass (zostera marina L.) colonization shows substantial gains in blue carbon storage and nutrient retention

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    Assessing historical environmental conditions linked to habitat colonization is important for understanding long-term resilience and improving conservation and restoration efforts. Such information is lacking for the seagrass Zostera marina, an important foundation species across cold-temperate coastal areas of the Northern Hemisphere. Here, we reconstructed environmental conditions during the last 14,000 years from sediment cores in two eelgrass (Z. marina) meadows along the Swedish west coast, with the main aims to identify the time frame of seagrass colonization and describe subsequent biogeochemical changes following establishment. Based on vegetation proxies (lipid biomarkers), eelgrass colonization occurred about 2,000 years ago after geomorphological changes that resulted in a shallow, sheltered environment favoring seagrass growth. Seagrass establishment led to up to 20- and 24-fold increases in sedimentary carbon and nitrogen accumulation rates, respectively. This demonstrates the capacity of seagrasses as efficient ecosystem engineers and their role in global change mitigation and adaptation through CO2 removal, and nutrient and sediment retention. By combining regional climate projections and landscape models, we assessed potential climate change effects on seagrass growth, productivity and distribution until 2100. These predictions showed that seagrass meadows are mostly at risk from increased sedimentation and hydrodynamic changes, while the impact from sea level rise alone might be of less importance in the studied area. This study showcases the positive feedback between seagrass colonization and environmental conditions, which holds promise for successful conservation and restoration efforts aimed at supporting climate change mitigation and adaptation, and the provision of several other crucial ecosystem services


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    Characterization of irradiated graphite in terms of 14C activity is crucial for the optimization of treatment technology: geological disposal, landfill storage, recycling, etc. The main contributor to 14C generation in the RBMK reactor graphite is 14N(n, p)14C reaction. The generation of carbon isotopes 13C and 14C in the virgin RBMK graphite samples irradiated at the LVR-15 research reactor (Research Centre Řež, Ltd.) were investigated in order to obtain the impurity concentration level of 14N. Afterwards the modeling of graphite activation in the RBMK-1500 reactor was performed by computer code MCNP6 using obtained 14N impurity concentrations and new nuclear data libraries. The irradiation parameters – neutron fluence have been checked by method based on coupling of stable isotope ratio mass spectrometry and computer modelling. The activity of 14C in the different constructions of irradiated graphite of the RBMK-1500 reactor has been measured by the β spectrometry technique (LSC) and has been compared with the simulated one. Obtained results have indicated the importance of 14C production from 14N in the RBMK-1500 reactor and in the LVR-15 neutron spectrum. Measured 14C specific activity values in the samples varied from 130-700 kBq/g in the RBMK-1500 irradiated samples and from 3-12.5 Bq/g in the LVR-15 irradiated graphite samples. This corresponds to 15±4 - 80±10 ppm impurity of 14N in various graphite samples of RBMK reactor


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    Characterization of irradiated graphite in terms of 14C activity is crucial for the optimization of treatment technology: geological disposal, landfill storage, recycling, etc. The main contributor to 14C generation in the RBMK reactor graphite is 14N(n, p)14C reaction. The generation of carbon isotopes 13C and 14C in the virgin RBMK graphite samples irradiated at the LVR-15 research reactor (Research Centre Řež, Ltd.) were investigated in order to obtain the impurity concentration level of 14N. Afterwards the modeling of graphite activation in the RBMK-1500 reactor was performed by computer code MCNP6 using obtained 14N impurity concentrations and new nuclear data libraries. The irradiation parameters – neutron fluence have been checked by method based on coupling of stable isotope ratio mass spectrometry and computer modelling. The activity of 14C in the different constructions of irradiated graphite of the RBMK-1500 reactor has been measured by the β spectrometry technique (LSC) and has been compared with the simulated one. Obtained results have indicated the importance of 14C production from 14N in the RBMK-1500 reactor and in the LVR-15 neutron spectrum. Measured 14C specific activity values in the samples varied from 130-700 kBq/g in the RBMK-1500 irradiated samples and from 3-12.5 Bq/g in the LVR-15 irradiated graphite samples. This corresponds to 15±4 - 80±10 ppm impurity of 14N in various graphite samples of RBMK reactor

    Suppression of phase transitions and glass phase signatures in mixed cation halide perovskites

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    Cation engineering provides a route to control the structure and properties of hybrid halide perovskites, which has resulted in the highest performance solar cells based on mixtures of Cs, methylammonium, and formamidinium. Here, we present a multi-technique experimental and theoretical study of structural phase transitions, structural phases and dipolar dynamics in the mixed methylammonium/dimethylammonium MA1-xDMAxPbBr3 hybrid perovskites (0 ≤ x ≤ 1). Our results demonstrate a significant suppression of the structural phase transitions, enhanced disorder and stabilization of the cubic phase even for a small amount of dimethylammonium cations. As the dimethylammonium concentration approaches the solubility limit in MAPbBr3, we observe the disappearance of the structural phase transitions and indications of a glassy dipolar phase. We also reveal a significant tunability of the dielectric permittivity upon mixing of the molecular cations that arises from frustrated electric dipoles