29 research outputs found

    Geographic Variation In Leporinus Friderici (bloch) (pisces:ostariophysi: Anostomidae) From The Paraná-paraguay And Amazon River Basins

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    Morphological variation among populations of Leporinus friderici (Bloch), an anostomid fish of widespread neotropical distribution, has been hypothesized but never conclusively demonstrated. We used multivariate procedures to examine patterns of morphometric variation among populations of L. friderici from three South American biogeographic regions: the Paraná-Paraguay River and Amazon River basins of Brazil, and the Marowijne River basin of Suriname. Samples from the southern Paraná-Paraguay basin are completely distinct from the northern Amazonian and Suriname regions in principal components analysis, primarily on the basis of body elongation and orbit differences. Samples from the two northern regions were separated in a size-free canonical variates analysis by differences in relative body depth. These results emphasize a need for further studies of neotropical fish species with similar distribution patterns. © 1992.21219720

    Distribuição Longitudinal Da Ictiofauna De Um Tributário Do Rio Tietê Com Nascentes Nas Cuestas Basalticas Do Estado De São Paulo, Sudeste Do Brasil

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    This work aimed to study the composition and distribution of fish species at four sites along Cabeça River, an affluent of Corumbataí River, tributary of Tietê River, intending to better understand the influence of local geomorphology on the occurrence of the species along the river. Using gill nets, trawl net, cast net and sieves, five samples were taken from each site every two months. These data were analyzed from constancy of occurrence, similarity index of Jaccard, rarefaction analysis and descriptive statistical analysis of richness. 4,532 fish individuals belonging to six different orders, 17 families and 65 species were captured. Differences in composition, richness (diversity), abundance and frequency were observed at these sites along the river. The sample site near the mouth of Cabeça River, was richer (49 species) and more abundant than the other three upstream sites, which showed fewer species and equivalent amounts each other (between 22 and 29 species). Moreover, this downstream site had the highest percentage of accessory species, whereas the other samples had a greater number of constant species. Cluster analysis from the Jaccard similarity showed that each site had distinct species composition. Cabeça River basin drains a rugged terrain in the state of São Paulo, between the Basaltic Cuestas and Peripheral Depression geomorphologic provinces. In this scenario, waterfalls and rapids influence the distribution, composition and richness of fish species. © 2016, Universidade Estadual de Campinas UNICAMP. All rights reserved.16