1 research outputs found

    Literacy Assessment and Evaluation for the 21st Century

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    Project Scope: Working with children is a main component of the literacy specialist program at SUNY Buffalo State. The literacy specialist candidates need a secure and simple way to view, upload, reflect upon, and receive feedback on videos of their work with children. It is our intent to embed videos in course modules for instruction. As well, we must create a secure means by which literacy specialist candidates can upload videos in Blackboard for reflection and feedback. Project goals: What do you want to accomplish during the Academy week? Project goals should adhere to student learning outcomes that have been approved by the Senate Curriculum Committee and be: To embed videos for course instruction (examples of assessment and evaluation with children) from Ensemble into Blackboard in four modules of two sections of EDU 642 on secure environment that are not downloaded. To create a means for literacy specialist candidates to securely upload videos of them assessing students and meeting with a parent in three modules of two sections of EDU 642 for reflection and feedback through Ensemble