19 research outputs found

    Regional Trends in Electromobility - Regional Study North America

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    The subproject “Regional Trends in Electro mobility” aims at identifying and analyzing major trends in the field of electro mobility. The trend analysis will monitor research effort and upcoming technologies, policies, products and market developments in different focus regions around the world continuously to enable a systematic analysis of global trends. The regional trend analysis for electro mobility is a major keystone for the project success and therefore cooperation with renowned international institutions in the field of electro mobility is foreseen. Objects of analysis in the subproject “Regional Trends in Electro mobility” include various forms of battery-electric, road-based vehicles ranging from e-bikes to electric buses, while the focus is on electric passenger cars. The analysis covers vehicles that have electric assisted drive systems as well as vehicles that derive all power from batteries. The focus is on all-electric passenger cars (BEV) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV). Mild hybrids and full hybrid are only included in the analysis if these vehicle types are of high relevance in the study region. Furthermore, associated technologies, infrastructures, business models and mobility concepts are under investigation. The analysis covers not only well-known vehicle technologies and mobility concepts, but also includes innovative approaches for electro mobility. At some points it may be necessary to include other vehicle technologies and mobility concepts in the analysis to assess the role of electro mobility. The term “vehicle” subsequently will address road-vehicles only

    Understanding the Impact of Local Policies and Initiatives on Plug-In Electric Vehicle Adoption \u2013 an In-Depth Study of the Sacramento Region

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    UC-ITS-2018-23The survey project described here is intended to be the beginning of a multi-year project on the effectiveness of various activities in growing consumer interest in purchasing BEVs in the Sacramento region. This survey in Sacramento shows that engagement in PEVs is moderate, based on the following results: 50% of respondents had seen some PEV-related advertising, mostly on television or in print media; 47% were aware of the California Clean Vehicle Rebate, and 46% aware of the federal tax credit; 40% could correctly name a PHEV, and 50% a BEV; 25% had sought out information on PEVs, mostly through the internet or speaking to car salespeople, friends, or family. Compared to respondents to a 2014 state-wide survey, a higher percentage of respondents to this 2018 Sacramento survey had seen charging stations, and a similar percentage, 3.3%, had actively shopped for a BEV. Ordinal logistic regression modelling indicated that the following factors were associated with having considered purchasing a BEV: being enthusiastic about PEVs, knowing someone by name who owns a PEV, having sought out information on PEVs, knowing how to refuel a PEV, and being familiar with the vehicles. Considering a BEV purchase was not associated with: having seen advertising, being aware of ride-and-drive events, having been in a PEV, having seen chargers, awareness of incentives, or the density of PEVs or charging stations near the respondent\u2019s home. Results suggest that respondents who are interested in BEVs are a self-selecting group whose interest is not the result of promotional activities. Existing efforts to engage the general population not yet had a significant impact on respondents thinking about purchasing a BEV. Future follow-up surveys will be able to track changes in respondent awareness, the impact of various advertising and awareness campaigns, and growing consumer engagement in PEVs over time