37 research outputs found

    Az antioxidáns rendszer ontogenezisének vizsgálata emlős állatfajokban = Studies on the ontogenesis of the antioxidant system in mammalian animal species

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    Újszülött malacok, csikók, bárányok és borjak vérében vizsgáltuk az antioxidáns rendszert. A vizsgálatokat a költségelvonás miatt csökkentettük, a témával kapcsolatos, részben más támogatású kísérleteket is bevontunk. Az újszülöttekben az anyaállatokhoz képest erős oxidatív hatást észleltünk, amit malacokban és borjakban elektronspin-rezonanciás mérésekkel is igazoltunk. Az antioxidáns védelem az újszülöttekben kivédte születési oxigén-stresszt. A vvs-MDA az élet első 3 hetében nagyobb volt a kérődzőkben, mint a csikókban és a malacokban. A vvs-MDA az idővel nem változott. A vérplazma nem enzimatikus védelmét jelző FRAP és az enzimatikus védelmet is jelző TAS értéke az újszülöttekben minden esetben jelentősen meghaladta az anyaállatokét. A FRAP később minden fajban, míg a TAS három fajban csökkent, a malacokban nőtt. A fajok antioxidáns rendszerének ontogenezise tehát eltér, amit a születéskori hemoglobin (fetalis/felnőttkori) aránya, a születés lefolyása, a fejlődési erély, a takarmányozás változásai befolyásolhatnak. Az ellés oxidatív stresszt okozó hatását tehenekben igazoltuk. ESR-rel bizonyítottuk, hogy csirke modellállaton is jelentős a kelés okozta oxidatív terhelés. Lymphomás kutyákban igazoltuk az antioxidáns védelem romlását. Nyulakban a hátizom zsírsavösszetételét és redox állapotát tanulmányoztuk. Tehenekben és házityúkban kolin- illetve zsírkiegészítéssel a az antioxidáns védelmet nem tudtuk jelentősen befolyásolni. | The antioxidant system was studied in the blood of newborn pigs, foals, lambs and calves during the first 3 weeks of life. As experiments had to be reduced due to cut of the budget, some related experiments were also used in the project. In newborns stronger oxidative damage was found than in the mothers, proved by measurement of free radicals by ESR spectrometry in pigs and calves. The antioxidant system protected the newborns from oxidative stress at birth. RBC-MDA was higher in the ruminants than in the piglets and foals during the first 3 weeks of life and did not change with age. Non-enzymatic defence of blood plasma (FRAP), and total antioxidant status (TAS) was significantly stronger in newborns than in adults. FRAP decreased in all species while TAS decreased in three and increased in pigs. Results proved a marked difference in the ontogenesis of the antioxidant system among species that might be explained by differences in hemoglobin structure of the newborns, process of delivery, growth development, and nutrition. The oxidative stress caused by calving was proven in dairy cows. In chicks ESR studies showed that hatching caused oxidative stress. In dogs with lymphoma the antioxidant defence decreased. Changes of the fatty acid composition and redox state in rabbit's muscle after electrical stimulation was significant. In cows and chicks we could not influence the antioxidant system by supplementation of food with choline and fat

    A Recurrent Suprapituitary Ependymal Cyst Managed by Endoscopy-Assisted Transsphenoidal Surgery in a Canine: A Case Report

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    A 9-years-old spayed female mixed-breed dog was referred for the evaluation of intermittent head tremors, obtundation, long-standing blindness, and a tendency to seek confined spaces. The dog lost its vision 6 months before the current presentation. A menace response was absent on ophthalmological examination. Neurological examination did not show any abnormalities. A cyst measuring 16 × 18 × 14 mm was observed above the pituitary gland on magnetic resonance imaging. It extended toward the frontal area and compressed the optic chiasm and hypothalamic regions. A minimum preoperative database, including the findings of other required blood tests, was prepared. No abnormal laboratory findings were observed. Endoscopy-assisted transsphenoidal hypophysectomy was performed to remove the pituitary gland, drain the cyst, and partially excise the cyst wall. Normal pituitary gland tissue was observed on histopathology, and the mass was found to have a neuroendocrine or ependymal origin on cytology. Strict post-operative laboratory tests were performed at 1-h intervals for 24 h. An empty sella turcica region, and a collapsed and empty cyst wall was observed on follow-up magnetic resonance imaging. After 3 days of observation, the dog was discharged with a prescription of substitution therapy. However, the dog presented with the same signs and symptoms 73 days after the surgery. Cyst recurrence was apparent on magnetic resonance imaging. The owner requested euthanasia, and an ependymal cyst was observed on necropsy. To the best of our knowledge, we present the first case of an intra- and suprasellar ependymal cyst, and its surgical management in a canine. The findings from this case suggest that endoscopic transsphenoidal drainage and hypophysectomy could be a good surgical approach in cases where involvement of the pituitary gland is confirmed or strongly suspected on the basis of cytological and imaging findings

    A közép- és a belső fül vizsgálata 3D képalkotó eljárások alkalmazásával kutyákban

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    A képalkotó eszközök használata a közép- és belső fül vizsgálatában gyakran megkerülhetetlen. A hagyományos röntgenfelvételezési technikák mellett egyre nagyobb jelentősége van a computer tomográfia (CT) és a mágneses rezonan-ciás képalkotás (MR) elterjedésének, amelyekkel vetülés nélküli, nagy felbontású és szenzitivitású képanyag nyerhető. Ezek segítségével pontosabb diagnózis, prognózis és terápiás terv állítható fel a betegség leküzdésére. A szerzők a CT-és MR-vizsgálati modalitások alkalmazását egy-egy beteg bemutatásával ismer-tetik

    Novel approach to magnetic resonance imaging of epileptic dogs — T2 relaxometry of the brain with emphasised hippocampus

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    Hippocampal sclerosis is the most common imaging finding of intractable human epilepsy, and it may play an important role in canine and feline epileptogenesis and seizure semiology, too. The magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) criteria of hippocampal sclerosis are T2 hyperintensity, shrinkage and loss of internal structure. The detection of these changes is often challenging by subjective visual assessment of qualitative magnetic resonance (MR) images. The recognition is more reliable with quantitative MR methods, such as T2 relaxometry. In the present prospective study including 31 dogs with idiopathic epilepsy and 15 control dogs showing no seizure activity, we compared the T2 relaxation times of different brain areas. Furthermore, we studied correlations between the hippocampal T2 values and age, gender and skull formation. We found higher hippocampal T2 values in the epileptic group than in the control; however, these findings were not statistically significant. No correlations were found with age, gender or skull formation. In the individual analysis six epileptic dogs presented higher hippocampal T2 relaxation times than the cut-off value. Two of these dogs were also evaluated as abnormal in the visual assessment. Individual analysis of hippocampal T2 relaxation times may be a helpful method to understand hippocampal involvement in canine epilepsy