5 research outputs found

    Affective attributions for psychological well-being: Pre-existing biases predict attributions of control, responsibility and credit.

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    Objectives: Previous research has identified a hierarchy of attributions for negative but preventable health outcomes (e.g. HIV/AIDS), from control, through responsibility, to blame, which becomes increasingly reliant upon subjective biases. This study investigated whether attributions of control, responsibility and credit for a positive outcome followed a comparably influenced systematic sequence. Design: A vignette-based questionnaire design was implemented. Primary outcome variables were scores on measures of attributions of control, responsibility and credit in response to the positive outcome described in a vignette. Additional variables were measured in order to investigate the reliance of attributions on pre-existing affective, behavioural, and attitudinal biases. Methods: Following their reading of a vignette describing an active pursuit of well-being, a self-selected sample of 144 adults completed online questionnaires measuring attributions of control, responsibility and credit. Measures of happiness, social acceptance, behaviour change, mental health locus of control, and just world beliefs were also completed. Results: Attributions of credit were significantly greater than those of control (p<.001) or responsibility (p<.001), whereas control and responsibility did not differ significantly. Happiness and mental health locus of control uniquely predicted attributions of control (ps<.05) and responsibility (ps<.005), whereas happiness (p=.002) and behaviour change (p=.049) uniquely predicted attributions of credit. Although a hierarchy for positive attributions was evidenced, findings suggest that biases, which deviate from systematic cognitive processing, are inherent to attributional reasoning. Conclusions: Future research is warranted to advance theories of positive attribution processes, with anticipated research impact for informing public policy and promoting observable behaviours that characterise psychological well-being

    Leadership management and organizational design in a security company

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    En la actualidad los emprendimientos personales o familiares en crecimiento enfrentan mayores retos en su gesti贸n, lo que hace necesario implementar nuevas herramientas de soporte administrativo y operativo. En ese sentido, es necesario realizar un an谩lisis de la gesti贸n de las empresas, identificar oportunidades de mejora y generar un plan de acci贸n para asegurar su competitividad y crecimiento. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo analizar el liderazgo, dise帽o organizacional y su importancia en una empresa de seguridad familiar en crecimiento. La metodolog铆a utilizada es cualitativa, apoyada en bases te贸ricas y antecedentes de estudios. Dicho esto, se ha identificado que la principal problem谩tica que afronta la empresa es la centralizaci贸n de funciones, debido a que la estructura inicial ya no es eficiente. Para alcanzar el objetivo del presente trabajo, se han identificado y analizado conceptos claves respecto a liderazgo, dise帽o organizacional, estructura, gesti贸n de empresas familiares y profesionalizaci贸n. De la revisi贸n realizada se concluye que, la empresa debe profesionalizarse debido a que requiere de un dise帽o organizacional, rol de funciones no solo para el personal sino tambi茅n definir el rol de la familia en la empresa y adem谩s contar con un plan de sucesi贸n que permita su continuidad.Currently, growing personal or family businesses face greater challenges in their management, which makes it necessary to implement new administrative and operational support tools. In this sense, it is necessary to carry out an analysis of company management, identify opportunities for improvement and generate an action plan to ensure their competitiveness and growth. The objective of this study is to analyze leadership, organizational design and its importance in a growing family security company. The methodology used is qualitative, supported by theoretical bases and background studies. That said, it has been identified that the main problem facing the company is the centralization of functions, because the initial structure is no longer efficient. To achieve the objective of this work, key concepts regarding leadership, organizational design, structure, family business management and professionalization have been identified and analyzed. From the review carried out, it is concluded that the company must become professional because it requires an organizational design, a role of functions not only for the staff but also to define the role of the family in the company and also have a succession plan that allows its continuity.Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesiona


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    DeliVit, es una propuesta de negocio que tiene como finalidad ofrecer yogurt y t茅 elaborados en base a la fruta de pitahaya. A trav茅s de estos productos, se busca aportar un gran valor nutricional a los consumidores, gracias a los beneficios que posee la fruta. Esta idea de negocio surge a ra铆z de la necesidad de las personas de consumir productos que ayuden a una alimentaci贸n y estilo de vida saludable. De esta manera se identific贸 a la fruta pitahaya, que posee beneficios tales como: Vitamina A, B y C, fibra, hierro y calcio. Reestablece la flora intestinal, previene enfermedades cardiovasculares, regula el nivel de az煤car en la sangre, antioxidantes naturales y activa la producci贸n de col谩geno. El segmento esta dirigido a mujeres de 20 a 50 a帽os, de NSE A, B y C, que residan en el distrito de Lima Metropolitana de las zonas 6 y 7. Asimismo, que busquen productos que beneficien el cuidado de la salud y alimentaci贸n. El proyecto nos permite ingresar al mercado con un producto innovador y competitivo. Los canales de venta ser谩n supermercados y tiendas por conveniencia. Para la puesta en marcha del proyecto se requiere una inversi贸n inicial de S/. 406, 773. 17. En el an谩lisis financiero se determin贸 que el proyecto obtendr谩 un VAN de S/. 950, 747.19, TIR 61% y periodo de recuperaci贸n de 2 a帽os y 1 mes. Por tanto, podemos determinar que el proyecto es viable, rentable y que genera valor para los inversionistas.DeliVit, is a business proposal that aims to offer yogurt and tea made from pitahaya fruit. We seek to provide great nutritional value to consumers through the beneficial properties of this fruit. This business idea arose from the need of people to consume products that contribute to develop a healthy diet and lifestyle. It was thus that the pitahaya was identified as a source of important nutrients, such as Vitamin A, B and C, fiber, iron, and calcium. It restores the intestinal flora, prevents cardiovascular diseases, regulates the level of blood sugar, provides natural antioxidants, and activates the production of collagen. This sector is aimed at women aged 20 to 50, from the A, B, and C categories of the socio-economic status (SES), living in in the areas 6 and 7 of the District of Lima Metropolitan. In addition, they are women who look for products that benefit health and food care. This project allows us to enter the market with an innovative and competitive product. The sales channels will be supermarkets and convenience stores. An initial investment of S/406,773.17 is required to start the project. In the financial analysis, it was determined that the project will obtain a NPV of S/950, 747.19, 61% IRR, and a recovery period of 2 years and 1 month. Therefore, we concluded that this project is viable, profitable, and it generates value for investors.Trabajo de investigaci贸