664 research outputs found

    Growth inhibition of Friend erythroleukaemia cell tumours in vivo by a synthetic analogue of prostaglandin A: an action independent of natural killer-activity.

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    Prostaglandins of the A series (PGAs) have been previously shown to inhibit the growth and to stimulate the differentiation of Friend erythroleukaemic cells (FLC) in vitro. In the present report we analysed the effect of PGA treatment in vitro on FLC tumorigenicity, and in vivo on FLC proliferation and on natural killer (NK) activity. PGA1 pretreatment of FLC in vitro for 5 days before inoculation into syngeneic mice slightly delayed tumour appearance, but did not significantly alter the pattern of tumour growth or mice survival, indicating that PGA1, at least in the conditions studied, did not affect FLC tumorigenicity. Daily treatment of mice with a long-acting synthetic analogue of PGA2 (16, 16 dimethyl-PGA2-methyl ester, di-M-PGA2) delayed tumour appearance, inhibited tumour growth, as measured by tumour weight and diameter, and increased the median mice survival time by 15-35%, depending on the schedule of treatment. Daily treatment with di-M-PGA2 strongly suppressed NK activity in normal mice but had no significant effect in tumour-bearing immunodepressed mice. PGA treatment of effector or target cells in vitro, or PGA added during the NK assay, had no effect on NK activity. We suggest that the chemotherapeutic effect of PGA is due to a direct action on tumour cell replication rather than to a stimulation of the host NK activity

    Inhibition of NF-κB activation sensitizes U937 cells to 3′-azido-3′-deoxythymidine induced apoptosis

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    In this study, we investigated molecular mechanisms underlying low susceptibility to apoptosis induced by the nucleoside analog azidothymidine (AZT) and the role of nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) activation in these phenomena. A preliminary screening in different cell lines indicated U937 monocytic cell line as suitable to this purpose. Treatment of U937 cells even with suprapharmacological concentrations of AZT induced only moderate levels of apoptosis. Surprisingly, SuperArray analysis showed that AZT induced the transcriptional activity of both pro- and anti-apoptotic genes. Interestingly, moreover, several genes upregulated by AZT were NF-κB related. In fact, AZT, after an initial inhibition of NF-κB activation with respect to control, induced a transient, but consistent, increase in NF-κB-binding activity. Inhibition of NF-κB activation in U937 cells, stably transfected with a dominant-negative IκBα or by pharmacological treatment, sensitized them to apoptosis induced by AZT and impaired the upregulation of anti-apoptotic genes in response to AZT treatment, with respect to control cells. These results indicate that NF-κB activation by AZT has a role in protecting target cells from apoptotic cell death, improving our understanding of the toxicology and the therapeutic usage of this drug

    Dietary and protective factors to halt or mitigate progression of autoimmunity, covid-19 and its associated metabolic diseases

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    COVID-19 is without any doubt the worst pandemic we have faced since the H1N1 virus outbreak. Even if vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 infection is becoming increasingly available, a more feasible approach for COVID-19 prevention and therapy is still needed. Evidence of a pathological link between metabolic diseases and severe forms of COVID-19 has stimulated critical reflection and new considerations. In particular, an abnormal immune response observed in certain patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection suggested possible common predisposing risk factors with autoimmune diseases such as Type 1 Diabetes (T1D). Correct supplementation with dietary factors may be key to preventing and counteracting both the underlying metabolic impairment and the complications of COVID-19. A set of agents may inhibit the cytokine storm and hypercoagulability that characterize severe COVID-19 infection: vitamin D3, omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, polyphenols like pterostilbene, polydatin and honokiol, which can activate anti-inflammatory and antioxidant sirtuins pathways, quercetin, vitamin C, zinc, melatonin, lactoferrin and glutathione. These agents could be highly beneficial for subjects who have altered immune responses. In this review, we discuss the antiviral and metabolic effects of these dietary factors and propose their combination for potential applications in the prevention and treatment of COVID-19. Rigorous studies will be fundamental for validating preventive and therapeutic protocols that could be of assistance to mitigate disease progression following SARS-CoV-2 infection

    Variations of neck structures after supracricoid partial laryngectomy: a multislice computed tomography evaluation

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    Background: Surgery of laryngeal cancer used to profoundly alter the anatomy of the cervical region. Accurate anatomo-embryologic studies and repeated surgical trials allowed recognition of the cricoarytenoid complex as the smallest anatomofunctional unit able to maintain all the laryngeal functions. Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine whether significant variations of neck anatomical parameters exist after partial laryngectomy, and to analyze whether some of these parameters are associated with a positive functional outcome. Methods: Out of 48 patients treated with a surgical technique according to Mayer-Piquet (cricohyoidoepiglottopexy, CHEP) over a 6-year period, 18 patients were enrolled in the study. Patients were all males with a mean age of 60 years. Cervical structures and their relationships were measured by computed tomography, and the measurements before and after surgery were compared. Results: Our data showed that hyoid bone is modified, both in morphology and position during CHEP. More specifically the relation of the hyoid bone to other neck structures ( identified by the alpha-angle) is modified. The neolarynx and trachea undergo a caudocranial shift. All diameters of the cricoid cartilage remain unchanged after surgery. The position of the epiglottis after CHEP, in particular its relation with the arytenoid cartilage, is closely related to swallowing function outcome and recovery time. Conclusions: Our study showed that these structures, and more specifically the relations among them, undergo significant variations after CHEP. Our results identify some parameters, i.e. the alpha-angle, width of the hyoid bone and position of the epiglottis, that may predispose to a positive functional outcome after surgery

    Interferon-alpha-induced inhibition of B16 melanoma cell proliferation:interference with the bFGF autocrine growth circuit.

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    Nerve growth factor is an autocrine survival factor for memory B lymphocytes

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    AbstractProduction of nerve growth factor (NGF) was assessed in cultures of human T and B lymphocytes and macrophages. NGF was constitutively produced by B cells only, which also expressed surface p140trk-A and p75NGFR molecules and hence efficiently bound and internalized the cytokine. Neutralization of endogenous NGF caused disappearance of Bcl-2 protein and apoptotic death of resting lymphocytes bearing surface IgG or IgA, a population comprising memory cells, while surface IgM/IgD “virgin” B lymphocytes were not affected. In vivo administration of neutralizing anti-NGF antibodies caused strong reduction in the titer of specific IgG in mice immunized with tetanus toxoid, nitrophenol, or arsonate and reduced numbers of surface IgG or IgA B lymphocytes. Thus, NGF is an autocrine survival factor for memory B lymphocytes

    Spinal vascular lesions: anatomy, imaging techniques and treatment

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    Vascular lesions of the spinal cord are rare but potentially devastating conditions whose accurate recognition critically determines the clinical outcome. Several conditions lead to myelopathy due to either arterial ischemia, venous congestion or bleeding within the cord. The clinical presentation varies, according with the different aetiology and mechanism of damage

    Differences between Proximal versus Distal Intraorbital Optic Nerve Diffusion Tensor Magnetic Resonance Imaging Properties in Glaucoma Patients

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    Purpose. To analyze in vivo the diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging (DT-MRI) properties of the intraorbital optic nerve at two different levels: Proximal to the optic nerve head (ONH) and distal to the ONH at the level of the orbital apex in glaucoma patients. Methods. Twenty-four patients with primary open-angle glaucoma were examined. The categorization into early and severe glaucoma was performed by Hodapp's classification. Fifteen healthy individuals served as controls. DT-MRI was performed with a 3T-MR unit. Results. At early stage mean diffusivity (MD) values were higher at the proximal site with respect to the distal site. On the contrary, a decrease in fractional anisotropy (FA) was observed only relative to patient stage, independent of optic nerve site. Moreover, at early disease stage an increase in overall diffusivities, was evident at the proximal site, whereas at the distal site a decrease of the largest diffusivity and an increase in both the intermediate and smallest diffusivities were observed. FA and MD measured at the proximal site, had, respectively, the highest sensitivity and specificity in discriminating between healthy and glaucomatous eyes. Conclusions. Our study represents the first attempt to evaluate in vivo fiber integrity changes along the optic nerve with DT-MRI. Optic nerve degeneration appears to be a process that affects differently the proximal and the distal segments of the optic nerve. The complementary high sensitivity of FA with the high specificity of MD at the proximal site may provide reliable indexes for the identification of glaucomatous patients at early stages