46 research outputs found

    Multiple Equilibria and Indeterminacy in an Optimal Growth Model with Endogenous Capital Depreciation

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    This paper extends an otherwise standard one-sector neoclassical growth model by postulating that the depreciation rate of physical capital depends on the agent's efforts on maintenance and repairs. Specifically, we introduce endogenous depreciation into the standard optimal growth model via two different mechanisms and examine the steady state and the dynamics of the model economy qualitatively and quantitatively. We find that with plausibel parameter values, multiple equilibria and indeterminacy can arise in simply modified optimal growth model.Multiple Equilibria, Indeterminacy, Endogenous Depreciation

    Inflation Aversion and the Optimal Inflation Tax

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    The optimal inflation tax is reexamined in the framework of dynamic second best economy populated by individuals with inflation aversion. A simple formula for the optimal inflation rate is derived. Different from the literature, it is shown that if the marginal excess burden of other distorting taxes approaches zero, Friedman's rule for optimum quantity of money is not optimal, and the optimal inflation tax is negative; if the marginal excess burden of other taxes is nonzero, the optimal inflation rate is indeterminate and relies on the tradeoffs between the impatience effect of inflation and the effects of other economic forces in the monetary economy.Inflation aversion, Optimal inflation tax, Second best taxation, The friedman rule

    A New Approach to Inflation Aversion

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    This paper reexamines monetary non-superneutrality and the optimality of the optimum quantity of money in the money-in-utility Sidrauski model with endogenous fluctuations of the time preference by introducing in?ation aversion. It is shown that the long-run superneutrality of the standard Sidrauski model does not hold, and Friedman's optimum quantity of money is not optimal.Inflation Aversion, Endogenous Time Preference, Monetary Superneutrality, Optimum Quantity of Money

    Keynesian time preferences and monetary superneutrality

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    By introducing Keynesian time preference, we reexamine the neoclassical growth model with endogenous time preference. It is shown that the existence, uniqueness, and stability of the steady state guarantee. When introduced by MIU, money is superneutral and the Friedman rule is optimal. Furthermore, the equilibrium real rate of return is equal to the equilibrium rate of time preference and is the unique fixed point of the time preference function

    Time Preference and Interest Rate in a dynamic general Equilibrium Model

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    This paper reexamines the relationship between the time preference rate and the real interest rate in the neoclassical growth model by introducing Keynesian time preference. It is shown that the long-run behavior of the neoclassical growth model persists. When introduucing money by money-in-utility, money is superneutral and the optimal monetary policy is the Friedman rule

    The spirit of capitalism and optimal capital taxation

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    The paper reexamines the famous Chamley-Judd zero capital tax theorem in model economies where the agents are endowed with the spirit of capitalism. It is shown that the limiting capital income tax is not zero in general and depends on the utility specifications rather than the production technology. The similar formulas of optimal capital taxes are derived in more general settings with multiple physical capitals or heterogeneous agents (capitalists and workers)

    Model Uncertainty, the Spirit of Capitalism and Asset Pricing

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    This paper examines how a preference for robustness affects optimal consumption-portfolio rules as well as the equilibrium asset returns when investors care about their social status (or they have the spirit of capitalism). It is shown that the interaction of these two preferences leads to higher equity premium by enhancing investors's effetive risk aversion and making them more conservative in risk-taking. In addition, we find that they also lead to greater precautionary savings and lower risk-free rate in general equilibrium. We then show that the interaction of the two preferences has the potential to resolve the equity premium puzzle and the risk-free rate puzzle for plausible parameter values. helps to resolve the equity premium and the risk-free rate puzzle

    Model Uncertainty, the Spirit of Capitalism and Asset Pricing

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    This paper examines how a preference for robustness affects optimal consumption-portfolio rules as well as the equilibrium asset returns when investors care about their social status (or they have the spirit of capitalism). It is shown that the interaction of these two preferences leads to higher equity premium by enhancing investors's effetive risk aversion and making them more conservative in risk-taking. In addition, we find that they also lead to greater precautionary savings and lower risk-free rate in general equilibrium. We then show that the interaction of the two preferences has the potential to resolve the equity premium puzzle and the risk-free rate puzzle for plausible parameter values. helps to resolve the equity premium and the risk-free rate puzzle

    Multiple equilibria in Lucas (1990)'s optimal capital taxation model with endogenous learning

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    In the paper we solve the general case of the Lucas (1990) optimal capital taxation model with endogenous growth driven by endogenous learning. We prove Lucas (1990)'s conjecture on zero limiting capital tax and display the possibility of multiple equilibria (i.e., multiple BGPs) in the model

    The Demand for Status and Optimal Capital Taxation

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    The paper examines the famous Chamley-Judd zero capital tax theorem in model economies where agents care about their social status. We show that the limiting capital income tax is not zero in general and its sign depends only on the utility specifications. Our conclusion is robust to several important extensions: the model with multiple physical capitals, the model with both human and physical capitals, and the one with heterogeneous agents