15 research outputs found

    台灣民俗宗教之空間活動- 以玄天上帝祭祀活動為例-

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    [[abstract]]本文以玄天上市祭祀活動為例,探討台灣地區民俗宗教的空間交互作用歷程:首先藉 由文獻史料的歸納,呈現台灣地區玄天上帝信仰的擴展歷程,其次從群體性的祭祀活 動中觀察民俗宗教的空間組織,並且闡釋民俗宗教祭祀活動的時空意義,最後對信徒 的信仰認知與環境識覺作概略性的探討。 一、台灣地區玄天上帝信仰的起源與擴展反應了來台漢民的播遷歷程,也反應了漢人 社會在台生根茁長的經過。 二、千秋祭典、巡境、建醮等群體性祭祀活動象徵著廟宇核心區及其祭祀圈的內部運 作,進香活動則指出了廟宇的廟宇之外部關係。 1.玄天上帝廟宇的空間組織已呈現「極化」現象,松柏嶺受天官顯然已成為當今玄天 上帝信仰的「核心」。 2.受天宮玄天上帝信仰階層組織的形成過程可以從其對外分火或提供準事服務的範圍 以及各地進香團前來進香的情形加以歸納得知。 3.從地理學的觀點剖析一個信仰核心的形成原因,除了歸諸超自然的「風水」或「神 明靈驗」因素之外,當然也不能忽略掉在實質環境中交互運作的「供應拉力」(supp ly pull )及「需求推力」(demand push )因素。 三、從進香活動的時節律動情形,觀察祭祀活動的時空意義並藉以闡述國人的生活世 界。 1.就大尺度的時空而言,台灣地區開拓背景的區域差異、社會環境的變遷以及距離因 素同樣是影響寺廟與寺廟間交互成用歷程的重要因子。 2.進香活動的季節性變化是中國社會之社會生態時間(socia-ecological time )的 回應。 3.從「交香掬火」儀式之時辰的變遷情形則可以窺知國人心理時間的轉變。而社會背 景的變遷與運輸革命的衝擊更得進香園安排行程的方式發生變化。 4.就進香者的環境識覺與信仰認知而言:一般民眾的宗教行為雖然是「逢廟燒香,見 神即拜」的,但是對於不同動機的進香者而言,不同的宗教體驗將影響他們的信仰認 知與環境識覺。


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    [[abstract]]本研究旨在探討我國AI技術的發展現況與問題;並比較分析美、日兩國AI產業的特性 與市場規模以及發展趨勢。進而再提出建議,作為我國未來推展AI產業和相關人力培 訓策略之參考。 本研究採用文獻分析法、專家學者座談法並配合問卷調查法進行。調查結果發現:我 國目前AI系統的研發大多屬於「系統可行性評估」及「尚在發展」的階段;而進入「 雛型系統」和「實用化」者則較少。且投人AI應用的單位比例不高。AI應用領域中以 「專家系統」的應用最為普遍;且大多用於解決「診斷」和「分析」類型的問題。現 階段發展AI系統最大的困難在於「程式設計師之AI經驗不足(缺乏知識工程師)」。 沒有發展AI系統的單位,其原因以「不了解AI技術如何應用」的比例最高。對於未來 我國發展AI產業應加強事項, 近百分之八十填答者認為要「蒐集並提供先進國家AI發 展趨勢及技術和經驗」。 依據研究發展與研究目的獲致主要的結論如下: 一、未來AI技術若不能突破, 則AI產業的進展將會緩慢下來。 二、我國在AI的應用上有明顯落后的現象, 亟需迎頭趕上。 三、AI產業仍具有極大的發展空間,頗適合我國發展。 據此,本研究提出未來我國推展AI產業,在策略之訂定與人力規劃等方面的建議,藉 供有關單位參考。

    Long-term assessment of wave conditions and wave energy resource in the Arctic Ocean

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    It was recently shown that the Arctic has been warming much faster than the rest of the globe during the last decades. This warming has reduced the ice extent significantly, which will strongly impact the wave climate in the Arctic regions, thus affecting the design of marine structures, operations, and energy resources. This study focuses on the higher latitudes, and uses the advanced wave hindcast NORA3, which covers a big part of the North Atlantic and the whole Arctic Ocean, to analyze the spatio–temporal properties of wave height and wave energy flux during the last three decades. The most energetic waves in the Arctic Ocean are observed in the Greenland Sea and the Barents Sea. The study shows that the substantial diminishing of sea ice in the Arctic induces local and regional changes in both mean and extreme wave conditions. In the Arctic Ocean the changes in extreme wave height are more pronounced compared to changes in mean wave conditions. The results also indicate a strong positive trend in the extreme wave heights in the Arctic regions of the Barents Sea, the Kara Sea, the Laptev Sea, the East Siberian Sea, the Chukchi Sea, and the Beaufort Sea.Offshore Engineerin

    Effects of a passive tuned mass damper on blade root impacts during the offshore mating process

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    Single-blade installation is a conventional method for installing blades on monopile-type offshore wind turbines. A jack-up crane vessel is commonly used, and individual blades are lifted to the tower top height and mated with the hub. The relative motions between the hub and blade root during the mating phase, partly due to wind-induced blade motion and partly due to wave-induced monopile motion, can induce substantial impact forces at the blade root. This can cause severe damage at the blade root connections and have a high potential to jeopardise the installation task. Mitigation measures are therefore required to limit the relative motion between the hub and the root during the mating process. In this article, we investigate the effects of a passive tuned mass damper (TMD) on the (1) impact velocities manifested between the blade root and hub during the mating phase and (2) its effect on the response-based limiting sea states. Time-domain multi-body simulations of an installation system characterising the mating operation with and without a TMD for collinear and misaligned wind and wave conditions have been performed, and the effectiveness of TMD for controlling the impact velocity is quantified. Furthermore, finite element analyses are performed to determine the threshold velocity of impact for a scenario in which a blade root with a guide pin suffers a sideways impact with the hub. It is found that the tuned mass damper can reduce the relative impact velocities by more than 40% and can substantially expand the allowable sea states and operability for the mating operation. Moreover, the effectiveness of TMD at reducing the impact velocity increases with increasing significant wave height (Hs); however, it decreases with increasing wind-wave misalignment and with shifts in the wave spectral peak period (Tp) away from the tuned frequency. The findings of the study can be utilised for planning safe and cost-efficient installation of latest-generation wind turbine blades.Aerospace Manufacturing Technologie

    A comparison of two fully coupled codes for integrated dynamic analysis of floating vertical axis wind turbines

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    This paper presents a comparison of two state-of-the-art codes that are capable of modelling floating vertical axis wind turbines (VAWTs) in fully coupled time-domain simulations, being the HAWC2 by DTU and the SIMO-RIFLEX-AC code by NTNU/MARINTEK. The comparative study focusses on the way aerodynamics, hydrodynamics and structural dynamics are treated for DeepWind’s 5MW Darrieus rotor mounted on a modified OC3 spar platform. The relevant modelling differences are described, followed by an introduction to the spar VAWT concept and selected load cases. Isolation of the aerodynamic model is achieved using an equivalent rigid land-based VAWT in steady wind-only environments. The added complexity in SIMO-RIFLEX-AC’s aerodynamic model has shown to increase aerodynamic torque at tip-speed ratios above 2.5. Differences in the hydrodynamic and structural models were brought forward through fully coupled analyses in turbulent wind and irregular wave climates. It is found that the simplified mooring system in HAWC2 introduces a 2P yaw response (1P in SIMO-RIFLEX-AC), stronger motion coupling in surge-heave and a largely reduced mooring line tension since the dynamics of mooring lines are not considered. Indications are given that a higher tower mode is excited by 4P aerodynamic loading; an effect that is significantly stronger in HAWC2.Wind Energ

    Effects of Wind-Wave Misalignment on a Wind Turbine Blade Mating Process: Impact Velocities, Blade Root Damages and Structural SafetyAssessment

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    Most wind turbine blades are assembled piece-by-piece onto the hub of a monopile-type offshore wind turbine using jack-up crane vessels. Despite the stable foundation of the lifting cranes, the mating process exhibits substantial relative responses amidst blade root and hub. These relative motions are combined effects of wave-induced monopile motions and wind-induced blade root motions, which can cause impact loads at the blade root’s guide pin in the course of alignment procedure. Environmental parameters including the wind-wave misalignments play an important role for the safety of the installation tasks and govern the impact scenarios. The present study investigates the effects of wind-wave misalignments on the blade root mating process on a monopile-type offshore wind turbine. The dynamic responses including the impact velocities between root and hub in selected wind-wave misalignment conditions are investigated using multibody simulations. Furthermore, based on a finite element study, different impact-induced failure modes at the blade root for sideways and head-on impact scenarios, developed due to wind-wave misalignment conditions, are investigated. Finally, based on extreme value analyses of critical responses, safe domain for the mating task under different wind-wave misalignments is compared. The results show that although misaligned wind-wave conditions develop substantial relative motions between root and hub, aligned wind-wave conditions induce largest impact velocities and develop critical failure modes at a relatively low threshold velocity of impact.Aerospace Manufacturing Technologie

    Bondline thickness effects on damage tolerance of adhesive joints subjected to localized impact damages: Application to leading edge of wind turbine blades

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    The leading edges of wind turbine blades are adhesively bonded composite sections that are susceptible to impact loads during offshore installation. The impact loads can cause localized damages at the leading edges that necessitate damage tolerance assessment. However, owing to the complex material combinations together with varying bondline thicknesses along the leading edges, damage tolerance investigation of blades at full scale is challenging and costly. In the current paper, we design a coupon scale test procedure for investigating bondline thickness effects on damage tolerance of joints after being subjected to localized impact damages. Joints with bondline thicknesses (0.6 mm, 1.6 mm, and 2.6 mm) are subjected to varying level of impact energies (5 J, 10 J, and 15 J), and the dominant failure modes are identified together with analysis of impact kinematics. The damaged joints are further tested under tensile lap shear and their failure loads are compared to the intact values. The results show that for a given impact energy, the largest damage area was obtained for the thickest joint. In addition, the joints with the thinnest bondline thicknesses displayed the highest failure loads post impact, and therefore the greatest damage tolerance. For some of the thin joints, mechanical interlocking effects at the bondline interface increased the failure load of the joints by 20%. All in all, the coupon scale tests indicate no significant reduction in failure loads due to impact, hence contributing to the question of acceptable localized damage, i.e., damage tolerance with respect to static strength of the whole blade.Aerospace Manufacturing TechnologiesAerospace Structures & Computational Mechanic

    The Contribution of Astragalus adsurgens Roots and Canopy to Water Erosion Control in the Water-Wind Crisscrossed Erosion Region of the Loess Plateau, China

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    Simulated rainfall experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of Astragalus adsurgens roots and canopy on water erosion yield, erosion processes and soil resistance to erosion. Experiments were conducted on grass, root and bare slopes, with sandy soil from a water-wind crisscrossed erosion region of the Loess Plateau, China. A. adsurgens coverage on grass slopes was approximately 40%. There were three rainfall intensities of 30, 60 and 90mmh(-1) and four slope gradients of 3, 6, 9 and 12 degrees. A. adsurgens had a significant effect on soil erosion control; soil loss was reduced by similar to 70% on slopes with the grass compared with bare slopes. The grass roots reduced soil loss more than its canopy, particularly in high-intensity rainfall, which reduced soil loss by 82%. The presence of the grass and its roots changed the soil erosion process, reducing soil erodibility (K-r) and increasing the critical shear stress ((c)). The soil erosion rate on the bare slope increased steadily over time; on the grass and root slopes, its rate initially increased, then decreased and then finally stabilized. K-r on the grass and root slopes was reduced by 96% and 89%, respectively, compared with the bare slope, while the corresponding (c) increased by 92% and 195% respectively. These results provide insights into the mechanisms of grass on soil and water conservation and may help to improve vegetation construction in water-wind crisscrossed erosion regions of the Loess Plateau. Copyright (c) 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd