29 research outputs found

    Carbonaceous matter in the atmosphere and glaciers of the Himalayas and the Tibetan plateau: An investigative review

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    Carbonaceous matter, including organic carbon (OC) and black carbon (BC), is an important climate forcing agent and contributes to glacier retreat in the Himalayas and the Tibetan Plateau (HTP). The HTP – the so-called “Third Pole” – contains the most extensive glacial area outside of the polar regions. Considerable research on carbonaceous matter in the HTP has been conducted, although this research has been challenging due to the complex terrain and strong spatiotemporal heterogeneity of carbonaceous matter in the HTP. A comprehensive investigation of published atmospheric and snow data for HTP carbonaceous matter concentration, deposition and light absorption is presented, including how these factors vary with time and other parameters. Carbonaceous matter concentrations in the atmosphere and glaciers of the HTP are found to be low. Analysis of water-insoluable organic carbon and BC from snowpits reveals that concentrations of OC and BC in the atmosphere and glacier samples in arid regions of the HTP may be overestimated due to contributions from inorganic carbon in mineral dust. Due to the remote nature of the HTP, carbonaceous matter found in the HTP has generally been transported from outside the HTP (e.g., South Asia), although local HTP emissions may also be important at some sites. This review provides essential data and a synthesis of current thinking for studies on atmospheric transport modeling and radiative forcing of carbonaceous matter in the HTP

    Genesis of a giant Paleoproterozoic strata-bound magnesite deposit: Constraints from Mg isotopes

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    The final publication is available at Elsevier via https://doi.org/10.1016/j.precamres.2016.06.020 © 2016. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/Giant strata-bound magnesite deposits are absent in modern and most Phanerozoic sedimentary environments but occur predominantly in Precambrian strata. These deposits may have formed directly through precipitation of evolved Mg-rich seawater in an evaporative shallow-marine setting or, alternatively, by epigenetic–hydrothermal replacement of the Mg-rich carbonate precursor. To test these hypotheses, we obtained the first Mg isotope data from the world’s largest strata-bound magnesite deposit belt, hosted by the ca. 2.1 Ga Dashiqiao Formation in Northeast China. The Mg isotope compositions (d26Mg) of most magnesite ores in the Huaziyu deposit are heavier (–0.75 ± 0.26‰) than most Proterozoic sedimentary dolostones. The Mg isotope compositions and major and trace element data indicate that the magnesites are probably not of hydrothermal origin. Instead, a Mg-rich carbonate precursor precipitated from evaporating seawater in a semi-closed system. Diagenetic brines altered the Mg-rich carbonate precursor to magnesite. Subsequently, recrystallization during regional metamorphism produced coarsely crystalline and saddle magnesite. These interpretations are consistent with the geological features and other geochemical data (element concentrations and C and O isotopes) for the magnesite ores. Hence, we interpret the formation of the Huaziyu magnesite deposit to be dominated by evaporative sedimentation and brine diagenesis.Natural Science Foundation of China || (41203004) MLR Public Benefit Research Foundation of China || (201211074) NSERC Discovery Gran

    Cryosphere as a temporal sink and source of microplastics in the Arctic region

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    Microplastics (MPs) pollution has become a serious environmental issue of growing global concern due to the increasing plastic production and usage. Under climate warming, the cryosphere, defined as the part of Earth's layer characterized by the low temperatures and the presence of frozen water, has been experiencing significant changes. The Arctic cryosphere (e.g., sea ice, snow cover, Greenland ice sheet, permafrost) can store and release pollutants into environments, making Arctic an important temporal sink and source of MPs. Here, we summarized the distributions of MPs in Arctic snow, sea ice, seawater, rivers, and sediments, to illustrate their potential sources, transport pathways, storage and release, and possible effects in this sentinel region. Items concentrations of MPs in snow and ice varied about 1–6 orders of magnitude in different regions, which were mostly attributed to the different sampling and measurement methods, and potential sources of MPs. MPs concentrations from Arctic seawater, river/lake water, and sediments also fluctuated largely, ranging from several items of per unit to >40,000 items m−3, 100 items m−3, and 10,000 items kg−1 dw, respectively. Arctic land snow cover can be a temporal storage of MPs, with MPs deposition flux of about (4.9–14.26) × 108 items km−2 yr−1. MPs transported by rivers to Arctic ocean was estimated to be approximately 8–48 ton/yr, with discharge flux of MPs at about (1.65–9.35) × 108 items/s. Average storage of MPs in sea ice was estimated to be about 6.1×1018 items, with annual release of about 5.1×1018 items. Atmospheric transport of MPs from long-distance terrestrial sources contributed significantly to MPs deposition in Arctic land snow cover, sea ice and oceanic surface waters. Arctic Great Rivers can flow MPs into the Arctic Ocean. Sea ice can temporally store, transport and then release MPs in the surrounded environment. Ocean currents from the Atlantic brought high concentrations of MPs into the Arctic. However, there existed large uncertainties of estimation on the storage and release of MPs in Arctic cryosphere owing to the hypothesis of average MPs concentrations. Meanwhile, representatives of MPs data across the large Arctic region should be mutually verified with in situ observations and modeling. Therefore, we suggested that systematic monitoring MPs in the Arctic cryosphere, potential threats on Arctic ecosystems, and the carbon cycle under increasing Arctic warming, are urgently needed to be studied in future

    Black carbon and organic carbon dataset over the Third Pole

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    The Tibetan Plateau and its surroundings, also known as the Third Pole, play an important role in the global and regional climate and hydrological cycle. Carbonaceous aerosols (CAs), including black carbon (BC) and organic carbon (OC), can directly or indirectly absorb and scatter solar radiation and change the energy balance on the Earth. CAs, along with the other atmospheric pollutants (e.g., mercury), can be frequently transported over long distances into the inland Tibetan Plateau. During the last decades, a coordinated monitoring network and research program named “Atmospheric Pollution and Cryospheric Changes” (APCC) has been gradually set up and continuously operated within the Third Pole regions to investigate the linkage between atmospheric pollutants and cryospheric changes. This paper presents a systematic dataset of BC, OC, water-soluble organic carbon (WSOC), and water-insoluble organic carbon (WIOC) from aerosols (20 stations), glaciers (17 glaciers, including samples from surface snow and ice, snow pits, and 2 ice cores), snow cover (2 stations continuously observed and 138 locations surveyed once), precipitation (6 stations), and lake sediment cores (7 lakes) collected across the Third Pole, based on the APCC program. These data were created based on online (in situ) and laboratory measurements. High-resolution (daily scale) atmospheric-equivalent BC concentrations were obtained by using an Aethalometer (AE-33) in the Mt. Everest (Qomolangma) region, which can provide new insight into the mechanism of BC transportation over the Himalayas. Spatial distributions of BC, OC, WSOC, and WIOC from aerosols, glaciers, snow cover, and precipitation indicated different features among the different regions of the Third Pole, which were mostly influenced by emission sources, transport pathways, and deposition processes. Historical records of BC from ice cores and lake sediment cores revealed the strength of the impacts of human activity since the Industrial Revolution. BC isotopes from glaciers and aerosols identified the relative contributions of biomass and fossil fuel combustion to BC deposition on the Third Pole. Mass absorption cross sections of BC and WSOC from aerosol, glaciers, snow cover, and precipitation samples were also provided. This updated dataset is released to the scientific communities focusing on atmospheric science, cryospheric science, hydrology, climatology, and environmental science. The related datasets are presented in the form of excel files. BC and OC datasets over the Third Pole are available to download from the National Cryosphere Desert Data Center (10.12072/ncdc.NIEER.db0114.2021; Kang and Zhang, 2021)

    Two-Stepwise Hierarchical Adaptive Threshold Method for Automatic Rapeseed Mapping over Jiangsu Using Harmonized Landsat/Sentinel-2

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    Rapeseed distribution mapping is a crucial issue for food and oil security, entertainment, and tourism development. Previous studies have used various remote sensing approaches to map rapeseed. However, the time-consuming and labor-intensive sample data used in these supervised classification methods greatly limit the development of large-scale mapping in rapeseed studies. Regarding threshold methods, some empirical thresholding methods still need sample data to select the optimal threshold value, and their accuracies decrease when a fixed threshold is applied in complex and diverse environments. This study first developed the Normalized Difference Rapeseed Index (NDRI), defined as the difference in green and short-wave infrared bands divided by their sum, to find a suitable feature to distinguish rapeseed from other types of crops. Next, a two-stepwise hierarchical adaptive thresholding (THAT) algorithm requiring no training data was used to automatically extract rapeseed in Xinghua. Finally, two adaptive thresholding methods of the standalone Otsu and Otsu with Canny Edge Detection (OCED) were used to extract rapeseed across Jiangsu province. The results show that (1) NDRI can separate rapeseed from other vegetation well; (2) the OCED-THAT method can accurately map rapeseed in Jiangsu with an overall accuracy (OA) of 0.9559 and a Kappa coefficient of 0.8569, and it performed better than the Otsu-THAT method; (3) the OCED-THAT method had a lower but acceptable accuracy than the Random Forest method (OA = 0.9806 and Kappa = 0.9391). This study indicates that the THAT model is a promising automatic method for mapping rapeseed

    Carbonaceous matter in glacier at the headwaters of the Yangtze River: Concentration, sources and fractionation during the melting process

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    Carbonaceous matter has an important impact on glacial retreat in the Tibetan Plateau, further affecting the water resource supply. However, the related studies on carbonaceous matter are still scarce in Geladaindong (GLDD) region, the source of the Yangtze River. Therefore, the concentration, source and variations of carbonaceous matter at Ganglongjiama (GLJM) glacier in GLDD region were investigated during the melting period in 2017, which could deepen our understanding on carbonaceous matter contribution to glacier melting. The results showed that dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration of snowpit samples (283 +/- 200 mu g/L) was much lower than that of precipitation samples (624 +/- 361 mu g/L), indicating that large parts of DOC could be rapidly leached from the snowpit during the melting process. In contrast, refractory black carbon (rBC) concentration measured by Single Particle Soot Photometer of snowpit samples (4.27 +/- 3.15 mu g/L) was much higher than that of precipitation samples (0.97 +/- 0.49 mu g/L). Similarly, DOC with high mass absorption cross-section measured at 365 nm value was also likely to enrich in snowpit during the melting process. In addition, it was found that both rBC and DOC with high light-absorbing ability began to leach from the snowpit when melting process became stronger. Therefore, rBC and DOC with high light-absorbing ability exhibited similar behavior during the melting process. Based on relationship among DOC, rBC and K+ in precipitation, the main source of carbonaceous matter in GLJM glacier was biomass burning during the study period. (c) 2019 The Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Published by Elsevier B.V

    A Strategy to Produce High Efficiency, High Stability Perovskite Solar Cells Using Functionalized Ionic Liquid-Dopants

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    Functionalized imidazolium iodide salts (ionic liquids) modified with -CH2-CH=CH2, -CH2C equivalent to CH, or -CH2C equivalent to N groups are applied as dopants in the synthesis of CH3NH3PbI3-type perovskites together with a fumigation step. Notably, a solar cell device prepared from the perovskite film doped with the salt containing the -CH2-CH=CH2 side-chain has a power conversion efficiency of 19.21%, which is the highest efficiency reported for perovskite solar cells involving a fumigation step. However, doping with the imidazolium salts with the -CH2C equivalent to CH and -CH2C equivalent to N groups result in perovskite layers that lead to solar cell devices with similar or lower power conversion efficiencies than the dopant-free cell