41 research outputs found

    Electron localization by a donor in the vicinity of a basal stacking fault in GaN

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    We study the effects of the vicinity between a shallow donor nucleus and an I1-type basal stacking fault (BSF) in GaN. We propose a numerical calculation, in the “effective potential” formalism, of energies and envelope functions of electrons submitted to the conjunction of attractive potentials caused by the BSF and the donor. We show that the donor localizes the electron along the plane of the BSF, even when the donor lies as far as 10 nm from the BSF. Conversely, the presence of the BSF enhances the donor binding energy by up to a factor of 1.8, when the donor is placed exactly on the BSF. We briefly discuss the probability of occurrence of such a situation in, e.g., a-plane GaN, as well as its consequences on transport and optical properties of this material

    Impact of biexcitons on the relaxation mechanisms of polaritons in III-nitride based multiple quantum well microcavities

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    We report on the direct observation of biexcitons in a III nitride based multiple quantum well microcavity operating in the strong light-matter coupling regime by means of nonresonant continuous wave and time-resolved photoluminescence at low temperature. First, the biexciton dynamics is investigated for the bare active medium (multiple quantum wells alone) evidencing localization on potential fluctuations due to alloy disorder and thermalization between both localized and free excitonic and biexcitonic populations. Then, the role of biexcitons is considered for the full microcavity: in particular, we observe that for specific detunings the bottom of the lower polariton branch is directly fed by the radiative dissociation of either cavity biexcitons or excitons mediated by one LO-phonon. Accordingly, minimum polariton lasing thresholds are observed, when the bottom of the lower polariton branch corresponds in energy to the exciton or cavity biexciton first LO-phonon replica. This singular observation highlights the role of excitonic molecules in the polariton condensate formation process as being a more efficient relaxation channel when compared to the usually assumed acoustical phonon emission one.This work was supported by the NCCR Quantum Photonics, research instrument of the Swiss National Science Foundation, through Grant No. 129715 and Grant No. 200020-113542, and by the EU-project Clermont4 (Grant No. FP7-235114)

    Thermal carrier emission and nonradiative recombinations in nonpolar(Al,Ga)N/GaN quantum wells grown on bulk GaN.

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    International audienceWe investigate, via time-resolved photoluminescence, the temperature-dependence of charge carrier recombination mechanisms in nonpolar (Al,Ga)N/GaN single quantum wells (QWs) grown via molecular beam epitaxy on the a-facet of bulk GaN crystals. We study the influence of both QW width and barrier Al content on the dynamics of excitons in the 10-320K range. We first show that the effective lifetime of QW excitons tau increases with temperature, which is evidence that nonradiative mechanisms do not play any significant role in the low-temperature range. The temperature range for increasing tau depends on the QW width and Al content in the (Al,Ga)N barriers. For higher temperatures, we observe a reduction in the QW emission lifetime combined with an increase in the decay time for excitons in the barriers, until both exciton populations get fully thermalized. Based on analysis of the ratio between barrier and QW emission intensities, we demonstrate that the main mechanism limiting the radiative efficiency in our set of samples is related to nonradiative recombination in the (Al,Ga)N barriers of charge carriers that have been thermally emitted from the QWs

    Time-resolved spectroscopy on GaN nanocolumns grown by plasma assisted molecular beam epitaxy on Si substrates

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    A detailed study of excitons in unstrained GaN nanocolumns grown by plasma assisted molecular beam epitaxy on silicon substrates is presented. The time-integrated and time-resolved photoluminescence spectra do not depend significantly on the (111) or (001) Si surface used. However, an unusually high relative intensity of the two-electron satellite peak of the dominant donor-bound exciton line is systematically observed. We correlate this observation with the nanocolumn morphology determined by scanning electron microscopy, and therefore propose an interpretation based on the alteration of wave functions of excitonic complexes and of donor states by the proximity of the semiconductor surface. This explanation is supported by a model that qualitatively accounts for both relative intensities and time decays of the photoluminescence lines. ©2009 American Institute of Physic

    Biexciton emission and crystalline quality of ZnO nano-objects

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    The design of cost-effective standards for the quality of nano-objects is currently a key issue toward their massive use for optoelectronic applications. The observation by photoluminescence of narrow excitonic and biexcitonic emission lines in semiconductor nanowires is usually accepted as evidence for high structural quality. Here, we perform time-resolved cathodoluminescence experiments on isolated ZnO nanobelts grown by chemical vapor deposition. We observe narrow emission lines at low temperature, together with a clear biexciton line. Still, drastic alterations in both the CL intensity and lifetime are observed locally along the nano-object. We attribute these to non-radiative recombinations at edge dislocations, closing basal plane stacking faults, inhomogeneously distributed along the NB length. This leads us to the conclusion that the observation of narrow excitonic and biexcitonic emission lines is far from sufficient to grade the quality of a nano-object

    Implementation of spatio-time-resolved cathodoluminescence spectroscopy for studying local carrier dynamics in a low dislocation density m-plane InGaN epilayer grown on a freestanding GaN substrate

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    Spatio-time-resolvedcathodoluminescence (STRCL) spectroscopy isimplemented to assess the local carrier dynamics in a 70 nm-thick, very low threading dislocation (TD) density, pseudomorphic m-plane In GaN epilayer grown on a freestanding GaN substrate by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy. Although TDs or stacking faults are absent, sub-micrometer-wide zonary patterns parallel to the c-axis and 2 um-long-axis figure-of-8 patterns parallel to the a-axis are clearly visualized in the monochromatic cathodoluminescence intensity images. Because the STRCL measurement reveals very little spatial variation of low-temperature radiative lifetime, the considerable peak energy variation is interpreted to originate from nonidentical In-incorporation efficiency for the growing surfaces exhibiting various miscut angles. The figure-of-8 patterns are ascribed to originate from the anisotropic,severe m-plane tilt mosaic along the a-axis of the GaNsubstrate,and the zonary patterns may originate from the m-plane tilt mosaic along the c-axi

    Exciton recombination dynamics in a-plane (Al,Ga)N/GaN quantum wells probed by picosecond photo and cathodoluminescence.

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    International audienceWe present a combined low-temperature time-resolved cathodoluminescence and photoluminescence study of exciton recombination mechanisms in a 3.8 nm thick a-plane (Al,Ga)N/GaN quantum well (QW). We observe the luminescence from QW excitons and from excitons localized on basal stacking faults (BSFs) crossing the QW plane, forming quantum wires (QWRs) at the intersection. We show that the dynamics of QW excitons is dominated by their capture on QWRs, with characteristic decay times ranging from 50 to 350 ps, depending on whether the local density of BSFs is large or small. We therefore relate the multiexponential behavior generally observed by time-resolved photoluminescence in non-polar (Al,Ga)/GaN QW to the spatial dependence of QW exciton dynamics on the local BSF density. QWR exciton decay time is independent of the local density in BSFs and its temperature evolution exhibits a zero-dimensional behavior below 60 K. We propose that QWR exciton localization along the wire axis is induced by well-width fluctuation, reproducing in a one-dimensional system the localization processes usually observed in QWs

    Thermal carrier emission and nonradiative recombinations in nonpolar (Al,Ga)N/GaN quantum wells grown on bulk GaN

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    We investigate, via time-resolved photoluminescence, the temperature-dependence of charge carrier recombination mechanisms in nonpolar (Al,Ga)N/GaN single quantum wells (QWs) grown via molecular beam epitaxy on the a-facet of bulk GaN crystals. We study the influence of both QW width and barrier Al content on the dynamics of excitons in the 10-320 K range. We first show that the effective lifetime of QW excitons s increases with temperature, which is evidence that nonradiative mechanisms do not play any significant role in the low-temperature range. The temperature range for increasing s depends on the QW width and Al content in the (Al,Ga)N barriers. For higher temperatures, we observe a reduction in the QW emission lifetime combined with an increase in the decay time for excitons in the barriers, until both exciton populations get fully thermalized. Based on analysis of the ratio between barrier and QW emission intensities, we demonstrate that the main mechanism limiting the radiative efficiency in our set of samples is related to nonradiative recombination in the (Al,Ga)N barriers of charge carriers that have been thermally emitted from the QWs

    Low-temperature time-resolved cathodoluminescence study of exciton dynamics involving basal stacking faults in a-plane GaN

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    Time-resolved cathodoluminescence at 27 K has been performed on a-plane GaN grown by epitaxial lateral overgrowth. We detail the relaxation and recombination mechanisms of excitons [free or bound to neutral donors, or bound to I1-type basal stacking faults (BSFs)] in relation to the local density in BSFs. We describe the slow exciton capture rate on isolated BSFs by a diffusion model involving donors via a hopping process. Where BSFs are organized into bundles, we relate the shorter rise time to intra-BSF localization processes and the multiexponential decay to the type-II band alignment of BSFs in wurtzite GaN

    Intrinsic dynamics of weakly and strongly confined excitons in nonpolar nitride-based heterostructures

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    Both weakly and strongly confined excitons are studied by time-resolved photoluminescence in a nonpolar nitride-based heterostructure grown by molecular beam epitaxy on the a-facet of a bulk GaN crystal, with an ultralow dislocation density of 2 × 105 cm-2. Strong confinement is obtained in a 4 nm thick Al0.06Ga0.94N/GaN quantum well (QW), whereas weakly confined exciton-polaritons are observed in a 200 nm thick GaN epilayer. Thanks to the low dislocation density, the effective lifetime of strongly confined excitons increases between 10 and 150 K, proving the domination of radiative recombination processes. Above 150 K the QW emission lifetime diminishes, whereas the decay time of excitons in the barriers increases, until both barrier and QW exciton populations become fully thermalized at 300 K. We conclude that the radiative efficiency of our GaN QW at 300 K is limited by nonradiative recombinations in the barriers. The increase of exciton-polariton coherence lengths caused by low dislocation densities allows us to observe and model the quantized emission modes in the 200 nm nonpolar GaN layer. Finally, the low-temperature phonon-assisted relaxation mechanisms of such center-of-mass quantized exciton-polaritons are described