675 research outputs found

    Pemberian Rangkuman dalam Proses Belajar Mengajar

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    One factorthat can influence learning achievement is the quality ofthe teaching-learning process designed by the teacher and implemented in class. To improve that quality, the teacher should increase students\u27 active involvement in th,at process. One way to encourage students to be actively involved in it is providing them with a resume. The fimction ofaresume provided as a strategy oforganizing the teaching is to provide briefstatements about the main ideas ofthe contents ofthe teaching material being learned, together with easily remembered examples to refer to. The facts show that very many students are still low in level in their learning achievement. One strategy to remedy the situation is providing a resume. Four important points to consider in providing a resume in the teaching-learning process are information processing, cognitive structure, schemata, and the process ofmemorization. The resume will cause the contents ofthe teaching material to become more immediately meaningful to students. The main ideas slated in the resume can more easily guide students to the contents to be learned. In applying the concept of meaningful learning, cognitive structure and items of new knowledge play very important parts. Cognitive structure refers to all Imowledge already possessed by students as a result ofpast learning activity while items ofnew knowledge refer to those being learned by students

    Mantra Batatah Di Nagari Lubuak Layang Kecamatan Rao Selatan Kabupaten Pasaman Barat

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    This study aimed to describe (1) the structure of the text spells batatah, (2) supporting aspects incantations, (3) the process of succession mantra batatah in Nagari Lubuk Rao Elevated Southern District, Pasaman. This research is a qualitative descriptive method. Data collected through the techniques of observation and recording interviews. The study's findings that the structure of the text consists of parts spell batatah opener, the content, and the cover, as well as diction, figurative language (style). Batatah incantations supporting aspects are (a) time: free, (b) the place: in the yard or in the house, (c) events/opportunities: used when the child is eleven months old and above, (d) the perpetrator: the have a mantra that has got inheritance from generation to generation, (e) equipment: seven floral art, black soil, a carpet or rug, yellow rice, bertih, hair oil of lemon, root crops and frankincense, gold ring/dagger/ knife, and water, (f) clothing: free but polite, and (g) means: sitting cross-legged, sit cross-legged and squat. Process in inheritance batatah mantra is to provide the requirements specified by the shaman, in the form of money potluck, knife, blade of steel/a seamstress, a white cloth/ shroud piece

    Anterior Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome With Thrombosed Dorsalis Pedis Artery: A Case Report

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    Introduction: The aanterior tarsal tunnel syndrome denotes the entrapment of the deep peroneal nerve under the inferior extensor retinaculum. Although various etiological factors have been reported to cause anterior tarsal syndrome, its occurrence with thrombosed dorsalis pedis artery has not been reported in the English literature. Case Presentation: A 40 -year-old male patient was presented with the history of persistent pain along the dorsal surface of right foot, which was aggravated with the activities. Conservative management was tried without much relief. Diagnosis of anterior tarsal tunnel syndrome was made and the patient was planned for surgery. Thrombosed dorsalis pedis artery was found along with two adjacent collateral vessels. Retinaculum was released and nerve was mobilized. Tight compartment got released. Postoperative period was uneventful. No recurrence was seen on follow-up. Conclusion: The anterior tarsal tunnel syndrome is a known disease. A high index of clinical suspicion is required while dealing with the chronic cases. A detailed history to rule out any traumatic event is necessary too. Timely investigations and surgical release give dramatic relief

    Tree-based Water Footprint Assessment on Established Oil Palm Plantation in North Sumatera, Indonesia

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    In a long life cycle of oil palm plantation, sustainable water management is mandatory because irrigation is rarely applied. In order to develop water management for sustainable palm oil production, tree-based water footprint of well-established oil palm plantation was assessed. Field data were collected from February to June 2016 in Dolok Ilir managed by PTPN IV, North Sumatera, Indonesia. Additional data were obtained from interviews on the site and the surrounding estates, reports and references. Results showed that water footprint (WF) for production of fresh fruit bunch (FFB) was 510.69 m3 tonne-1 and crude palm oil (CPO) was 517.79 m3 tonne-1. Green, blue and grey water contributed 94.78%, 0.71% and 4.50% in FFB, and 93.48%, 1.66% and 4.85% in CPO productions, respectively. All green WF was calculated basen on actual value of tree evapotranspiration, therefore, the value was mostly lower than other researchs. Low amount of blue water indicates that the oil palm tree in North Sumatera extracts low amount of ground water. On the other hand, grey water for pollution dilution of fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides were high, i.e., 15.15 m3, 4.77 m3, 3.07 m3 tonne-1 FFB, respectively. It implies that reduction of grey water should be implemented in the near future through precission farming

    Loyalitas Nasabah Dan Kinerja Perbankan Di Indonesia

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of customer loyalty on firm performance in the banking industry in Indonesia. This study used sample of banking firms listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange. The data was processed and analyzed by Partial Least Square (PLS). We hypothesized that firm\u27s financial performance, market performance, and non-financial performance were positively affected by customer loyalty. The results provided an evidence which was consistent with the hypothesis. It showed that customer loyalty provided incremental information to the firm\u27s performance that consisted of financial performance, market performance, and nonfinancial performance. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi dampak loyalitas nasabah terhadap kinerja Perusahaan pada industri perbankan di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan sampel Perusahaan perbankan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI). Data diolah dan dianalisis dengan Partial Least Square (PLS). Penelitian ini menduga bahwa kinerja keuangan, kinerja pasar, dan kinerja non-keuangan perbankan dipengaruhi secara positif oleh loyalitas nasabah. Hasil penelitian memberikan bukti yang konsisten dengan dugaan tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa loyalitas nasabah memberikan incremental information terhadap kinerja perbankan yang terdiri dari kinerja keuangan, kinerja pasar, dan kinerja non-keuangan

    Relationship Between Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor and Severity of Hepatocellular Carcinoma

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    Background: Severity of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) that is assessed using Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer (BCLC) classification is a main prognostic factor of hepatocellular carcinoma. Assessment of the serum level of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) is considered to reflect the severity of HCC. However, there is still no fundamental basis of the association of severity of HCC with the serum VEGF level. The objective of this study is to know the relationship between serum VEGF levels with the severity of HCC by assessing the average difference of serum VEGF level in various severity of HCC.Method: This study was a cross sectional study to identify the association between serum VEGF levels with the severity of HCC based on BCLC classification. This study was performed in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital between January and May 2015. Statistical tests used to evaluate the association between serum VEGF level with BCLC classification was one-way ANOVA analysis, and continued with post hoc Tukey Schaffe analysis.Results: A total of 61 subjects with HCC were included into this study. In this study, we did not find subjects with stage 0 BCLC. The average of serum VEGF level in stage A BCLC was 288.26 ± 156.6 pg/mL; stage B BCLC: 434 ± 164.8 pg/mL; stage C BCLC: 785.57 ± 194.25 pg/mL; stage D BCLC: 1537.97 ± 660.62 pg/mL. One-way ANOVA analysis showed significant difference (P < 0.001) between serum VEGF level and HCC severity based on BCLC classification. Post hoc Tukey Schaffe analysis showed the presence of significant difference between stage A and C BCLC (p < 0.05) and stage A and D BCLC (p < 0.001), stage B and D BCLC (p < 0.001), and stage C and D BCLC (p < 0.001). There was no significant difference between stage A and B BCLC, and between stage B and C BCLC.Conclusion: It was found that serum VEGF level increased in accordance to the HCC severity based on BCLC classification, particularly for stage B BCLC and above
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