68 research outputs found

    Specificity and Personalized medicine: a novel approach to Cancer management

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    With the advent of precision and personalized medicine (PPM), medical care may now be adapted to each patient's unique needs. Among the top causes of death in India is cancer. Maximum chemotherapeutic treatments are utilized for cancer patients, despite the lack of long-term effectiveness and significant side effects from these agents. To improve therapeutic success, a new tool called PPM was developed. Insights into pharmacogenomics have aided in the development of and the possibility for individualized cancer treatment. In modern PPM, genetic or other information on a particular patient is used systematically to select or optimize preventative and therapeutic therapy for that patient. Knowledge of a patient's protein, genetic, and metabolic profile can help doctors give them the best possible care. The development of companion diagnostics, in which molecular assays measuring levels of proteins, genes, or specific mutations are used to stratify disease status, pick the appropriate drug, and tune dosages there, is a central feature of this medical strategy. As a result, recent breakthroughs in oncology have piqued interest in the field as a whole, prompting calls for greater emphasis on the role of the oncology department or health care system in the quest for greater accuracy and individualization. In this article, we will examine the state of the art and discuss potential future developments that could help expedite the creation of PPM medicines for the treatment of cancer that has become resistant to standard therapies in individual patients. The focus will be on the phenotypic (activity-based) rather than the genotypic (mechanism-based) approach to PPM development, and how it can benefit cancer patients. The path to precise and individualized treatment has been opened by the article's perspective, in which focus is placed on the specific modifications of the tumor

    Reproductive Health of Women: Implications and attributes

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    Complete access to sexual and reproductive health is a fundamental human right. Women and girls all across the world, particularly those living in poverty, have little or no access to reproductive health and rights information and services. Discrimination, shame, restrictive laws and regulations, and long-held traditions are just a few of the barriers to sexual and reproductive health that exist. Despite evidence that these rights may affect not only individual women but also families, communities, and national economies, progress has been slow. Women\u27s lifestyles have evolved throughout history. In the past, most women\u27s lives were challenging. Many ladies were having unintended pregnancies. Childbirth used to be dangerous, and it often resulted in the mother\u27s death. Because they didn\u27t live long enough, most women didn\u27t have to deal with menopause or old age in the past. Reproductive health is an important aspect of a person\u27s entire development and well-being. It could be the result of a positive upbringing, which is critical during adolescence and sets the tone for excellent health throughout adulthood and beyond reproductive years for both men and women. A woman\u27s reproductive life span does not begin at puberty and end at menopause, and a man\u27s reproductive life span does not stop when he is no longer likely to bear children. It is present and vital at all stages of a person\u27s development and maturation. Reproductive health needs may vary depending on one\u27s age and stage of life. However, there is a long term effect over the course of one\u27s life, and each stage has significant ramifications for one\u27s future well-being

    Neuroprotective Activity of Herbal Medicinal Products: A Review

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    Plant-based drugs are among the earliest pharmaceuticals documented in even the most basic medical system's history. They are the most often used medicines due to their wide acceptance and general perception of their safer profile as compared to conventional drugs. Herbal medicines and products are gaining popularity around the world, not just as a caffeine-free alternative, but also as dietary supplements for low-calorie diets. In recent years, traditional medicine has gotten increased attention. Traditional medicine uses a range of herbs to cure neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's and other similar central nervous system issues. The term "neuroprotection" refers to strategies and systems for preventing neuronal injury in the central nervous system (CNS). Humans still have access to nature's medicines. Many important drugs are obtained from natural sources or based on the structural characteristics of naturally occurring substances, such as vincristine, artemisinin, and gentamicin. Traditional medicine has been documented to use a number of natural substances, usually plant extracts, for neuroprotective, memory-enhancing, and anti-aging objectives. Such plants include Panax ginseng, Ginkgo biloba, Bacopa monnieri, Curcuma longa, and Salvia officinalis. These plants were studied to see if the traditional claim was true, as well as to learn more about the mechanism through which they give neuroprotective advantages

    Overview of substance use disorder and available treatments

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    Substance use disorders are a major health problem worldwide. Substance use is a chronic disorder associated with significant mortality and morbidity. These diseases also cause significant healthcare utilization and medical costs. Substance use disorders occur when the use of alcohol, prescription drugs, or illegal drugs causes problems in his life and daily activities. Substance use disorders encompass a variety of behaviors, including but not limited to addiction, overuse, and behaviors caused by dangerous substances. Diagnosis is based on behavioral criteria, which include the inability to control substance use, dysfunction at school, home, or work, interpersonal problems caused or worsened by substance use, and risky or hazardous use of the substances. The first step in treating substance use disorders is to stop using the substance. In extreme cases of physical dependence, detoxification is necessary to help with withdrawal symptoms. Creating a supportive environment and eliminating triggers for substance abuse are essential to overcoming a substance abuse disorder. Treatment in management can be outpatient or inpatient, depending on the severity of the problem. Depending on the person's condition, a doctor may suggest individual counseling from a psychologist, psychiatrist, or addiction counselor. Family counseling is often important. A doctor may also recommend specific rehabilitation and/or treatment programs; Self-help groups for children and families with addiction problems are often very helpful. In this article, we would like to briefly review substance use disorders and treatment modalities that are available to treat them. Keywords: Substance use disorder, Alcohol, Cannabis

    Menstruation hygiene and related issues in adolescent girls: A brief commentary

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    Between childhood and adulthood, adolescence is a phase of physiological, psychological, and social transformation. Menstrual difficulties are a common symptom and one of the primary causes of adolescent doctor visits. Therefore, adolescent girls' knowledge of reproductive health, including menstruation, may be incomplete and impacted by sociocultural obstacles. The majority of teenage females in India know nothing about menstruation, reproduction, and sexuality. As menstruation remains a taboo, the culture adheres to numerous myths and prohibitions. During menstruation, poor personal cleanliness and dangerous sanitary circumstances heighten the risk of reproductive tract infections and gynecological issues. In resource-poor environments, where women lack access to basic facilities such as water, bathrooms, and privacy, it is extremely difficult to maintain a high level of hygiene. There is a need to enhance housing conditions in terms of fundamental amenities. Every girl may only be encouraged to use sanitary pads if they are offered at cheap costs. It is urgent that separate teenage gynecological clinics be established. Sensitization and counseling in schools, together with a complete school education program on menarche and menstruation difficulties, may assist girls in coping better and seeking appropriate medical support. Keywords: Menstrual disorders, Adolescence, Sanitary Pads, Reproductive Health

    Heterogeneity-aware task allocation in mobile ad hoc cloud

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    Mobile Ad Hoc Cloud (MAC) enables the use of a multitude of proximate resource-rich mobile devices to provide computational services in the vicinity. However, inattention to mobile device resources and operational heterogeneity-measuring parameters, such as CPU speed, number of cores, and workload, when allocating task in MAC, causes inefficient resource utilization that prolongs task execution time and consumes large amounts of energy. Task execution is remarkably degraded, because the longer execution time and high energy consumption impede the optimum use of MAC. This paper aims to minimize execution time and energy consumption by proposing heterogeneity-aware task allocation solutions for MAC-based compute-intensive tasks. Results of the proposed solutions reveal that incorporation of the heterogeneity-measuring parameters guarantees a shorter execution time and reduces the energy consumption of the compute-intensive tasks in MAC. A system model is developed to validate the proposed solutions' empirical results. In comparison with random-based task allocation, the proposed five solutions based on CPU speed, number of core, workload, CPU speed and workload, and CPU speed, core, and workload reduce execution time up to 56.72%, 53.12%, 56.97%, 61.23%, and 71.55%, respectively. In addition, these heterogeneity-aware task allocation solutions save energy up to 69.78%, 69.06%, 68.25%, 67.26%, and 57.33%, respectively. For this reason, the proposed solutions significantly improve tasks' execution performance, which can increase the optimum use of MAC. © 2013 IEEE

    Deconstruction of Gambus Art Instrumentation, as a Prototype of the Emergence of Bandar Art in Pariaman West Sumatera

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    The establishment of gambus art in Pariaman as a port city is inseparable from the influence of Gujarat Arabs and western colonialism. In the past, Pariaman was famous as a place where Islam first entered the coastal regions of West Sumatra. This region was dominated by the interests of the sovereigns socially, politically, economically and culturally by migrant traders and Western colonials for quite a long time. This research, musicology, aims to see the deconstruction of a gambus orchestra instrument as a prototype of the emergence of Bandar art in the city of Pariaman namely gamat music and katumbak music. The research method used is descriptive analysis and interpretive methods using qualitative data in two aspects textual and contextual. It is suspected that, in terms of the development of the Gambus orchestra instrumentation in the city of Pariaman in 1965, it was marked not only by using acoustic musical instruments such as, gambus imported from Arabic but also by using other acoustic musical instruments imported from the West such as: violins, guitars, accordion, harmonium, cello pick, tipa drum, castanyet, and bass contra. Furthermore, this type of instrumentation is also used by other similar music groups, in the coastal regions of West Sumatra Keywords: Deconstruction, Instrumentation, Gambus, Art, Bandar. DOI: 10.7176/ADS/79-05 Publication date: December 31st 201

    Real-time big data processing for anomaly detection : a survey

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    The advent of connected devices and omnipresence of Internet have paved way for intruders to attack networks, which leads to cyber-attack, financial loss, information theft in healthcare, and cyber war. Hence, network security analytics has become an important area of concern and has gained intensive attention among researchers, off late, specifically in the domain of anomaly detection in network, which is considered crucial for network security. However, preliminary investigations have revealed that the existing approaches to detect anomalies in network are not effective enough, particularly to detect them in real time. The reason for the inefficacy of current approaches is mainly due the amassment of massive volumes of data though the connected devices. Therefore, it is crucial to propose a framework that effectively handles real time big data processing and detect anomalies in networks. In this regard, this paper attempts to address the issue of detecting anomalies in real time. Respectively, this paper has surveyed the state-of-the-art real-time big data processing technologies related to anomaly detection and the vital characteristics of associated machine learning algorithms. This paper begins with the explanation of essential contexts and taxonomy of real-time big data processing, anomalous detection, and machine learning algorithms, followed by the review of big data processing technologies. Finally, the identified research challenges of real-time big data processing in anomaly detection are discussed. © 2018 Elsevier Lt

    Systematic sustainable process design and analysis of biodiesel processes

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    Biodiesel is a promising fuel alternative compared to traditional diesel obtained from conventional sources such as fossil fuel. Many flowsheet alternatives exist for the production of biodiesel and therefore it is necessary to evaluate these alternatives using defined criteria and also from process intensification opportunities. This work focuses on three main aspects that have been incorporated into a systematic computer-aided framework for sustainable process design. First, the creation of a generic superstructure, which consists of all possible process alternatives based on available technology. Second, the evaluation of this superstructure for systematic screening to obtain an appropriate base case design. This is done by first reducing the search space using a sustainability analysis, which provides key indicators for process bottlenecks of different flowsheet configurations and then by further reducing the search space by using economic evaluation and life cycle assessment. Third, the determination of sustainable design with/without process intensification using a phenomena-based synthesis/design method. A detailed step by step application of the framework is highlighted through a biodiesel production case study