69 research outputs found

    Anomalies in the peer-review system: A case study of the journal of High Energy Physics

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    Peer-review system has long been relied upon for bringing quality research to the notice of the scientific community and also preventing flawed research from entering into the literature. The need for the peer-review system has often been debated as in numerous cases it has failed in its task and in most of these cases editors and the reviewers were thought to be responsible for not being able to correctly judge the quality of the work. This raises a question "Can the peer-review system be improved?" Since editors and reviewers are the most important pillars of a reviewing system, we in this work, attempt to address a related question - given the editing/reviewing history of the editors or re- viewers "can we identify the under-performing ones?", with citations received by the edited/reviewed papers being used as proxy for quantifying performance. We term such review- ers and editors as anomalous and we believe identifying and removing them shall improve the performance of the peer- review system. Using a massive dataset of Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP) consisting of 29k papers submitted between 1997 and 2015 with 95 editors and 4035 reviewers and their review history, we identify several factors which point to anomalous behavior of referees and editors. In fact the anomalous editors and reviewers account for 26.8% and 14.5% of the total editors and reviewers respectively and for most of these anomalous reviewers the performance degrades alarmingly over time.Comment: 25th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2016

    Urban issues and their management-a micro case study on Dubrajpur Municipality, Dist.- Birbhum, West Bengal,India

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    .The increased rate of urbanisation and lack of infrastructure in the urban centres have resulted into a lot of environmental problems which affect the growth and development of these dynamic entities. The several issues related to an urban centre need to be dealt with for its proper planning. The paper attempts to assess the environmental quality of Dubrajpur Municipality, a small town in Birbhum distrct from the town dwellers’ perspective. Several issues related to the smooth functioning of the town have been discussed in a qualitative manner and the management strategies have been suggested in a generalised way. The paper also addresses several infrastructural aspects and some basic amenities of Dubrajpur town  related to the well living of its residents

    Ensuring generalized fairness in batch classification

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    In this paper, we consider the problem of batch classification and propose a novel framework for achieving fairness in such settings. The problem of batch classification involves selection of a set of individuals, often encountered in real-world scenarios such as job recruitment, college admissions etc. This is in contrast to a typical classification problem, where each candidate in the test set is considered separately and independently. In such scenarios, achieving the same acceptance rate (i.e., probability of the classifier assigning positive class) for each group (membership determined by the value of sensitive attributes such as gender, race etc.) is often not desirable, and the regulatory body specifies a different acceptance rate for each group. The existing fairness enhancing methods do not allow for such specifications and hence are unsuited for such scenarios. In this paper, we define a configuration model whereby the acceptance rate of each group can be regulated and further introduce a novel batch-wise fairness post-processing framework using the classifier confidence-scores. We deploy our framework across four real-world datasets and two popular notions of fairness, namely demographic parity and equalized odds. In addition to consistent performance improvements over the competing baselines, the proposed framework allows flexibility and significant speed-up. It can also seamlessly incorporate multiple overlapping sensitive attributes. To further demonstrate the generalizability of our framework, we deploy it to the problem of fair gerrymandering where it achieves a better fairness-accuracy trade-off than the existing baseline method

    Visceral Leishmaniasis

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    Clinically, leishmaniasis is of three types—visceral leishmaniasis (VL) or kala-azar, cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) and mucocutaneous leishmaniasis (MCL). Post-kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis (PKDL) is considered as a complication of VL. VL is characterized by fever, anemia and splenomegaly in a VL-endemic area (malaria excluded). A subject with such symptoms should be subjected to an rK39 strip test. Confirmation of diagnosis is made by demonstration of the parasite (Leishmania donovani) from samples obtained by aspiration of bone marrow or iliac crest puncture. Miltefosine, stibogluconate, amphotericin B, liposomal amphotericin B and paromomycin are effective available anti-leishmaniasis drugs. Vector (Phleblotomus argentipes) control for reduction of transmission and early diagnosis and complete treatment are essential elements of case management. There is no effective vaccine against VL. This review on VL aims at providing state-art knowledge on epidemiology, diagnosis and case-management and vaccine development

    Hospital-based surveillance of enteric parasites in Kolkata

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Diarrhoea is the second leading cause of illness and death in developing countries and the second commonest cause of death due to infectious diseases among children under five in such countries. Parasites, as well as bacterial and viral pathogens, are important causes of diarrhoea. However, parasitic infections are sometimes overlooked, leading after a period of time to an uncertain aetiology. In this paper we report the prevalence of <it>Giardia lamblia</it>, <it>Entamoeba histolytica </it>and <it>Cryptosporidium </it>sp. in and around Kolkata.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>A hospital-based laboratory surveillance study was conducted among the patients admitted between November 2007 and October 2008 to the Infectious Diseases (ID) Hospital (Population = 1103) with diarrhoeal complaints. Of the 1103 samples collected, 147 were positive for <it>Giardia lamblia</it>, 84 for <it>Cryptosporidium </it>sp. and 51 for <it>Entamoeba histolytica</it>. For all these parasites there was a high rate of mixed infection with common enteric viruses and bacteria such as Rotavirus, <it>Vibrio cholerae </it>and <it>Shigella </it>sp. There were also cases of co-infection with all other diarrheogenic pathogens. The age group ≥ 5 years had the highest prevalence of parasites whereas the age group >5 – 10 years was predominantly infected with <it>Giardia lamblia </it>(p =< 0.001; Odds ratio (OR) = 3.937; 95% Confidence interval (CI) = 1.862 – 8.326) and with all parasites (p = 0.040; OR = 2.043; 95% CI = 1.033 – 4.039). The age group >10 – 20 years could also be considered at risk for <it>G. lamblia </it>(p = 0.009; OR = 2.231; 95% CI = 1.223 – 4.067). Month-wise occurrence data showed an endemic presence of <it>G. lamblia </it>whereas <it>Cryptosporidium </it>sp. and <it>E. histolytica </it>occurred sporadically. The GIS study revealed that parasites were more prevalent in areas such as Tangra, Tiljala and Rajarhat, which are mainly slum areas. Because most of the population surveyed was in the lower income group, consumption of contaminated water and food could be the major underlying cause of parasitic infestations.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study provides important information on the occurrence and distribution of three important intestinal parasites and indicates their diarrheogenic capacity in Kolkata and surrounding areas.</p

    Multi-locus Genotyping Reveals High Occurrence of Mixed Assemblages in Giardia duodenalis within a Limited Geographical Boundary

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    Aim:  To determine the common genotypes of Giardia duodenalis causing diarrhea in the study region and to assess the extent of genetic polymorphism among them.  Study Design:  Stool samples were collected from the patients attending IDBG Hospital, Kolkata with diarrheal complaints through a systemic sampling technique and were screened for Giardia duodenalis. The G. duodenalis positive samples were subjected to molecular genotyping through ‘PCR - Direct DNA sequencing’ procedure. All the sequence data obtained were incorporated into MEGA 4 software for multiple alignment and validation followed by phylogenetic analysis. The genotyping data obtained are stored in Excel spreadsheets and incorporated into EpiInfo 3.1 for analyzing possible association of genotype outcome with common physical factors such as age, sex etc.  Place and Duration of Study:  Department of parasitology, National Institute of Cholera and Enteric Diseases, Kolkata, India from July 2009 to November 2011.  Methodology:  A total of 68 Giardia duodenalis positive stool samples were identified from the diarrhea patients attending IDBG hospital in the city and were subjected to multi-locus genotyping. Fragments of ß-giardin, Glutamate-dehydrogenase and Triosephosphate-isomerase genes of Giardia were amplified from those samples with specific primers and sequenced. All the sequences were analyzed using MEGA 4 software for obtaining the genotyping results. Results: Multi-locus genotyping identified 13 isolates as assemblage A and 41 as assemblage B, whereas 14 of them could not be assigned in a particular group. Detailed phylogenetic analysis revealed that multiple genotypes were observed in those 14 isolates depending upon the marker loci.  Conclusion:  The study could produce a preliminary idea about the G. duodenalis genotypes found in Kolkata city. High percentage of mixed assemblages in the study population also revealed the presence of genetic diversity among a small population of diarrheal patient within a limited geographical boundary. It has also hypothesized the possibility of inter-assemblage genetic exchange among Giardia

    Molecular evidence for zoonotic transmission of Giardia duodenalis among dairy farm workers in West Bengal, India

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    No study in the past has examined the genetic diversity and zoonotic potential of Giardia duodenalis in dairy cattle in India. To assess the importance of these animals as a source of human G. duodenalis infections and determine the epidemiology of bovine giardiasis in India, fecal samples from 180 calves, heifers and adults and 51 dairy farm workers on two dairy farms in West Bengal, India were genotyped by PCR-RFLP analysis of the β-giardin gene of G. duodenalis followed by DNA sequencing of the nested PCR products. The overall prevalence of G. duodenalis in cattle was 12.2% (22/180), the infection being more prevalent in younger calves than in adult cattle. Zoonotic G. duodenalis Assemblage A1 was identified in both calves and workers although the most prevalent genotype detected in cattle was a novel Assemblage E subgenotype. These findings clearly suggest that there is a potential risk of zoonotic transmission of G. duodenalis infections between cattle and humans on dairy farms in India

    Trend of Entamoeba histolytica infestation in Kolkata

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    Background: Entamoeba histolytica infection is found almost all over the world and is highly endemic and a major cause of parasitic diarrhoea particularly in the developing countries. Methods: A systemic surveillance was set up at the Infectious Disease hospital, Kolkata, India between November 2007 and October 2009 for understanding the trend of E. histolytica infection in Kolkata. Fecal samples were collected from diarrhoeal patients attending the hospital, under the surveillance system and processed for detection of E. histolytica. Results: During the last two years about 2500 diarrhoeal samples were collected and screened for E. histolytica. About 3.6% were positive for E. histolytica. As compared to the earlier years, E. histolytica infection was observed to be less amongst patients screened during the last two years. No seasonality was observed in Kolkata although in the neighboring tropical country Bangladesh, a typical seasonality of E. histolytica infection was noticed. Conclusion: The study indicates that the detection rate of E. histolytica infection amongst diarrhoeal patients in Kolkata is decreasing during the last two years than that of Bangladesh
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