7 research outputs found

    Evidence against or for topological defects in the BOOMERanG data ?

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    The recently released BOOMERanG data was taken as ``contradicting topological defect predictions''. We show that such a statement is partly misleading. Indeed, the presence of a series of acoustic peaks is perfectly compatible with a non-negligible topological defects contribution. In such a mixed perturbation model (inflation and topological defects) for the source of primordial fluctuations, the natural prediction is a slightly lower amplitude for the Doppler peaks, a feature shared by many other purely inflationary models. Thus, for the moment, it seems difficult to rule out these models with the current data.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure. Some changes following extraordinarily slow referee Reports and new data. Main results unchanged (sorry

    Non-Vacuum Initial States for Cosmological Perturbations of Quantum-Mechanical Origin

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    In the context of inflation, non-vacuum initial states for cosmological perturbations that possess a built in scale are studied. It is demonstrated that this assumption leads to a falsifiable class of models. The question of whether they lead to conflicts with the available observations is addressed. For this purpose, the power spectrum of the Bardeen potential operator is calculated and compared with the CMBR anisotropies measurements and the redshift surveys of galaxies and clusters of galaxies. Generic predictions of the model are: a high first acoustic peak, the presence of a bump in the matter power spectrum and non-Gaussian statistics. The details are controlled by the number of quanta in the non-vacuum initial state. Comparisons with observations show that there exists a window for the free parameters such that good agreement between the data and the theoretical predictions is possible. However, in the case where the initial state is a state with a fixed number of quanta, it is shown that this number cannot be greater than a few. On the other hand, if the initial state is a quantum superposition, then a larger class of initial states could account for the observations, even though the state cannot be too different from the vacuum. Planned missions such as the MAP and Planck satellites and the Sloan Survey, will demonstrate whether the new class of models proposed here represents a viable alternative to the standard theory.Comment: revtex, 15 pages, 10 figures. Submitted to Phys.Rev.

    Black Hole Lasers Revisited

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    The production of Hawking radiation by a single horizon is not dependent on the high-frequency dispersion relation of the radiated field. When there are two horizons, however, Corley and Jacobson have shown that superluminal dispersion leads to an amplification of the particle production in the case of bosons. The analytic theory of this "black hole laser" process is quite complicated, so we provide some numerical results in the hope of aiding understanding of this interesting phenomenon. Specifically, we consider sonic horizons in a moving fluid. The theory of elementary excitations in a Bose-Einstein condensate provides an example of "superluminal" (Bogoliubov) dispersion, so we add Bogoliubov dispersion to Unruh's equation for sound in the fluid. A white-hole/black-hole horizon pair will then display black hole lasing. Numerical analysis of the evolution of a wave packet gives a clear picture of the amplification process. By utilizing the similarity of a radiating horizon to a parametric amplifier in quantum optics we also analyze the black hole laser as a quantum-optical network.Comment: 16 page

    How generic is cosmic string formation in SUSY GUTs

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    We study cosmic string formation within supersymmetric grand unified theories. We consider gauge groups having a rank between 4 and 8. We examine all possible spontaneous symmetry breaking patterns from the GUT down to the standard model gauge group. Assuming standard hybrid inflation, we select all the models which can solve the GUT monopole problem, lead to baryogenesis after inflation and are consistent with proton lifetime measurements. We conclude that in all acceptable spontaneous symmetry breaking schemes, cosmic string formation is unavoidable. The strings which form at the end of inflation have a mass which is proportional to the inflationary scale. Sometimes, a second network of strings form at a lower scale. Models based on gauge groups which have rank greater than 6 can lead to more than one inflationary era; they all end by cosmic string formation.Comment: 31 pages, Latex, submitted to PR

    Enhanced Non-Gaussianity from Excited Initial States

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    We use the techniques of effective field theory in an expanding universe to examine the effect of choosing an excited inflationary initial state built over the Bunch-Davies state on the CMB bi-spectrum. We find that even for Hadamard states, there are unexpected enhancements in the bi-spectrum for certain configurations in momentum space due to interactions of modes in the early stages of inflation. These enhancements can be parametrically larger than the standard ones and are potentially observable in current and future data. These initial state effects have a characteristic signature in ll-space which distinguishes them from the usual contributions, with the enhancement being most pronounced for configurations corresponding to flattened triangles for which two momenta are collinear.Comment: 33 pages, 1 figure. Refs added and minor addition