4 research outputs found
Repeat oestradiol implants: Features of dependence?
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1999
- Field of study
A double-blind, placebo controlled study of postmenopausal oestrogen replacement therapy and carotid artery pulsatility index
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Overactive bladder in the female patient: The role of estrogens
- Author
- A Hextall
- A Ingelman-Sundberg
- A Maggi
- AC Kinn
- C Benness
- C Benness
- C Iosif
- D Grady
- Dudley Robinson
- E Versi
- F Schreiter
- G Kuiper
- G Lose
- G Samsioe
- G Samsioe
- GD Chen
- I Milsom
- IT Bernstein
- JA Fantl
- JA Fantl
- JG Ouslander
- JM Geelen Van
- K Nilsson
- K-E Andersson
- KF Ganger
- LD Cardozo
- LD Cardozo
- Linda Cardozo
- M Beato
- M Warner
- MA Zullo
- OZ Shenfield
- PJ Blakeman
- PJ Blakeman
- PJ Blakeman
- PJB Smith
- PS Eriksen
- RA Elliot
- RA Elliott
- S Batra
- S Green
- S Iosif
- S Jackson
- S Jackson
- S Matsubara
- SC Batra
- T Rud
- T Rud
- TM Thomas
- U Ulmsten
- WF Stewart
- X Pang
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Hormonal Influences on Continence
- Author
- A Bergman
- A Bodker
- A Brandberg
- A Cutner
- A Hextall
- A Ingelman-Sundberg
- A Kondo
- A Maggi
- AC Diokno
- AC Kinn
- AH MacLennan
- AL Kirkengen
- AL Kok
- Al-Badr Ahmed
- B Eriksen
- B Kjaergaard
- C Benness
- C Benness
- C Falconer
- C Iosif
- Ch Akrivis
- CJ Sultana
- CL Parsons
- CR Landon
- CS Iosif
- D Barlow
- D Grady
- E Shapiro
- E Versi
- E Versi
- E Versi
- EFM Blok
- F Grodstein
- F Screiter
- G Bachmann
- G Burton
- G Kuiper
- G Lose
- G Samicoe
- G Samsicoe
- G Samsioe
- G Samsioe
- GA Bachman
- GA Greendale
- GD Chen
- GW Davila
- HO Beisland
- IT Bernstein
- J Manonai
- J Yarnell
- JA Boscia
- JA Fantl
- JA Fantl
- JA Fantl
- JE Rioux
- JG Ouslander
- JG Ouslander
- JM Van Geelen
- JM Van Geelen
- JP Sandford
- JV Jolleys
- K Nilsson
- KF Ganger
- KL Burgio
- L Cardozo
- L Henriksson
- L Kushner
- L Mettler
- LD Cardozo
- LD Cardozo
- LD Cardozo
- LD Cardozo
- LD Cardozo
- M Beato
- M Brincat
- M James
- M James
- M Notelovitz
- M Penotti
- M Privette
- M Warner
- MA Zullo
- MJ Girao
- MM Karram
- NN Bhatia
- OZ Shenfield
- P Abrams
- P Hilton
- P Hilton
- P Smith
- P. Smith
- PD Wilson
- PJ Blakeman
- PJ Blakeman
- PJ Blakeman
- PJ Blakeman
- PJB Smith
- PS Eriksen
- R Letourneau
- R Raz
- R Raz
- RA Ayton
- RA Elliot
- RA Elliott
- RJ Santen
- RJN Smith
- S Batra
- S Green
- S Iosif
- S Jackson
- S Jackson
- S Jackson
- S Palacios
- S Walter
- S Walter
- SC Batra
- SC Batra
- SL Hendrix
- SM Henalla
- SS Smith
- T Rud
- T Rud
- T Rud
- TG Judge
- TM Thomas
- U Ulmsten
- UL Salmon
- V Donnelly
- V Simunic
- VH Youngblood
- X Pang
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2009
- Field of study