12 research outputs found


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    The title of this research paper is “The use of English songs to improve students’ pronunciation of interdental sound. This research was conducted at SMA Majalaya putra. Due to pandemic of Covid-19, the research was conducted online by using WhatsApp and Google Classroom. The purposes of this research were to identify The use of English songs to improve students’ pronunciation of interdental sounds and find out the students’ responses toward the use of songs in learning interdental pronunciation. The research applied a pre-experimental research method, then used one group pretest-posttest design to conduct the research. The study then chose 20 students of X Ipa 1 as the sample for experimental group. The instruments used in this research were pre-test, posttest and questionnaire. The data from pre-test and posttest were analyzed and calculated. According to the result of calculation, the value of t-observer was 11.7 then the freedom was 29 at the level of significance 0.05 for two tailed test is 2.093. Based on the calculation of t-observed, it was higher than the t-table. In other words, there was a significant different score before and after the treatment. Therefore, the method of the research is effective. Then, the result of questionnaire showed that the students gave positive responses toward the use of songs in learning interdental pronunciation and they felt enjoyed, pleasant and motivated. They were able to pronounce interdental words, but they still needed efforts to get used to. The conclusion of this research is the implementation of songs in learning interdental pronunciation can give a significant effect to the students. It is effective to make them interested, enjoyed and comfortable in learning pronunciation. By using song, they are not only able to improve pronunciation, but also improve listening skill and vocabulary mastery


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    The research paper is entitled ”The Effectiveness of Communicative Game Sequencing Pictures and Stories Game In Teaching Listening” which was written to be submitted to English Education Study Program of FKIP of UNIBBA as apartial fulfillment of requirements for taking Sarjana Pendidikan Degree the aim of the research is to find out whether or not of communicative game sequencing pictures and stories game in improving listening skill of second grade students at SMP Budi Mulya is effective and responses of the students when they learn English Listening through sequencing pictures and stories game. The research was classified as pre-experimental research. The main subjects of this research were 25 students of class VII at SMP Budi Mulya. The approach of the study was quantitative. Listening test were used as the instruments of eliciting the data. The action implemented in this research were using sequencing pictures and stories game, giving more explaination in English, making use of the pictures. The results of the research showed that the use of sequencing pictures and stories game in the English teaching and learning process was effective to improve the students listening skills there was an increase in the means scores 1,652 in the pre-test to 6,348 in the post-test. The increase of the means from pre-test to post-test was significant, it is proved by the t-test result that t-observed was higher than table (10,07>2,064). There were some good improvements in some aspects such as their familiarity in listening to English word. Moreover, commounicative game sequencing pictures and stories game successfully caught the students attention


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    The research paper is “The Effectiveness of Using Pictures in Improving Student’s Descriptive Text Writing Ability”. It is submitted to the English Education Study Program as a Partial Fullfillment of the Requirements for the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree. The writer chooses the first grade of SMP DUA MEI Banjaran as the population, consisting of one classes, the writer takes one classes sample, they are Pre Experimental, each class consist 30 students. The aim of the research is to know whether Using Pictures in Improving Student’s Descriptive Text Writng Ability. Completing test is employed to get the data needeed, then the writer interprets, calculate and discuss the data . The result of the study is indicated one signifficant Pre-Experimental scores after the treatment by Using Pictures in writing descriptive text, in other words Ha is Accepted. Its means the Using Picture’s in Improving Student’s Descriptive Text Writing Ability is effective, After the treatment the t is bigger than t-table


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    This research entitled The Correlation between Students’ Habit of Reading English Novel and Their Ability in Writing Recount Text. This research aimed to know the level of habit in reading novel of the fourth semester of Bale Bandung University in the academic year of 2019, examining their writing ability in recount text, and finding out whether there is correlation between students’ reading habit of novel and their ability in writing recount text. 24 students were taken as sample of this research through random sampling technique. Researcher used questionnaire to know students’ level of reading habit in reading novel and writing test to measure students’ ability of writing recount text as research instruments. After giving and calculating the instruments, researcher find that average of the sample has good reading habit and fair ability in writing recount text. Then the result analysed by using Pearson Product Moment Correlation method. The calculation showed that the score of r is 1.452. Thus, the r value is between 0.800-1.00 and included into very high category. It means that the degree of correlation is very high and positive. The value of t observed is 6.763. The critical value t (t-table) 6.763>2.069. Based on the data above the researcher concludes that the correlation between students’ habit of reading novel and their ability in writing recount text done at fourth semester of Bale Bandung University in academic year 2019 is very high, positive and significant. Even though the result showed there is significant between reading habit of novel and writing ability, students still need to improve their reading habit and writing ability because they are very important to be mastered.Keyword: Reading Habit,Novel,Writing,Recount Tex


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    This research aimed to find out the improvement of students' vocabulary mastery by using guessing game. The researcher used the pre-experimental research. The researcher had conducted a treatment, which consisted of fourth meetings. The population of this research was the tenth grade of SMK Bina Umat in the academic year 2021/2022 . The researcher used guessing game. The researcher is instruments that were used in collecting the data are; pre-test, post-test and questionnaire. The results showed that class TKJ 1 SMK Bina Umat had a bad pre-test mean score of 44, after treatment using the guessing game, the student's mean score increased significantly to 7.9 in post-test. The use of this method is very effective in improving students vocabulary mastery, the researcher found that the t-observed value was higher than that of the t-table (17.6 > 2.093), therefore HO (Null Hypothesis) was rejected and HaI (Alternative Hypothesis) was accepted, stating that there is significant difference in the students mean scores before and after the treatment using Guessing Game Technique. This can be concluded that the use of guessing game can significantly improve the student’s vocabulary mastery


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    The aims of this research to find the dominant errors made by students in using preposition in, on and at of third grade in Senior High School 1 CIPARAY with the title “An Analysis of Students Errors In Translating Indonesia into English” but the writer limited the research and focuses on preposition of place in, on and at. On the research the writer used descriptive method to find out dominant errors made by students in using preposition of place in, on and at. The writer doing five steps in conducting errors analysis. The first step the writer Collecting the sample of learner, the writer take one class consist 30 students for the sample. The second steps identify the errors, the writer identification of errors involves a comparison between students’ work and native speakers’ in the same contex. The third steps describe the errors made by students based on the result of test and questionnaire. The four steps explaining errors, determining their sources in order to account why they were made. And the finally steps evaluate the errors, error evaluation is a supplementary stage in error analysis. Based on the reasearch 50.63% students made errors in using preposition of place in, on and at. The writer classified the errors made by students based on the type, there are tree type, those are omission, addition and misformation. And the highest number is misformation with 79.64%. The second highest is omission with 18.75%, and the lowest is addition with 1.61%. The writer also classifed the causes errors made by students based on the type, there are tree type, those are carelessnes, first language and translating. The causes of students made is translating with 93.3 %.Keywords: Steps of Errors Analysis, Type of Errors, Causes of Error


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    The research paper entitled “The Effectiveness of Clustering Technique Towards Students’ Reading Comprehension of Explanation Text”. It is a quasi experimental research conducted at twelve grade students of SMA Al Qona’ah Baleendah. The aims of the research is to find out whether or not the clustering technique is effective to improve students' reading comprehension of the explanation text in SMA Al Qona’ah Baleendah. The sample of the research is 20 students of XII MIPA I for experimental group and 20 students of XII MIPA II for control group. The instruments are pre test and post test. The pre test was administered to know the students’ reading ability before the treatments and the post test was administered to students to measure whether or not there was progress in students’ reading comprehension. The result of the research showed that the students who taught by using the clustering technique get a higher score than the students who taught by using conventional method. It can be concluded that the result was proven by t-test calculation, where the t-observe is bigger than t-table. As the derived t = 3.252 exceeds the table critical value of t = 2.021, at p = 0.05 with Df = 38 (3.252 > 2.021). Therefore, the alternative hypotheses (Ha) is accepted, stating that there is significant difference in result between clustering technique and the conventional method in reading comprehension to the twelve grade of SMA Al Qona’ah Baleendah and the null hypotheses (Ho) is rejected. Thus it can be concluded the Clustering Technique is effective in improving students’ reading comprehension on explanation tex


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    This study is entilted “Improving Students’ Vocabulary Mastery by Using Flashcard”. In this research, the writer use flashcard as a media to increase students’ vocabulary mastery. the aims of the research are to know whether or not flashcard is effective to improve students’ vocabulary and also to know whether or not the students like being taught vocabulary by using flashcard. The design used in this research was pre-experimental. The subject of the research was the first grade students of Junior High School in Solokanjeruk 1. The researcher took one class as the sample which consist of 33 students. The data was obtained by conducting pretest, posttest and questionnaire. Pretest was given to know the scores before treatment, and the posttest score was given to know scores after treatment. The result of pretest and posttest scores was analyzed through the t-test formula to find out whether or not flashcard is effective. Based on computation result by using t-test formula, with df=N-1 =33-1 =32 at p=0.05 of two-tailed, the critical value of t is 2.042. the findings showed that t-obtained is higher than t-table (6.97 > 2.042). It indicated that the null hypothesis (H0) was rejected and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted. Based on the research findings, it can be concluded that flashcard is effective for improving students’ vocabulary mastery. futhermore, the results of questionnaires show that most students’ gave positive response toward the use of flashcard. Flashcard could improve students’ vocabulary mastery effectively, and they like being taught English vocabulary by it.Keywords: Vocabulary Mastery, Media, Flashcar


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    The research paper entitled “The Relationship between Students’ Vocabulary Mastery and their Writing Skill”. The aims of the study are to know whether there is relationship between students’ vocabulary mastery and to know whether the relationship is high, positive, and significant at the second grade of SMP Tunas Baru Ciparay in academic year 2019/2020. The sample of the research falls into class A, having 37 students. To obtain the intended data, the writer give 20 items of vocabulary and ask the students to write a paragraph of greeting card, then the students get the score of those. In conducting the study, the writer uses the correlational design using Pearson’s r formula. The calculation showed that the score of r value is 0.705. Thus, the r value is between 0.600 – 0.800 and it is included into High category. It means that the strength of the relationship between students’ vocabulary mastery and their writing skill is “High”. The value of the t observed is 5.975, it is greater than the critical values of t= +2.042, at p = .05 with df = 35 (5.975>2.042). Therefore, the the Null Hypotheses (Ho) is rejected and the Alternative Hypotheses (Ha) is accepted. Based on the data above, the writer concludes that the relationship between students’ vocabulary mastery and their writing skill done at second grade of SMP Tunas Baru Ciparay in academic year 2019/2020 is high, significant and positive. It means that there is Relationship between Students’ Vocabulary Mastery and their Writing Skill.Keywords: Vocabulary Mastery, Writing Skill, Correlational Researc

    The Effectiveness of Scrabble Game To Improve Students’ Vocabulary Mastery

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    This study is entitled “The Effectiveness of Scrabble Game to Improve Students’ Vocabulary Mastery”. In this research, the writer use scrabble game as a media to increase students’ vocabulary mastery. The aims of the research are to investigate whether or not scrabble game is effective to improve students’ vocabulary mastery and also to know the students’ response by using scrabble game. The design used in this study was pre-experimental. The subject of the research was the fifth grade students of elementary school in Pameungpeuk, Bandung. The writer took one class as the sample which consist 32 students. The data was obtained by conducting pretest, posttest and questionnaire. Pretest was given to know the scores before treatment, and the posttest score was given to know scores after treatment. The result of pretest and posttest scores was analyzed through the t-test formula to find out whether or not scrabble game is effective. Based on the computation result by using t-test formula, with df= N-1 =32-1 = 31 at p= 0.05 of two-tailed, the critical value of t is 2.042. The findings showed that t-obtained is higher than t-table (12.65 > 2.042). It indicated that the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted. Based on the research findings, it can be concluded that scrabble game is effective for improving students’ vocabulary mastery. Furthermore, the results of questionnaires show that most students’ gave positive response toward the use of scrabble game. Scrabble game could not only improve their vocabulary mastery, but also motivate the students in learning English