8 research outputs found

    Closing of the Krishna Basin: irrigation, streamflow depletion and macroscale hydrology

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    River basins / Physical geography / Climate / Stream flow / Hydrology / Rainfall runoff relationships / Evapotranspiration / Irrigation programs / Water allocation / Water transfer / Environmental effects / Water quality / India / Krishna River / Andhra Pradesh / Maharashtra / Karnataka

    Mapping agricultural responses to water supply shocks in large irrigation systems, southern India

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    Irrigated agriculture experienced a water supply shock during a drought in southern India in 2002-2003. In this paper, hotspots of agricultural change were mapped and put in the context of hydrology and water management. Time series of MODIS imagery taken every eight days before (2001-2002) and during (2002-2003) the supply shock were combined with agricultural census data to document changes in cropping patterns in four large irrigation projects in the downstream sections of the Krishna and Godavari River basins (total command area 18,287km2). The area cropped in rice in the four irrigated command areas decreased by 32% during the drought year, and rice production in the two districts that experienced the largest flow reductions fell below production levels of 1980. The irrigation project that showed the largest change in double cropped area (-90%) was upstream of the Krishna Delta. In the Krishna Delta, large areas changed from rice-rice to rice-gram double cropping. Historical water management contributed to the vulnerability of rice production to drought: the main reservoir in the system was drained to dead storage levels by the end of each growing season over 1968-2000, with little carryover storage. The land cover change maps suggested that the lower Krishna Basin has experienced a "hard landing? during basin closure, and revised management strategies that account for the new flow regime will be required to maintain agricultural production during droughts

    Water scarcity effects on equitable water distribution and land use in a major irrigation project: case study in India

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    In many river basins, upstream development and interannual variations in rainfall can cause both episodic and chronic shortages in water supplies downstream. Continued rapid development of surface and groundwater throughout the Krishna Basin in southern India resulted in historically low inflows to the main canals of the Nagarjuna Sagar irrigation project _8,955 km2_ during a recent drought _2002-2004_. This paper presents an integrated approach to assess how cropping patterns and the spatial equity of canal flow changed with water supply shocks in the left canal command area _3,592 km2_ of Nagarjuna Sagar. We combined 3 years _2000- 2003_ of canal release data with census statistics and high temporal resolution _8-10 days_ moderate resolution imaging spectrometer _MODIS_ 500-m resolution satellite imagery. The impact of water scarcity on land use pattern, delineated by MODIS images with moderate spatial resolution, was comparable with the census statistics, while the MODIS data also identified areas with changes and delays in the rice crop area, which is critical in assessing the impact of canal operations. A 60% reduction in water availability during the drought resulted in 40% land being fallowed in the left-bank canal command area. The results suggest that head reach areas receiving high supply rates during a normal year experienced the highest risks of fluctuations in water supply and cropped area during a water short year compared to downstream areas, which had chronically low water supply, and better adaptive responses by farmers. Contrary to expectations, the spatial distribution of canal flows among the three major zones of the command area was more equitable during low-flow years due to decreased flow at the head reach of the canal and relatively smaller decreases in tail-end areas. The findings suggested that equitable allocations could be achieved by improving the water distribution efficiency of the canal network during normal years and by crop diversification and introduction of alternative water sources during water shortage years. The study identified areas susceptible to decreases in water supplies by using modern techniques, which can help in decision-making processes for equitable water allocation and distribution and in developing strategies to mitigate the effects of water supply shocks on cropping patterns and rural livelihoods

    Irrigated area mapping using AVHRR, MODIS and LANDSAT ETM+ data for the Krishna River Basin, India

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    Net irrigated area in the Krishna river basin is varying quiet frequently due to water scarcity. Accurate area and extent of irrigated area in the Krishna River Basin is not available. State Irrigation Department projects large area under irrigation in the Krishna River Basin, which is attributed to its prestigious irrigation projects. However, the irrigation projects do not fulfill the demand in the basin consequently the tail Enders grow dry crops. Remote sensing replaces costly and tedious data collection on the ground, which is non-destructive. The aim of the present study is to prepare a comprehensive land use/land cover (LU/LC) map using continuous time-series data of multiple resolutions. A methodology is developed to map irrigated area categories using LANDSAT ETM+ along with coarse resolution time series imagery from AVHRR and MODIS, SRTM elevation, and other secondary data. Major stress was towards discrimination of ground-water irrigated area from surface-water irrigated area, determining of cropping patterns in irrigated area using MODIS NDVI time- series, and use of non-traditional methods of accuracy assessment using, ancillary datasets like SRTM-DEM, precipitation and state census statistics. A regression of the 9 class areas against agricultural census data explained 73% and 74% of the variance in groundwater and surface water irrigated area, respectively

    Closing of the Krishna Basin: irrigation, streamflow depletion and macroscale hydrology

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    Discharge from the Krishna River into the ocean decreased by 75 percent from 1960-2005, and was zero during a recent multi-year drought. This paper describes the physical geography and hydrology of the Krishna Basin, including runoff production and a basic water account based on hydronomic zones. More than 50 percent of the basin's irrigated area is groundwater irrigation, which is not currently included in inter-state allocation rules. Future water allocation will require inclusion of the interactions among all irrigated areas, including those irrigated by groundwater and surface water

    Farmers' adaptation and regional land use changes in irrigation systems under fluctuating water supply, South India

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    In closing river basins where nearly all available water is committed to existing uses, downstream irrigation projects are expected to experience water shortages more frequently. Understanding the scope for resilience and adaptation of large surface irrigation systems is vital to the development of management strategies designed to mitigate the impact of river basin closure on food production and the livelihoods of farmers. A multi-level analysis (farm level surveys and regional assessment through remote sensing techniques and statistics) of the dynamics of irrigation and land use in the Nagarjuna Sagar project (South India) in times of changing water availability (2000-2006) highlights that during low flow years, there is large-scale adoption of rainfed ?or supplementary irrigated- crops that have lower land productivity but higher water productivity, and that a large fraction of land is fallowed. Cropping pattern changes during the drought reveal short term coping strategies rather than long-term evolutions: after the shock, farmers reverted to their usual cropping patterns during years with adequate canal supplies. For the sequence of water supply fluctuations observed from 2000-2006, the Nagarjuna Sagar irrigation system shows a high level of sensitivity to short-term perturbations, but long-term resilience if flows recover. Management strategies accounting for local level adaptability will be necessary to mitigate the impacts of low flow years but there is scope for improvement of the performance of the system

    Changes in agricultural cropland areas between a water-surplus year and a water-deficit year impacting food security, determined using MODIS 250 m time-series data and spectral matching techniques, in the Krishna River basin (India).

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    The objective of this study was to investigate the changes in cropland areas as a result of water availability using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) 250 m time-series data and spectral matching techniques (SMTs). The study was conducted in the Krishna River basin in India, a very large river basin with an area of 265 752 km2 (26 575 200 ha), comparing a water-surplus year (2000-2001) and a water-deficit year (2002-2003). The MODIS 250 m time-series data and SMTs were found ideal for agricultural cropland change detection over large areas and provided fuzzy classification accuracies of 61-100% for various land-use classes and 61-81% for the rain-fed and irrigated classes. The most mixing change occurred between rain-fed cropland areas and informally irrigated (e.g. groundwater and small reservoir) areas. Hence separation of these two classes was the most difficult. The MODIS 250 m-derived irrigated cropland areas for the districts were highly correlated with the Indian Bureau of Statistics data, with R2-values between 0.82 and 0.86. The change in the net area irrigated was modest, with an irrigated area of 8 669 881 ha during the water-surplus year, as compared with 7 718 900 ha during the water-deficit year. However, this is quite misleading as most of the major changes occurred in cropping intensity, such as changing from higher intensity to lower intensity (e.g. from double crop to single crop). The changes in cropping intensity of the agricultural cropland areas that took place in the water-deficit year (2002-2003) when compared with the water-surplus year (2000-2001) in the Krishna basin were: (a) 1 078 564 ha changed from double crop to single crop, (b) 1 461 177 ha changed from continuous crop to single crop, (c) 704 172 ha changed from irrigated single crop to fallow and (d) 1 314 522 ha changed from minor irrigation (e.g. tanks, small reservoirs) to rain-fed. These are highly significant changes that will have strong impact on food security. Such changes may be expected all over the world in a changing climate