3,696 research outputs found

    Quantm Magnetoresistance of the PrFeAsO oxypnictides

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    We report the observation of an unusual BB dependence of transverse magnetoresistance (MR) in the PrFeAsO, one of the parent compound of pnictide superconductors. Below the spin density wave transition, MR is large, positive and increases with decreasing temperature. At low temperatures, MR increases linearly with BB up to 14 T. For TT\geq40 K, MR vs BB curve develops a weak curvature in the low-field region which indicates a crossover from BB linear to B2B^2 dependence as BB\rightarrow0. The BB linear MR originates from the Dirac cone states and has been explained by the quantum mechanical model proposed by Abrikosov.Comment: accepted for publication in Appl. Phys. Let

    Performance of distributed mechanisms for flow admission in wireless adhoc networks

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    Given a wireless network where some pairs of communication links interfere with each other, we study sufficient conditions for determining whether a given set of minimum bandwidth quality-of-service (QoS) requirements can be satisfied. We are especially interested in algorithms which have low communication overhead and low processing complexity. The interference in the network is modeled using a conflict graph whose vertices correspond to the communication links in the network. Two links are adjacent in this graph if and only if they interfere with each other due to being in the same vicinity and hence cannot be simultaneously active. The problem of scheduling the transmission of the various links is then essentially a fractional, weighted vertex coloring problem, for which upper bounds on the fractional chromatic number are sought using only localized information. We recall some distributed algorithms for this problem, and then assess their worst-case performance. Our results on this fundamental problem imply that for some well known classes of networks and interference models, the performance of these distributed algorithms is within a bounded factor away from that of an optimal, centralized algorithm. The performance bounds are simple expressions in terms of graph invariants. It is seen that the induced star number of a network plays an important role in the design and performance of such networks.Comment: 21 pages, submitted. Journal version of arXiv:0906.378

    On the spectrum of neutral helium II

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    A rejoinder to Dr. Silberstein's reply.—The two points raised by Dr. Silberstein in reply to the criticisms of his combination formula are answered. The figures have been recalculated, taking tbe maximum limit ot the quantum numbers to be that proposed by Dr. Silberstein himself, and the number of fortuitous coincidences to be expected between the observed lines of the helium, spectrum, and those given by the formula is calculated and found to agree fairly well with the actual number. The view that the coincidences noticed are due to mere chance is maintained

    Quantifying methane and nitrous oxide emissions from the UK and Ireland using a national-scale monitoring network

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    The UK is one of several countries around the world that has enacted legislation to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions. In this study, we present top-down emissions of methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) for the UK and Ireland over the period August 2012 to August 2014. These emissions were inferred using measurements from a network of four sites around the two countries. We used a hierarchical Bayesian inverse framework to infer fluxes as well as a set of covariance parameters that describe uncertainties in the system. We inferred average UK total emissions of 2.09 (1.65–2.67) Tg yr−1 CH4 and 0.101 (0.068–0.150) Tg yr−1 N2O and found our derived UK estimates to be generally lower than the a priori emissions, which consisted primarily of anthropogenic sources and with a smaller contribution from natural sources. We used sectoral distributions from the UK National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory (NAEI) to determine whether these discrepancies can be attributed to specific source sectors. Because of the distinct distributions of the two dominant CH4 emissions sectors in the UK, agriculture and waste, we found that the inventory may be overestimated in agricultural CH4 emissions. We found that annual mean N2O emissions were consistent with both the prior and the anthropogenic inventory but we derived a significant seasonal cycle in emissions. This seasonality is likely due to seasonality in fertilizer application and in environmental drivers such as temperature and rainfall, which are not reflected in the annual resolution inventory. Through the hierarchical Bayesian inverse framework, we quantified uncertainty covariance parameters and emphasized their importance for high-resolution emissions estimation. We inferred average model errors of approximately 20 and 0.4 ppb and correlation timescales of 1.0 (0.72–1.43) and 2.6 (1.9–20 3.9) days for CH4 and N2O, respectively. These errors are a combination of transport model errors as well as errors due to unresolved emissions processes in the inventory. We found the largest CH4 errors at the Tacolneston station in eastern England, which may be due to sporadic emissions from landfills and offshore gas in the North Sea

    Anomalous thermal expansion of Sb2_2Te3_3 topological insulator

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    We have investigated the temperature dependence of the linear thermal expansion along the hexagonal c axis (ΔL\Delta L), in-plane resistivity (ρ\rho), and specific heat (CpC_p) of the topological insulator Sb2_2Te3_3 single crystal. ΔL\Delta L exhibits a clear anomaly in the temperature region 204-236 K. The coefficient of linear thermal expansion α\alpha decreases rapidly above 204 K, passes through a deep minimum at around 225 K and then increases abruptly in the region 225-236 K. α\alpha is negative in the interval 221-228 K. The temperature dependence of both α\alpha and CpC_p can be described well by the Debye model from 2 to 290 K, excluding the region around the anomaly in α\alpha