2 research outputs found

    Entropy Lower Bounds for Dictionary Compression

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    We show that a wide class of dictionary compression methods (including LZ77, LZ78, grammar compressors as well as parsing-based structures) require |S|H_k(S) + Omega (|S|k log sigma/log_sigma |S|) bits to encode their output. This matches known upper bounds and improves the information-theoretic lower bound of |S|H_k(S). To this end, we abstract the crucial properties of parsings created by those methods, construct a certain family of strings and analyze the parsings of those strings. We also show that for k = alpha log_sigma |S|, where 0 < alpha < 1 is a constant, the aforementioned methods produce an output of size at least 1/(1-alpha)|S|H_k(S) bits. Thus our results separate dictionary compressors from context-based one (such as PPM) and BWT-based ones, as the those include methods achieving |S|H_k(S) + O(sigma^k log sigma) bits, i.e. the redundancy depends on k and sigma but not on |S|

    Edit Distance with Block Operations

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    We consider the problem of edit distance in which block operations are allowed, i.e. we ask for the minimal number of (block) operations that are needed to transform a string s to t. We give O(log n) approximation algorithms, where n is the total length of the input strings, for the variants of the problem which allow the following sets of operations: block move; block move and block delete; block move and block copy; block move, block copy, and block uncopy. The results still hold if we additionally allow any of the following operations: character insert, character delete, block reversal, or block involution (involution is a generalisation of the reversal). Previously, algorithms only for the first and last variant were known, and they had approximation ratios O(log n log^*n) and O(log n (log^*n)^2), respectively. The edit distance with block moves is equivalent, up to a constant factor, to the common string partition problem, in which we are given two strings s, t and the goal is to partition s into minimal number of parts such that they can be permuted in order to obtain t. Thus we also obtain an O(log n) approximation for this problem (compared to the previous O(log n log^* n)). The results use a simplification of the previously used technique of locally consistent parsing, which groups short substrings of a string into phrases so that similar substrings are guaranteed to be grouped in a similar way. Instead of a sophisticated parsing technique relying on a deterministic coin tossing, we use a simple one based on a partition of the alphabet into two subalphabets. In particular, this lowers the running time from O(n log^* n) to O(n). The new algorithms (for block copy or block delete) use a similar algorithm, but the analysis is based on a specially tuned combinatorial function on sets of numbers