31 research outputs found

    Thermal Anisotropy Inducing Brittle Damage

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    Optimal Design of Rotationally-Symmetric Disks in Thermo-Damage Coupling Conditions

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    Application of the Modified Murakami’s Anisotropic Creep-Damage Model to 3D Rotationally-Symmetric Problem

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    This paper demonstrates a modification of the creep-damage equations, proposed by Murakami, Kawai and Rang (MKR). The goals of analysis are: verification of the MKR creep-damage equations and checking the validity of the Reissner theory in the case of a very thick structure of copper under creep-damage conditions

    Modeling of limit surfaces for transversely isotropic composite SCS-6/Ti-15-3

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    Praca dotyczy opisu powierzchni granicznych dla jednokierunkowo zbrojonego kompozytu SCS-6/Ti-15-3 z uwzględnieniem zmiany właściwości materiałowych oraz naprężeń resztkowych, odpowiadających procesom wytwarzania i schładzania materiału. W stanie początkowym zastosowano aproksymację opartą na modelu jednolitej gładkiej powierzchni granicznej typu Hilla oraz ogólniejszym modelu Misesa. W celu uzyskania poprawnego opisu kolejnych powierzchni gra- nicznych, odpowiadających stanowi po schłodzeniu materiału, wykorzystano model wielopłatowej powierzchni typu Hill-Tsai-Wu. Dla każdego ze stanów, początkowego i końcowego, przeprowadzona została szczegółowa analiza związana z identyfikacją współczynników materiałowych a następnie porównaniem uzyskanych wyników z danymi eksperymentalnymi Herkovich-Aboudi dla dwóch prób rozciągania, wzdłuż oraz poprzecznie do kierunku zbrojenia, oraz jednej próby ścinania.Present work deals with modeling of limit surfaces for unidirectional reinforced composite SCS-6/Ti-15-3. Analysis comprises changes of material properties and residual stresses, accompanying processes of manufacturing and cooling down. To model initial and state, an approximation based on the model of universal and smooth limit surface of Hill’s type and more general Mises’ type was applied. In order to adequate modeling of subsequent limit surfaces, corresponding to state after cooling down of material, the multi-surface model of Hill-Tsai-Wu type was used. For each of states, initial and final, the detail analysis comprising an identification of material constants and comparison of obtained results with the experimental data by Herakovich- Aboudi was done for two tension tests, along and transverse to reinforcement directions, as well as one shear test

    Effect of continuous damage deactivation on yield and failure surfaces

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    This article deals with the modeling of the continuous damage deactivation affected yield surfaces of copper and failure surfaces of mortar, from the viewpoint of continuum damage mechanics. The concept of damage deactivation is adapted to Tresca-Guest and Huber-Mises surfaces and two models are presented: the classical discontinuous one, in which microcracks close instantaneously, and the new continuous one, in which they close gradually. The results for both models are compared and verified in order to achieve the best fitting the experimental data. Detailed quantitative and qualitative analysis of obtained solutions confirms the necessity and correctness of an application of the continuous damage deactivation concept