7 research outputs found

    Fruits And Vegetables Consumption Among Dental Students in Private Dental Colleges

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    The objective of this study was to assess the consumption of fruits and vegetables among dental students. This is a cross sectional questionnaire survey conducted among dental students in various private dental colleges. A convenience sampling method was used for the study. A total of 107students have responded to the survey. Participants have been randomly enrolled in the online survey through a survey planet. A validated questionnaire consists of 20 closed ended and yes/ no questions distributed to assess their consumption of fruits and vegetables in their regular life. The responses have been taken and were analysed. The results were expressed as pie charts. 93.4% of the participants said yes to liking for having fruits and 6.6% of them said no . The study concluded that there is an optimum consumption of the fruits by the dental students and they were aware of the benefits of including fruits in their diet

    Knowledge, Attitude And Perception Of Ropivacaine Usage In Prosthodontics

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    Introduction The success of a minor oral procedure relies on the efficiency of the local anaesthetic and the dexterity of the operator. Local anaesthetic with an extended duration of action, good analgesia, and negligible toxicity is an optimal choice. A common standard option is 2% lignocaine hydrochloride with adrenaline (1:80,000). However, lignocaine is not recommended for long procedures or in patients with cardiovascular compromise.Various clinical trials have suggested other options, one of which is ropivacaine.The aim of the survey was to assess the knowledge, attitude and practice of ropivacaine in prosthodontics. Materials and methods An online questionnaire based cross-sectional study was conducted during 1st July to 12th July 2021, among undergraduate and postgraduate dental students of Saveetha Dental College. An online questionnaire survey which consisted of 17 questions, was circulated among the dental practitioners (n=100) within the city based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria of the study and the response was subjected to analysis. Results According to the survey 88.89% of the participants are aware that Ropivacaine falls under long acting amide link. According to the survey 55% of the participants think lidocaine is the most commonly used Local anaesthesia followed by ropivacaine 35%. About 92 % of the participants think Ropivacaine is better than bupivacaine due to its less lipophilic and have a significantly higher threshold CNS toxicity. According to the survey 85% of the participants think 14 minutes is the half life of ropivacaine followed by 2mins, 10mins, 4mins. Ropivacaine can be used in long prosthodontics procedures like FPD. According to the survey 58% know the commercial name of ropivacaine whereas 31% don’t know the commercial name. Conclusion: Within the limitations of the study, the participants are aware of ropivacaine.Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences, Saveetha Dental College and Hospitals, Saveetha Universit

    Awareness about inhalation general anaesthetics among dental students

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    Introduction: General anesthesia is a state of medically induced coma or unconsciousness. General anaesthetics are drugs that render a patient unresponsive and unconscious, so that the patient is unaware of surgery and does not move or feel pain while it's being carried out. The anaesthetic agent is administered through an intravenous line or the anaesthetic agent may be inhaled through a breathing mask or tube. Inhalation anesthetics are also known to be found in two forms, gaseous anesthetics and the volatile anaesthetics. The volatile anesthetics are liquids at room temperature and need vapourizers to make it suitable for the inhalation purposes. Aim:The present study aimed to assess the knowledge and awareness on inhalation anaesthesia among dental students. Materials and Methods: The present study is an online based survey conducted among the dental students.The participants were from 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th years of BDS. Questionnaires were prepared and distributed among dental students through an online link from the survey planet. Results and Discussion: About 62% of the students were well aware of inhalation general anaesthesia. 55% of the students were aware of nitrous oxide as inhalation general anesthetics. From the results of the survey it is clear that most of the dental students were well aware of inhalation general anaesthesia and also had proper knowledge about its complications

    Awareness On Current Status of Basal Implants Among Dental Students

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    Background: Basal implantology also known as bicortical implantology or just cortical implantology is a modern implantology system which utilizes the basal cortical portion of the jaw bones for retention of the dental implants, which are uniquely designed to be accommodated in the basal cortical bone areas Aim: The aim of this study is to evaluate the awareness of current status on basal implants among dental students. Materials and methods : A survey with the aid of specially designed questionnaires was made anonymously, in order to assess the awareness of basal implants among dental students.The responses were then collected and subjected to statistical analysis using SPSS Software (Version 23). Frequency distribution and percentage were calculated. Results : Results from this study reveals that 64% of them were postgraduates and 35% were undergraduates. 50% of postgraduates were aware about basal implants. Only 36% of the postgraduates knew that basal implants are a completely new method of dental rehabilitation that does not require bone replacement even in the worst cases.29% of postgraduates knew that installation of quick loading basal implants can cost less than traditional implantation due to the shortened volume of treatment stages. 36% of the postgraduates marked disk form is the common type of basal implants. Conclusion :The overall awareness of undergraduates and postgraduates regarding basal implants needs to be improved, given the tendency of dental students to engage in implant dentistry.The study should be done on a large scale to get baseline data pertaining to knowledge and awareness to the dental students

    Awareness On Pterygoid Implant Among Dental Undergraduates

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    Introduction: Pterygoid implant has been defined as “implant placement through the maxillary tuberosity and into the pterygoid plate.” These implants were first introduced by Tulasne in 1989. The pterygoid implant originates in the tuberosity region and then follows an oblique mesiocranial direction proceeding posteriorly toward the pyramidal process; it subsequently proceeds upward between both wings of the pterygoid processes and finds its encroachment in the pterygoid or scaphoid fossa of the sphenoid bone. The length of these implants ranges from 15 to 20 mm, and they are generally placed at an angle of 45° to 50° to the horizontal planeThe success rates for all these different treatment possibilities seem to be similar. Therefore the need for engaging the implants at the level of the pterygoid plate is currently controversially discussed. Aim: To analyse the awareness of pterygoid implants among dental undergraduates. Materials And Methods: A questionnaire was prepared on google forms. It was distributed among 70 students. The data was transferred to excel and coding was done, the data was transferred to SPSS and statistical analysis was done. Results: Though 14% were still not aware when pterygoid implants can be used commonly. On doing the chi square test in regards to the awareness of pterygoid implant among undergraduates, along with a chi square value of 12.666, the p value was found to be 0.014, p<0.05, hence making the correlation statistically significant. The knowledge about the contraindications were also analysed and 60% of the participants who were aware of pterygoid implant were well aware of the contraindications. Conclusion: As future clinicians it is very important to know about the newer developments in the field of dentistry to provide a better treatment as well as for framing a fair treatment plan, the study shows that there still more than awareness needed in the respective topic of pterygoid implants

    Comparative evaluation of tensile bond strength of a polyvinyl acetate-based resilient liner following various denture base surface pre-treatment methods and immersion in artificial salivary medium: An in vitro study

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    Background and Aim: This study was formulated to evaluate and estimate the influence of various denture base resin surface pre-treatments (chemical and mechanical and combinations) upon tensile bond strength between a poly vinyl acetate-based denture liner and a denture base resin. Materials and Methods: A universal testing machine was used for determining the bond strength of the liner to surface pre-treated acrylic resin blocks. The data was analyzed by one-way analysis of variance and the t-test (α =.05). Results: This study infers that denture base surface pre-treatment can improve the adhesive tensile bond strength between the liner and denture base specimens. The results of this study infer that chemical, mechanical, and mechano-chemical pre-treatments will have different effects on the bond strength of the acrylic soft resilient liner to the denture base. Conclusion: Among the various methods of pre-treatment of denture base resins, it was inferred that the mechano-chemical pre-treatment method with air-borne particle abrasion followed by monomer application exhibited superior bond strength than other methods with the resilient liner. Hence, this method could be effectively used to improve bond strength between liner and denture base and thus could minimize delamination of liner from the denture base during function

    Deciphering the Role of MicroRNAs in Neuroblastoma

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    Neuroblastoma (NB) is a type of peripheral sympathetic nervous system cancer that most commonly affects children. It is caused by the improper differentiation of primitive neural crest cells during embryonic development. Although NB occurs for 8% of paediatric cancers, it accounts for 15% of cancer-related deaths. Despite a considerable increase in cytotoxic chemo- and radiotherapy, patients in advanced stages remain virtually incurable. Therefore, there is a desperate necessity for new treatment strategies to be investigated. Accumulating evidence suggested that microRNAs (miRNAs) are a class of non-coding RNAs with 19&ndash;25 nucleotides lengths and play a central role in the development of NB carcinogenesis. Fascinatingly, miRNA inhibitors have an antisense property that can inhibit miRNA function and suppress the activity of mature miRNA. However, many studies have addressed miRNA inhibition in the treatment of NB, but their molecular mechanisms and signalling pathways are yet to be analysed. In this study, we impart the current state of knowledge about the role of miRNA inhibition in the aetiology of NB