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    The effect of repeated freeze-thaw cycles on the meat quality of rabbit

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    [EN] We investigated the effect of repeated freeze-thaw cycles on the quality of rabbit meat. Twenty-five Hyla rabbits were slaughtered using standard commercial procedures. A freeze-thaw procedure—i.e., seven days frozen at –18°C followed by thawing at 4°C for 12h— was repeated 5 times, and 9 Longissimus thoracis et lumborum muscles were randomly selected at pre-set cycles (0, 1, 2, 3, and 5). The Longissimus lumborum muscles were used to determine meat quality parameters, while the Longissimus thoracis muscles were used for chemical analysis. During the repeated freeze-thaw process, muscle pH, redness, hardness, and water holding capacity gradually decreased, whereas meat lightness and yellowness gradually increased. The amount of total volatile basic nitrogen significantly increased (P<0.05) and exceeded the threshold value for frozen meat after 5 repeated freeze-thaw cycles. The metmyoglobin proportion, thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS) and protein carbonyl content in rabbit meat samples increased with a higher number of freeze-thaw cycles (P<0.05), and the proportions of these compounds were positively correlated. During the repeated freeze-thaw process, extractable haeme iron levels significantly decreased (P<0.05), and non-haeme iron levels markedly increased (P<0.05). An sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis indicated that the degradation of both water- and salt-soluble proteins was more prevalent in samples subjected to higher numbers of freeze-thaw cycles. Additionally, a principal component analysis identified good correlations between physicochemical properties (TBARS, protein carbonyl levels and metmyoglobin content) and quality parameters (thawing loss, redness, lightness and hardness). Taken together, we conclude that the repeated freeze-thaw process can strongly affect rabbit meat quality as well as its physicochemical properties.The authors gratefully acknowledge financial support from the General Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China (31671787), the National Rabbit Industry Technology System Programme (Grant No. CARS-43-E-1), and the Chongqing Herbivorous Livestock Industry Technology System (Y201706).Wang, Z.; He, Z.; Gan, X.; Li, H. (2018). The effect of repeated freeze-thaw cycles on the meat quality of rabbit. World Rabbit Science. 26(2):165-177. https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.2018.8616SWORD165177262Ali S., Rajput N., Li C.B., Zhang W., Zhou G.H. 2016. Effect of freeze-thaw cycles on lipid oxidation and myowater in broiler chickens. Revista Brasileira de Ciência Avícola, 18: 35-40.https://doi.org/10.1590/1516-635x1801035-040Ali S., Zhang W., Rajput N., Khan M.A., Li C.B., Zhou G.H. 2015. 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    Electro-spraying and catalytic combustion characteristics of ethanol in meso-scale combustors with steel and platinum meshes

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    © 2018 Elsevier Ltd An experimental study on electro-spraying and catalytic combustion of ethanol at meso-scale is carried out. The electro-spraying process of ethanol is visualized and four typical spraying modes are identified. Based on droplet size measurements by a Phase Doppler Anemometer, the spraying at the cone-jet or multi-jet mode is suitable for meso-scale combustion. Two meso-combustors without and with the platinum catalyst, denoted as combustor A and combustor B, respectively, are designed to conduct the comparative experiments. The flame temperature at the cone-jet mode is higher than those at other modes when equivalence ratio φ = 1.0, and for the combustor with catalyst, fuel-lean conditions are favorable for stable combustion. It is also found that the carbon monoxide mole fraction in the exhaust decreases by at least 25% due to the catalytic effect. At the cone-jet electro-spraying mode, the combustion efficiencies of ethanol reach the highest value for both combustor A and combustor B due to smaller droplet size and more uniform droplet size distribution. Under the same conditions, combustion efficiency of ethanol can be improved by 4.5% for combustor B, which proves that the platinum catalyst can accelerate the decomposition of ethanol

    Loadability of power systems with steady-state and dynamic security constraints

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    Abstract Estimating loadability of a generation and transmission system is of practical importance in power system operations and planning. This paper presents a new formulation for the problem using mathematical programming theory. Both steady-state and dynamic security are taken into account in the proposed formulation. The difference between the proposed formulation and existing ones is that dynamic security is handled by an integration method. Using the new formulation, an iterative solution procedure is developed to solve the corresponding mathematical programming problem numerically. The method normally yields a slightly conservative estimate on the loadability of a generation/transmission system. Simulation results of a test power system are provided.

    The Healthy Context Paradox Between Bullying and Emotional Adaptation: A Moderated Mediating Effect

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    Junwei Pu,1 Xiong Gan,1 Zaiming Pu,2 Xin Jin,1 Xiaowei Zhu,1 Chunxia Wei3 1College of Education and Sports Sciences, Yangtze University, Jingzhou City, Hubei Province, People’s Republic of China; 2College of Marxism, ENSHI POLYTECHNIC, Enshi City, Hubei Province, People’s Republic of China; 3Foreign languages college, Jingzhou University, Jingzhou City, Hubei Province, People’s Republic of ChinaCorrespondence: Xiong Gan, Department of Psychology, College of Education and Sports Sciences, Yangtze University, Jingzhou, 434023, People’s Republic of China, Tel +86 7168062663, Email [email protected] Chunxia Wei, Foreign languages college, Jingzhou University, Jingzhou, 434023, Hubei, People’s Republic of China, Email [email protected]: Bullying is a significant concern for young people, with studies consistently showing a link between bullying and negative emotional consequences. However, the mechanisms that underlie this association remain unclear, particularly in terms of the classroom environment. This study aimed to explore the paradoxical phenomenon between bullying victimization and emotional adaptation among junior high school students in China, using the hypothesis of the healthy context paradox.Methods: The study involved 880 students (565 girls; Mage=14.69; SD=1.407 years), and data were collected using self-reported surveys. The findings of the study, utilizing multilevel structural equation modeling (MSEM) techniques, demonstrated a cross-level moderated effect of classroom-level bullying victimization on the relationship between individual bullying victimization and emotional adaptation.Results: Specifically, the results indicated that in classrooms with higher levels of victimization, the association between individual bullying victimization and increased depressive symptoms and State&Trait anxiety was more pronounced. These findings support the “Healthy context paradox” hypothesis in the Chinese context and provide insight into the mechanisms underlying this phenomenon.Discussion: The results suggest that the classroom environment plays a crucial role in shaping the emotional consequences of bullying and that addressing classroom victimization is crucial for promoting emotional health among young people. By understanding the mechanisms that underlie the association between bullying and emotional consequences, interventions can be developed to target the underlying factors that contribute to this paradoxical phenomenon. Overall, the study provides new insights into the complex relationship between bullying and emotional health among young people, highlighting the importance of considering the classroom environment in addressing this issue.Keywords: the healthy context paradox, bullying victimization, emotional adaptation, the level of classroom victimizatio

    Strongly Ideal Robust Weyl Semimetals in Cubic Symmetry with Spatial-Inversion Breaking

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    We show that compounds in a family that possess time-reversal symmetry and share a non-centrosymmetric cubic structure with the space group F-43m (No. 216) host robust ideal Weyl semi-metal fermions with desirable topologically protected features. The candidates in this family are compounds with different chemical formulas AB2, ABC, ABC2, and ABCD and their Fermi levels are predominantly populated by nontrivial Weyl fermions. Symmetry of the system requires that the Weyl nodes with opposite chirality are well separated in momentum space. Adjacent Weyl points have the same chirality, thus these Weyl nodes would not annihilate each other with respect to lattice perturbations. As Fermi arcs and surface states connect Weyl nodes with opposite chirality, the large separation of the latter in momentum space guarantees the appearance of very long arcs and surface states. This work demonstrates the use of system symmetry by first-principles calculations as a powerful recipe for discovering new Weyl semi-metals with attractive features whose protected fermions may be candidates of many applications.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure

    A sol-gel method for growing superconducting MgB2 films

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    In this paper we report a new sol-gel method for the fabrication of MgB2 films. Polycrystalline MgB2 films were prepared by spin-coating a precursor solution of Mg(BH_4)_2 diethyl ether on (001)Al2O3 substrates followed with annealing in Mg vapor. In comparison with the MgB2 films grown by other techniques, our films show medium qualities including a superconducting transition temperature of Tc ~ 37 K, a critical current density of Jc(5 K, 0 T) ~ 5 {\times} 10^6 A cm^{-2}, and a critical field of H_{c2}(0) ~ 19 T. Such a sol-gel technique shows potential in the commercial fabrication of practically used MgB2 films as well as MgB2 wires and tapes.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure
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