13,159 research outputs found

    Discrete Boltzmann modeling of multiphase flows: hydrodynamic and thermodynamic non-equilibrium effects

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    A discrete Boltzmann model (DBM) is developed to investigate the hydrodynamic and thermodynamic non-equilibrium (TNE) effects in phase separation processes. The interparticle force drives changes and the gradient force, induced by gradients of macroscopic quantities, opposes them. In this paper, we investigate the interplay between them by providing detailed inspection of various non-equilibrium observables. Based on the TNE features, we define a TNE strength which roughly estimates the deviation amplitude from the thermodynamic equilibrium. The time evolution of the TNE intensity provides a convenient and efficient physical criterion to discriminate the stages of the spinodal decomposition and domain growth. Via the DBM simulation and this criterion, we quantitatively study the effects of latent heat and surface tension on phase separation. It is found that, the TNE strength attains its maximum at the end of the spinodal decomposition stage, and it decreases when the latent heat increases from zero. The surface tension effects are threefold, to prolong the duration of the spinodal decomposition stage, decrease the maximum TNE intensity, and accelerate the speed of the domain growth stage.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure

    Lattice BGK kinetic model for high speed compressible flows: hydrodynamic and nonequilibrium behaviors

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    We present a simple and general approach to formulate the lattice BGK model for high speed compressible flows. The main point consists of two parts: an appropriate discrete equilibrium distribution function (DEDF) feq\mathbf{f}^{eq} and a discrete velocity model with flexible velocity size. The DEDF is obtained by feq=C−1M\mathbf{f}^{eq}=\mathbf{C}^{-1}\mathbf{M}, where M\mathbf{M} is a set of moment of the Maxwellian distribution function, and C\mathbf{C} is the matrix connecting the DEDF and the moments. The numerical components of C\mathbf{C} are determined by the discrete velocity model. The calculation of C−1\mathbf{C}^{-1} is based on the analytic solution which is a function of the parameter controlling the sizes of discrete velocity. The choosing of discrete velocity model has a high flexibility. The specific heat ratio of the system can be flexible. The approach works for the one-, two- and three-dimensional model constructions. As an example, we compose a new lattice BGK kinetic model which works not only for recovering the Navier-Stokes equations in the continuum limit but also for measuring the departure of system from its thermodynamic equilibrium. Via adjusting the sizes of the discrete velocities the stably simulated Mach number can be significantly increased up to 30 or even higher. The model is verified and validated by well-known benchmark tests. Some macroscopic behaviors of the system due to deviating from thermodynamic equilibrium around the shock wave interfaces are shown.Comment: accepted for publication in EP

    First Personal Nineties R&B Soul EP

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    For this project, the artist Gan Xu made the first personal EP with 5 tracks including four full-length tracks and an outro. The purpose of this EP was to express the artist’s emotion and stories throughout this year in Spain, with its main theme of love, pain and growth. The genres focused on R&B, Soul, and Ballad. This EP would also be a brand new chapter and meaningful journey for the artist Gan Xu transforming from a physicist to a musician.https://remix.berklee.edu/graduate-studies-production-technology/1198/thumbnail.jp

    FFT-LB modeling of thermal liquid-vapor systems

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    We further develop a thermal LB model for multiphase flows. In the improved model, we propose to use the FFT scheme to calculate both the convection term and external force term. The usage of FFT scheme is detailed and analyzed. By using the FFT algorithm spatiotemporal discretization errors are decreased dramatically and the conservation of total energy is much better preserved. A direct consequence of the improvement is that the unphysical spurious velocities at the interfacial regions can be damped to neglectable scale. Together with the better conservation of total energy, the more accurate flow velocities lead to the more accurate temperature field which determines the dynamical and final states of the system. With the new model, the phase diagram of the liquid-vapor system obtained from simulation is more consistent with that from theoretical calculation. Very sharp interfaces can be achieved. The accuracy of simulation results are also verified by the Laplace law. The FFT scheme can be easily applied to other models for multiphase flows.Comment: 34 pages, 21 figure
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