4 research outputs found

    Effect of Gamma Irradiation on the Physico-chemical Characterstics of Groundnut (Arachis Hypogaea)

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    Abs tract: The aim of this st u d y wa s to evaluate the effect of gamma irradiation on phys ico-chemical properties of groundnut as well as to in v e s t igate its impact on quality attributes of groundnut oil. S e eds of two cultivars of ground nut (Arachis hypogaea) namely Sodari and Madani we re g a mmairradiated at dos e levels of 1, 1.5 and 2 kGys . Proximate compos ition, a s h min e ra ls , iodine value, acid value, peroxide value, s aponification value, oil refractive ind e x, oil relative vis cos ity, in-vitro protein diges tibility, nitrogen s olubility, water holding capacity, oil holding capacit y , b u lk d ens ity, emuls ion activity, emuls ion capacity, e mu ls io n s tability, foam capacity and foam s tability were determined for raw and irra d ia t e d s eeds . The res ults revealed that the effect of gamma irradiation on protein, oil, fiber, carbohydrates and minerals content of grou n d nut seeds was of no cons is tent pattern, however, for the quality attributes of groundnut oil, g amma irradiation caus ed significant d e c re ase (P# 0.05) in iodine value and s ignificant increas e in acid and peroxide values for b o t h cultivars , with exception of the acid value of Madani cultivar. W hile saponification value, refractive index and viscos ity of grou n dnut oil for both cultivars were not affected significantly by gamma irradiation. Moreo v e r, a s c ompared with untreated groundnut flour, for both cultivars , water holding c a pacity, bulk density, emuls ion activity and emuls ion capacity of groundnut flour were n o t s ignificantly affected by gamma irradiation. On the other hand, foaming s tability wa s a ffe c t e d negatively with gamma irradiation. Generally, s light differences between the two cultivars s tudied were obs erved for the different properties tes ted

    Suitability of Treated Wastewater Produced in Sudan for Irrigation Plants

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    The aim of this study was to characterize the quality of treated wastewater of Soba treatment plant, in Khartoum state, in term of its potential to be used in irrigation for different plant products, as well as to study the temporal variations of its physicochemical and biological parameters. Sampling of the treated wastewater was performed during Dec. 2014 and November 2015. The parameters indicating the suitability of such wastewater for irrigation were estimated, these include pH, Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Electrical Conductivity (EC), Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Sulphate, Ammonia, Chloride as well as total count, coli from bacteria and parasites. Results showed that, significant variation in values of pH, EC. Chloride, sulphate, BOD, COD was observed throughout the months of year. In spite of variability throughout the year, the values of pH, EC, TDS chlorides and sulphate, in term of their suitability for use in irrigation, fall within the limits set by FAO for irrigation water. Concentration of total coliform and nematodes in treated wastewater, were more than the concentration limit set by WHO, for restricted irrigation, and less than the limit for unrestricted irrigation. The reuse of the treated wastewater in irrigation of non food crops could be carried out without restriction, however, regarding the use of restricted irrigation, it would be necessary to upgrade treatment processes for further reduction in some parameters, providing that, regular testing should be done regularly

    Growth And Metals Accumulation In Guar (Cyamopsis Tetragonoloba) Irrigated With Treated

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    Abstract: The effect of different concentrations of treated wastewater (0, 25, 50, 75 and 100%) on growth performance and metals accumulation of two lines of Guar (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba) seedling (L18 and L53), under nursery conditions were investigated. The experiment was conducted using a completely randomized design with three replicates.. Plant height, leaves number, fresh weight and dry weight were measured after 60 days. Besides, the concentration of copper, manganese, zinc, chromium and nickel were determined for both stem and leaves of the tested lines. The results indicated that the development of both lines was significantly affected by the application of wastewater. However the concentration of metals was of no consistent pattern in leaves and stem of both lines. The results demonstrate that the ability of plant lines to accumulate metals as observed depends on wastewater concentration and the type of metal. These results suggest that using treated wastewater at different concentration will benefit and not harm Guar plant; however, the greater growth will be achieved with 100 % concentration of the treated wastewater