2 research outputs found

    A spatial regression approach to FDI in Vietnam: province-level evidence

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    Foreign direct investment (FDI) flows into Vietnam have increased significantly in recent years and are distributed unequally between provinces. This paper aims to investigate the locational determinants of FDI in 62 Vietnamese provinces and whether spatial dependence is a significant factor that both researchers and policy-makers should take into account. We report that province-specific percapita income, secondary education enrolment, labor costs, openness to trade, and domestic investment affect FDI directly within the province itself and have indirect effects on FDI in neighboring provinces. The direct and indirect effects coexist with spill over effects and spatial dependence between provinces. Our findings indicate that FDI in Vietnam reflects a combination of complex vertical and export platform motivations on the part of foreign investors; and an agglomeration dynamics that may perpetuate the existing regional disparities in the distribution of FDI capital between provinces

    Trisomia 8 (sindrome de warkany 2) reporte de dos casos

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    Trisomy 8 is an uncommon anomaly in neonates, frequently being a lethal condition among individuals with pure trisomiclines and more tolerable in mosaics cases. This aneuploidy is mainly characterized by a moderate - severe intellectual deficitand poor motor coordination. Affected individuals presents craniofacial malformations, prominent forehead, arched palate,deformed ears with low implantation, elongated trunk, reduced motility, articular defects and deep plantar grooves, which isone of the main characteristics of this condition. Abnormalities of internal organs are of varying severity. We present the reportof two cases of trisomy 8 or Warkany syndrome 2 born at Instituto Nacional Materno Perinatal.La trisomía 8 es una anomalía numérica autosómica poco frecuente entre la población, siendo la mayoría de las veces unacondición letal entre individuos con líneas trisómicas puras y más tolerable en casos de mosaicismos. Esta aneuploidíase caracteriza principalmente por un déficit intelectual de moderado a severo y pobre coordinación motora. Los individuosafectados presentan malformaciones craneofaciales, donde destacan una frente prominente, paladar ojival y orejasdeformadas y de implantación baja, tronco alargado, reducción de la motilidad a nivel articular, y surcos plantares profundosque es una de las principales características de esta condición, las anomalías de órganos internos tienen severidad variable.Presentamos el reporte de dos casos de trisomía 8 o síndrome de Warkany 2 nacidos en el Instituto Nacional MaternoPerinatal