1,590 research outputs found

    Potencial de mejoramiento genético en Juglans neotropica Diels, a los 10 meses de edad en Tunshi, Chimborazo/Potential of Genetic Improvement in Juglans neotropica Diels, at 10 months of age in Tunshi, Chimborazo

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    La ESPOCH en 2 016 inició un programa de mejoramiento genético con Juglans neotropica Diels, con el objetivo de potencializar su uso comercial y restaurar ecosistemas forestales degradados en la sierra ecuatoriana. En febrero de 2 018, en la granja Tunshi - ESPOCH, con una temperatura media anual de 13,8 ∘C, precipitación media anual de 835,6 mm, altitud de 2 700 msnm y en estepa espinosa Montano Bajo (Holdrige 1993). Se estableció un ensayo genético con 38 familias de medios hermanos, provenientes de las procedencias Chimborazo, Tungurahua, Bolívar y Otras. En un diseño de bloques incompletos al azar, con 19 repeticiones; la unidad experimental fue una planta. Se evaluó la supervivencia, altura total (cm), diámetro del fuste a 5 cm del suelo, y presencia temprana de ramas; Los datos fueron analizados en SELEGEN, para obtener los parámetros genéticos. A los 10 meses de evaluación, la heredabilidad individual y familiar son aún bajos, pero significativos en las variables de crecimiento (procedencias > 0,38 para altura total y > 0,31 para DAC). la variación genética entre familias duplica a la variación genética entre procedencias (2,29 a 1,15, respectivamente). El ranking entre procedencias en las variables evaluadas, encabeza la procedencia Chimborazo, mientras que la procedencia Tungurahua ocupa casi siempre los últimos lugares. La colección base de mejoramiento de J. neotropica, plantada en la ESPOCH presenta una amplia variabilidad genética. La táctica de reunir al menos 10 familias por procedencia y por lo menos 3 procedencias, ha mostrado eficiencia para contar con una población base de calidad y plantar una fuente semillera genéticamente fuerte para esta especie importante. In 2 016 ESPOCH started a breeding program with Juglans neotropica Diels, with the intent of developing its commercial use and restoring degraded forest ecosystems in the Ecuadorian highlands. In February 2 018, in the farm Tunshi ESPOCH with an average temperature of 13.8 ∘ C, annual rainfall of 835.6 mm, altitude of 2700 m. one progeny test comprised 38 sib families, sourced from Chimborazo, Tungurahua, Bolivar and other sources. In a design of randomized incomplete blocks, with 19 repetitions; The experiment evaluated plant survival, overall height (cm), stem diameter 5 cm of soil, and early presence of side branches; Genetic parameters were obtained in SELEGEN. At 10 months of evaluation, heritability individual and family are still low, but significant in the variables of growth analyzed (provenances> 0.38 for total height and> 0.31 for DAC). Genetic variation between families duplicates genetic variation among provenances (2.29 to 1.15). The ranking among provenances in all variables is lead by Chimborazo (CH) plants, while the Tungurahua (TUN) almost always origin occupies the last places in growth and vigor. The genetic improvement base collection of J. neotropica planted by ESPOCH is extremely rich and with a wide genetic variability. The strategy of bringing together at least 10 families per provenance and no less than 3 sources, has proved efficient to capture a base population. Palabras claves: Juglans neotropica Diels, procedencias, ensayo de progenies, Mejoramiento Genético. Keywords: Juglans neotropica Diels, provenance, progeny test, Breeding

    Suppress to forget: The effect of a mindfulness-based strategy during an emotional item-directed forgetting paradigm

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    Forgetting is a common phenomenon in everyday life. Although it often has negative connotations, forgetting is an important adaptive mechanism to avoid loading the memory storage with irrelevant information. A very important aspect of forgetting is its interaction with emotion. Affective events are often granted special and priority treatment over neutral ones with regards to memory storage. As a consequence, emotional information is more resistant to extinction than neutral information. It has been suggested that intentional forgetting serves as a mechanism to cope with unwanted or disruptive emotional memories and the main goal of this study was to assess forgetting of emotional auditory material using the item-method directed forgetting (DF) paradigm using a forgetting strategy based on mindfulness as a means to enhance DF. Contrary to our prediction, the mindfulness-based strategy not only did not improve DF but reduced it for neutral material. These results suggest that an interaction between processes such as response inhibition and attention is required for intentional forgetting to succeed

    On anomalies in classical dynamical systems

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    The definition of "classical anomaly" is introduced. It describes the situation in which a purely classical dynamical system which presents both a lagrangian and a hamiltonian formulation admits symmetries of the action for which the Noether conserved charges, endorsed with the Poisson bracket structure, close an algebra which is just the centrally extended version of the original symmetry algebra. The consistency conditions for this to occur are derived. Explicit examples are given based on simple two-dimensional models. Applications of the above scheme and lines of further investigations are suggested.Comment: arXiv version is already officia

    Abelian and Non-Abelian Induced Parity Breaking Terms at Finite Temperature

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    We compute the exact canonically induced parity breaking part of the effective action for 2+1 massive fermions in particular Abelian and non Abelian gauge field backgrounds. The method of computation resorts to the chiral anomaly of the dimensionally reduced theory.Comment: 13 pages, RevTeX, no figure

    The HMW effect in Noncommutative Quantum Mechanics

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    The HMW effect in non-commutative quantum mechanics is studied. By solving the Dirac equations on non-commutative (NC) space and non-commutative phase space, we obtain topological HMW phase on NC space and NC phase space respectively, where the additional terms related to the space-space and momentum-momentum non-commutativity are given explicitly.Comment: 8 Latex page

    The No-Hair Conjecture in 2D Dilaton Supergravity

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    We study two dimensional dilaton gravity and supergravity following hamiltonian methods. Firstly, we consider the structure of constraints of 2D dilaton gravity and then the 2D dilaton supergravity is obtained taking the squere root of the bosonic constraints. We integrate exactly the equations of motion in both cases and we show that the solutions of the equation of motion of 2D dilaton supergravity differs from the solutions of 2D dilaton gravity only by boundary conditions on the fermionic variables, i.e. the black holes of 2D dilaton supergravity theory are exactly the same black holes of 2D bosonic dilaton gravity modulo supersymmetry transformations. This result is the bidimensional analogue of the no-hair theorem for supergravity.Comment: Plain Tex, 19pp, IPNO-TH 93/2

    Noncommutative Quantum Cosmology

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    We propose a model for noncommutative quantum cosmology by means of a deformation of minisuperspace. For the Kantowski-Sachs metric we are able to find the exact wave function. We construct wave packets and show that new quantum states that ``compete'' to be the most probable state appear, in clear contrast with the commutative case. A tunneling process could be possible among these states.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, revtex4 file, major style changes, to be published in PR