522 research outputs found

    Should the Great Food Transformation be Fake-Meat Free? Considering Strategies for a Future of Food that is Kinder to People, Animals, and the Planet

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    In 2019, former Trump White House adviser Sebastian Gorka infamously denounced advocates of the Green New Deal with the pithy admonishment, “They want to take away your hamburgers.” This rhetoric is ironic given that none of the politicians supporting the Deal have suggested widescale adoption of vegan diets, much less any laws or policies restricting the consumption of animal-based meat. However, given our species’ broken relationship to food, perhaps they should. The 2019 EAT-Lancet Commission Food in the Anthropocene report laid bare the scope of our current global predicament, warning that “[g]lobal food production threatens climate stability and ecosystem resilience and constitutes the single largest driver of environmental degradation and transgression of planetary boundaries. Taken together the outcome is dire.” The report argues that “global efforts are urgently needed to collectively transform diets and food production” and that, ultimately, “what is needed is rapid adoption of numerous changes and unprecedented global collaboration and commitment: nothing less than a Great Food Transformation.

    I Want You To Panic: Leveraging the Rhetoric of Fear and Rage for the Future of Food

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    Humanity Is About to Kill 1 Million Species in a Globe-Spanning Murder-Suicide. Only 11 Years Left to Prevent Irreversible Damage from Climate Change. Doomsday headlines like these are terrifying. But are they enough to make us act? The causes of the current climate crisis are many, but the science is clear that the meat and dairy industry shoulders much of the blame. Given the role the animal agriculture industry plays in perpetuating the climate crisis, combined with the harms the industry imposes on the animals and workers within it, politicians and governments—given their degree of power and influence—should ostensibly be leaders in setting policies that might set humanity on a course-correction. Instead, we see fear prompting politicians and governments to action—action designed to slow progress and thwart change

    Duty to Rescue? Exploring Legal Analysis Through the Lens of Photojournalists’ Storytelling Dilemmas

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    In depicting scenes of tragedy, what happens when photojournalists become the story? Do photojournalists have a duty to rescue those they photograph? Should they? This article will use a series of iconic images – and the stories of the photojournalists behind the camera – to illustrate how exploring these questions can be a provocative vehicle through which to engage new law students in legal writing and analysis. The article focuses on an exercise that centers around a fictional “Duty to Rescue” statute modeled after European statutes of the same kind. The exercise is anchored by four images – three still photographs and one image that is part of a short documentary film – of people in tragic and near-death situations. The article explores ways to use the stories behind these images to engage law students in the question of whether the photojournalists who took the images had violated the fictional Duty to Rescue statute, and concludes with a discussion of ideas on how the basic exercise can be modified and/or expanded, including but not limited to raising issues of morality-based lawmaking, ethics, fairness, and differences in law across cultures

    Making Workshops Work (for Everyone): Creating and Capturing a Student-Driven Writing Workshop Series

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    It\u27s not uncommon for new law students to arrive at law school anxious for support on their legal writing assignments and looking for strategies to improve their time management and exam preparation skills. At the same time, upper-level law students are often eager for opportunities to develop their public speaking, presentation development, and leadership skills. This article presents an overview of the 2009-10 Fall Writing Workshop Series, sponsored by the GW Law Writing Center, which successfully met both sets of goals. The article provides readers with concrete ideas for implementing a similar program at their law schools, and includes ideas for expanding and refining the program in future years

    Making Workshops Work (for Everyone): Creating and Capturing a Student-Driven Writing Workshop Series

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    It\u27s not uncommon for new law students to arrive at law school anxious for support on their legal writing assignments and looking for strategies to improve their time management and exam preparation skills. At the same time, upper-level law students are often eager for opportunities to develop their public speaking, presentation development, and leadership skills. This article presents an overview of the 2009-10 Fall Writing Workshop Series, sponsored by the GW Law Writing Center, which successfully met both sets of goals. The article provides readers with concrete ideas for implementing a similar program at their law schools, and includes ideas for expanding and refining the program in future years

    The World Is Not Flat: Conference Planning and Presentation as Part of a Multidimensional Understanding of Scholarship

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    Scholarship. For many academics, the word is filled with a combination of excitement, anticipation, obligation, and dread. Academics are expected to reliably produce scholarship, much like sculptors are expected to produce art, baristas cappuccinos, and stockbrokers profits. While “scholarship” has perhaps traditionally been viewed as strictly words on a page, some scholars view it to be a multidimensional enterprise, something that encompasses the many aspects of the life of a scholar. The idea of scholarship as comprising more than just the generation of a tangible written product is taken up in Maksymilian Del Mar’s Living Legal Scholarship, which asserts “five responsibilities of legal scholarship: the responsibility of reading, writing, teaching, collegiality, and engagement.” Del Mar emphasizes that “[t]he five responsibilities must be understood holistically: they work together to provide a picture of the ethical life of a legal scholar.” This article tells the story of how the authors’ journey has led them to the belief that planning and presenting at legal writing conferences is a powerful way to engage in many (and at times perhaps all?) of Del Mar’s “five responsibilities of legal scholarship.” The article concludes with practical guidance based on the authors’ experiences on how seizing the opportunity to do your own conference planning and hosting can benefit you, your school, and the broader legal writing community

    O relatório de Raul Prebisch: a ordem rural como eixo na desvalorização dos artigos de exportação (1949).

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    Para recém-inaugurada Comissão Econômica para a América Latina, uma secção regional da Organização das Nações Unidas, Raul Prebisch escreveu o relatório intitulado “O desenvolvimento econômico da América Latina e alguns dos seus principais problemas” em 1949. O documento esteve em análise na reunião de Havana, capital cubana. A mensagem se estabelece como um divisor de águas para os estudiosos interessados nas questões industriais impulsionadas pela periferia do sistema capitalista, pois concentra a ênfase na teoria da perda de valor dos artigos primários no comércio internacional. O presente artigo se propõe a abordá-lo com uma perspectiva que recupera os sentidos da época na qual foi publicado, o analisa e questiona as temáticas rurais latino-americanas que são hegemônicas e se delineiam na elaboração do processo de substituição de importações sugerido pelo intelectual

    Raúl Prebisch's report: the rural order as the axis of the deterioration of the terms of trade (1949)

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    Para recém-inaugurada Comissão Econômica para a América Latina, uma secção regional da Organização das Nações Unidas, Raul Prebisch escreveu o relatório intitulado “O desenvolvimento econômico da América Latina e alguns dos seus principais problemas” em 1949. O documento esteve em análise na reunião de Havana, capital cubana. A mensagem se estabelece como um divisor de águas para os estudiosos interessados nas questões industriais impulsionadas pela periferia do sistema capitalista, pois concentra a ênfase na teoria da perda de valor dos artigos primários no comércio internacional. O presente artigo se propõe a abordá-lo com uma perspectiva que recupera os sentidos da época na qual foi publicado, o analisa e questiona as temáticas rurais latino-americanas que são hegemônicas e se delineiam na elaboração do processo de substituição de importações sugerido pelo intelectual.For the newly inaugurated Economic Commission for Latin America, a regional section of the United Nations, Raul Prebisch wrote the report entitled “The economic development of Latin America and some of its main problems” in 1949. The document was under analysis at the meeting in Havana, the Cuban capital. The message establishes itself as a watershed for scholars interested in industrial issues driven by the periphery of the capitalist system, as it focuses on the theory of the loss of value of primary articles in international trade. The present article proposes to approach it with a perspective that recovers the meanings of the time in which it was published, analyzes and questions the Latin American rural themes that are hegemonic and that are outlined in the elaboration of the import substitution process suggested by the intellectual.Fil: de Almeida Gambert, Bruno. Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Departamento de Ciencias Sociales. Centro de Estudios de la Argentina Rural; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Celso Furtado e Aldo Ferrer se contrapõem a um modelo de desenvolvimento em Sociedades Periféricas (1951-1954).

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    Resumo: O artigo aborda os primeiros anos de um movimento intelectual conhecido como nacional desenvolvimentismo. As teorias de Celso Furtado e Aldo Ferrer, dois de seus pensadores, são revisitadas no momento em que intelectuais da periferia se empenham na interpretaçãode economias pouco desenvolvidas. As análises disciplinares que abarcam as regiões periféricas do globo eram, por via de regra, elaboradas por personagens situados nos países do centro do sistema econômico. A comparação entre ambos permite a identificação de uma aparente subalternidade do pensamento econômico latino-americano na tarefade analisar as zonas remotas do comércio internacional. No presente estudo, a perspectiva comparada viabiliza a compreensão do posicionamento dos sul-americanos em contraposição a uma vertente específica de classificação, proveniente de sociedades hegemônicas, a respeito das economias pouco desenvolvidas

    RENOVAR: Consultoria Social as Instituições de Longa Permanência aos Idosos nas Missões e Fronteira Oeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul

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    Trabalho apresentado no 31º SEURS - Seminário de Extensão Universitária da Região Sul, realizado em Florianópolis, SC, no período de 04 a 07 de agosto de 2013 - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.O Renovar objetiva prestar consultoria social as Instituições de Longa Permanência de atendimento a idosos da Região das Missões e Fronteira Oeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul visando fortalecimento do Sistema Único de Assistência Social no que diz respeito ao atendimento Política Nacional do Idoso. Ressalta-se que na perspectiva do SUAS cabe a proteção social básica e especial garantir a redução de desigualdades sociais e combate a extrema pobreza por meio de ações não contributivas que visam diversas ações preventivas e pró-ativas.O presente projeto por meio de consultoria presente assistir as 17 instituições da região das Missões e Fronteira Oeste por meio de ações preventivas, capacitações e atendimento das demais demandas que possam surgir. O segmento idoso tem exigido maior cuidado por conta do aumento do índice de idosos no Brasil assim como a crescente expansão de instituições de asilamento que abrigam idosos em sua grande maioria abandonadas, violentados em direitos ou ainda em situação de vulnerabilidade socia