48 research outputs found

    ¿Qué nos pueden decir las cosechas de crédito sobre la cartera en mora?

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    Usando información de cosechas de crédito, en este documento descomponemos la cartera en mora en un componente que captura la evolución de la capacidad de pago de los deudores y otro componente que captura los cambios en la toma de riesgo de crédito del sistema financiero al momento del desembolso. Utilizamos estimadores intrínsecos y técnicas de regresión penalizadas para solucionar el problema de multicolinealidad perfecta asociado a la estimación de los parámetros de los modelos. Encontramos que estos dos tipos de componentes han evolucionado de manera diferente a lo largo del tiempo y que buenas condiciones económicas y condiciones financieras laxas mejoran la capacidad de pago de los deudores para cumplir con sus obligaciones y, a su vez, tienden a coincidir con el otorgamiento de préstamos de mayor riesgo por parte del sistema financiero. Finalmente, recomendamos el uso de esta metodología como herramienta de política de fácil aplicación por parte de las autoridades financieras y económicas que disponen de un flujo constante de información de cosechas de crédito. A través de ella las autoridades podrían identificar el origen de la materialización del riesgo crediticio y contener la toma de riesgo del sistema financiero.Using Colombian credit vintage data, we decompose the non-performing loans into one component that captures the evolution of the payment capacity of borrowers, and other component that captures changes in the credit risk taken by the financial system at the time of loan disbursement. We use intrinsic estimators and penalized regression techniques to overcome the perfect multicollinearity problem that the model entails. We find that these two type of components have evolved differently over time, and that good economic conditions and loose financial conditions improve the payment capacity of borrowers to meet their obligations, and in turn, they tend to coincide with the financial system engaging in riskier loans. Finally, we advocate the use of this methodology as a policy tool that is easy to apply by financial and economic authorities that dispose of a constant flow of credit vintage information. Through it, they will be able to identify the origin of the credit risk materialization and curb the risk taken by the financial system.¿Qué nos pueden decir las cosechas de crédito sobre la cartera en mora? Enfoque Utilizando información de cosechas de crédito, que siguen a través del tiempo el desempeño de los créditos que se desembolsan cada mes, descomponemos la dinámica de la cartera en mora en un componente que captura la capacidad de pago de los deudores y otro que está asociado a la toma de riesgo de crédito por parte del sistema financiero. Contribución Proponemos una metodología para analizar la dinámica de la cartera en mora. Adicionalmente, esta metodología puede servir como una herramienta de política para monitorear la toma de riesgo de crédito del sistema financiero. Resultados Encontramos que los dos tipos de componentes de la cartera en mora han variado en el tiempo de distintas maneras y que, en general, buenas condiciones económicas y condiciones financieras más laxas mejoran la capacidad de pago de los deudores, al tiempo que coinciden con períodos en los que el sistema financiero otorga préstamos que resultan ser más riesgosos. Frase destacada: Esta metodología puede servir como una herramienta de política para monitorear el riesgo de crédito del sistema financiero

    Encuesta de percepción sobre riesgos del sistema Financiero - Enero de 2021

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    En este informe se presentan los resultados de la Encuesta de Percepción Sobre Riesgos del Sistema Financiero, la cual busca identificar la perspectiva de diferentes agentes de la economía frente a los riesgos y vulnerabilidades más importantes que enfrenta el sector financiero, y evaluar cuál es el nivel de confianza que tienen en su estabilidad

    Encuesta de percepción sobre riesgos del sistema Financiero - Junio de 2022

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    En este informe se presentan los resultados de la Encuesta de Percepción Sobre Riesgos del Sistema Financiero, la cual busca identificar la perspectiva de diferentes agentes de la economía frente a los riesgos y vulnerabilidades más importantes que enfrenta el sector financiero, y evaluar cuál es el nivel de confianza que tienen en su estabilidad

    Encuesta de percepción sobre riesgos del sistema Financiero - Diciembre de 2021

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    En este informe se presentan los resultados de la Encuesta de Percepción Sobre Riesgos del Sistema Financiero, la cual busca identificar la perspectiva de diferentes agentes de la economía frente a los riesgos y vulnerabilidades más importantes que enfrenta el sector financiero, y evaluar cuál es el nivel de confianza que tienen en su estabilidad

    Informe especial de estabilidad financiera: riesgo de crédito - Primer semestre de 2021

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    Monitorear el riesgo de crédito es fundamental para preservar la estabilidad del sistema financiero. Este informe presenta, para cada modalidad de cartera, un análisis de las condiciones de crédito y de los principales indicadores de riesgo

    Informe especial de estabilidad financiera: riesgo de crédito - Segundo semestre de 2021

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    Monitorear el riesgo de crédito es fundamental para preservar la estabilidad del sistema financiero. Este informe presenta, para cada modalidad de cartera, un análisis de las condiciones de crédito y de los principales indicadores de riesgo

    Informe especial de estabilidad financiera: riesgo de crédito - Primer semestre de 2022

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    Monitorear el riesgo de crédito es fundamental para preservar la estabilidad del sistema financiero. Este informe presenta, para cada modalidad de cartera, un análisis de las condiciones de crédito y de los principales indicadores de riesgo

    Informe especial de estabilidad financiera: riesgo de crédito - Segundo semestre de 2020

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    Monitorear el riesgo de crédito es fundamental para preservar la estabilidad del sistema financiero. El análisis que se presenta en este informe utiliza, para cada modalidad de crédito, indicadores como el de calidad por riesgo; el indicador de calidad por mora (ICM); el indicador de calidad por riesgo por operaciones; el indicador de calidad por mora por operaciones; así como la probabilidad de que un determinado crédito migre hacia una mejor o hacia una peor calificación crediticia

    Financial Stability Report - Second Semester of 2021

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    Banco de la República’s main objective is to preserve the purchasing power of the currency in coordination with the general economic policy that is intended to stabilize output and employment at long-term sustainable levels. Properly meeting the goal assigned to the Bank by the 1991 Constitution critically depends on preserving financial stability. This is understood to be a general condition in which the financial system assesses and manages the financial risks in a way that facilitates the economy’s performance and efficient allocation of resources while, at the same time, it is able to, on its own, absorb, dissipate, and mitigate the shocks that may arise as a result of adverse events. This Financial Stability Report meets the goal of giving Banco de la República’s diagnosis of the financial system’s and its debtors’ recent performance as well as of the main risks and vulnerabilities that could affect the stability of the Colombian economy. In this way, participants in financial markets and the public are being informed, and public debate on trends and risks affecting the system is being encouraged. The results presented here also serve the monetary authority as a basis for making decisions that will enhance financial stability in the general context of its objectives. In recent months, several positive aspects of the financial system have preserved a remarkable degree of continuity and stability: the liquidity and capital adequacy of financial institutions have remained well above the regulatory minimums at both the individual and consolidated levels, the coverage of past-due loans by loan-loss provisions remains high, and the financial markets for public and private debt and stocks have continued to function normally. At the same time, a surge in all the types of loan portfolios, a sharp downturn in the non-performing loan portfolio, and a rise in the profitability of credit institutions can be seen for the first time since the beginning of the pandemic. In line with the general recovery of the economy, the main vulnerability to the stability of the Colombian financial system identified in the previous edition—uncertainty about changes in the non-performing loans portfolio—has receded and remains on a downward trend. In this edition, the main source of vulnerability identified for financial stability in the short term is the system’s exposure to sudden changes in international financial conditions; the results presented in this Report indicate that the system is sufficiently resilient to such scenarios. In compliance with its constitutional objectives and in coordination with the financial system’s security network, Banco de la República will continue to closely monitor the outlook for financial stability at this juncture and will make the decisions necessary to ensure the proper functioning of the economy, facilitate the flow of sufficient credit and liquidity resources, and further the smooth functioning of the payment system. Leonardo Villar Gomez Governor Box 1 -Decomposition of the Net Interest Margin in Colombia and Chile Wilmar Cabrera Daniela Rodríguez-Novoa Box 2 - Spatial Analysis of New Home Prices in Bogota, Medellín, and Cali Using a Geostatistical Approach María Fernanda Meneses Camilo Eduardo Sánchez Box 3 - Interest Rate Model for the SYSMO Stress Test Exercise Wilmar Cabrera Diego Cuesta Santiago Gamba Camilo Gómez Box 4 - The Transition from LIBOR and other International Benchmark Rates Daniela X. Gualtero Briceño Javier E. Pirateque Niñ

    Reporte Estabilidad Financiera - Primer Semestre de 2020

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    In the face of the multiple shocks currently experienced by the domestic economy (resulting from the drop in oil prices and the appearance of a global pandemic), the Colombian financial system is in a position of sound solvency and adequate liquidity. At the same time, credit quality has been recovering and the exposure of credit institutions to firms with currency mismatches has declined relative to previous episodes of sudden drops in oil prices. These trends are reflected in the recent fading of red and blue tonalities in the performance and credit risk segments of the risk heatmaps in Graphs A and B.1 Naturally, the sudden, unanticipated change in macroeconomic conditions has caused the appearance of vulnerabilities for short-term financial stability. These vulnerabilities require close and continuous monitoring on the part of economic authorities. The main vulnerability is the response of credit and credit risk to a potential, temporarily extreme macroeconomic situation in the context of: (i) recently increased exposure of some banks to household sector, and (ii) reductions in net interest income that have led to a decline in the profitability of the banking business in the recent past. Furthermore, as a consequence of greater uncertainty and risk aversion, occasional problems may arise in the distribution of liquidity between agents and financial markets. With regards to local markets, spikes have been registered in the volatility of public and private fixed income securities in recent weeks that are consistent with the behavior of the international markets and have had a significant impact on the liquidity of those instruments (red portions in the most recent past of some market risk items on the map in Graph A). In order to adopt a forward-looking approach to those vulnerabilities, this Report presents a stress test that evaluates the resilience of credit institutions in the event of a hypothetical scenario thatseeks to simulate an extreme version of current macroeconomic conditions. The scenario assumes a hypothetical negative growth that is temporarily strong but recovers going into the middle of the coming year and has extreme effects on credit quality. The results suggest that credit institutions have the ability to withstand a significant deterioration in economic conditions in the short term. Even though there could be a strong impact on credit, liquidity, and profitability under the scenario being considered, aggregate capital ratios would probably remain at above their regulatory limits over the horizon of a year. In this context, the recent measures taken by both Banco de la República and the Office of the Financial Superintendent of Colombia that are intended to help preserve the financial stability of the Colombian economy become highly relevant. In compliance with its constitutional objectives and in coordination with the financial system’s security network, Banco de la República will continue to closely monitor the outlook for financial stability at this juncture and will make the decisions that are necessary to ensure the proper functioning of the economy, facilitate the flow of sufficient credit and liquidity resources, and further the smooth functioning of the payment system. Juan José Echavarría Governo