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    O levantamento da estrutura, composi\ue7\ue3o flor\uedstica e aspectos socioambientais dos quintais agroflorestais foi realizado na comunidade Santo Ant\uf4nio, munic\uedpio de Santar\ue9m, Par\ue1, Brasil. O local de estudo compreende 6 QAFs, onde tamb\ue9m foram ouvidos os manejadores de cada quintal e mais 2 moradores antigos. Foi amostrado um total de 522 indiv\uedduos compreendendo 90 esp\ue9cies e 53 fam\uedlias bot\ue2nicas. A fam\uedlia que apresentou maior n\ufamero de esp\ue9cies foi Asteraceae. As esp\ue9cies destinadas \ue0 alimenta\ue7\ue3o (32%) dominaram a \ue1rea e as mais frequentes foram Persea americana , Psidium guajava , Carica papaya e Allium fistulosum . A maioria das esp\ue9cies foi introduzida (78%), com predomin\ue2ncia dos subarbustos (40%) e \ue1rvores (22%). O manejo dos quintais \ue9 realizado pela mulher, respons\ue1vel pela introdu\ue7\ue3o de novas esp\ue9cies e sua diversifica\ue7\ue3o tende a evoluir ao longo do tempo. A an\ue1lise do Coeficiente de Import\ue2ncia da Esp\ue9cie (CIE) permitiu indicar como potencialmente comerciais Euterpe oleracea , Annona muricata , Carica papaya, Psidium guajava e Carapa guianensis , cujo manejo deve ser favorecido dentro dos quintais, podendo haver sua introdu\ue7\ue3o em lotes, otimizando o uso da terra, assegurando a seguran\ue7a alimentar e agregando renda \ue0s fam\uedlias com a venda do excedente da produ\ue7\ue3o.The structure, floristic and environmental aspects survey of home gardens was performed in the community of Santo Antonio, municipality of Santar\ue9m, Par\ue1 state, Brazil. The area studied comprises 6 home gardens, where each yard handler and 2 more former residents were heard. A total of 522 plants were sampled comprising 90 species distributed in 53 families. The family with the greatest number of species was Asteraceae. The species for food (32%) dominated the area and the most frequent ones were Persea americana , Psidium guajava , Carica papaya and Allium fistulosum . Most of species were imported plants (78%), predominantly subshrubs (40%) and trees (22%). The management of the gardens is done by a woman who is also responsible for the introduction of new species and its diversification tends to evolve over time. The Analysis of the Species Importance Coefficient indicates how these potentially commercial Euterpe oleracea , Annona muricata , Carica papaya, Psidium guajava and Carapa guianensis , which management should be favored in the agroforestry for example, optimizing the use of land, food security and aggregating income families through the sale of surplus


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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar e comparar a composicao floristica e estrutura horizontal da floresta manejada (FM) e da floresta nao manejada (FNM). Utilizou-se amostragem casual estratificada com 12 parcelas na FM e 12 na FNM. Em parcelas de 28 x 350 m mensuraram-se todos os individuos com circunferencia a altura do peito (CAP) maior ou igual a 31,4 cm e menor do que 94,2 cm (nivel I de inclusao), subparcelas de 28 x 100 m, os individuos com 94,2 cm 64 CAP <157,1 cm (nivel de inclusao II), subparcelas de 28 x 250 m e individuos com CAP 65 157,1 m (nivel de inclusao III). Em ambas as florestas foram encontradas 216 especies, distribuidas em 44 familias botanicas. A FNM apresentou maior indice de diversidade de Shannon-Weaver (H e)(H'= 4,47). A composicao floristica, na FM, nao sofreu alteracoes significativas durante o manejo empresarial realizado. Entretanto, houve alteracoes significativas de riqueza e area basal entre FM e FNM devido a colheita realizada que implicou na retirada de individuos em classes comerciais e tambem ao dano causado as arvores remanescentes. As especies de maior importancia ecologica em FNM foram Rinorea guianensis Aubl (Violaceae), Pouteria bilocularis (H. Winkler) Baehni (Sapotaceae) e Sclerolobium paniculatum Vogel (Fabaceae). Em FM foram Rinorea guianensis Aubl (Violaceae), Manilkara huberi (Ducke) Chevalier (Sapotaceae) e Eschweilera coriacea (DC.) S.A. Mori (Lecythidaceae). Para o periodo considerado, a area basal parece estar se recuperando adequadamente.The aim of this study was to analyze and to compare the floristic composition and horizontal structure of managed forest (FM) and unmanaged forest (FNM). A stratified random sampling was used with 12 plots in the FM and 12 plots in the FNM. In plots of 28 x 350 m, all individuals with circumference at breast height (CAP) greater than or equal to 31.4 cm and smaller than 94.2 cm (inclusion level I) were measured, plots of 28 x 100 m, individuals with 64 94.2 cm CAP <157.1 cm (inclusion level II), plots of 28 x 250 m individuals with CAP 65 157.1 m (inclusion level III). In both forests 216 species were found, distributed in 44 botanical families. The FNM had a higher diversity index of Shannon-Weaver (H ') (H' = 4.47). The floristic composition, in the FM did not change significantly during the forest management. However, there were significant changes in richness and basal area between FM and FNM because of the harvesting done which resulted in the removal of individuals in commercial classes and also to the damage caused to the remaining trees. The most important species in ecological FNM were Rinorea guianensis Aubl (Violaceae), Pouteria bilocularis (H. Winkler) Baehni (Sapotaceae) and Sclerolobium paniculatum Vogel (Fabaceae). In FM, were Rinorea guianensis Aubl (Violaceae), Manilkara huberi (Ducke) Chevalier (Sapotaceae) and Eschweilera coriacea (DC.) S.A.Mori (Lecythidaceae). For the period considered, the basal area seems to be recovering properly