843 research outputs found
Computation of Self-Induced Magnetic Field Effects Including the Lorentz Force for Fast-Transient Phenomena in Integrated-Circuit Devices
We present a full physical simulation picture of the electromagnetic phenomena combining electromagnetic (EM) fields and carrier transport in semiconductor devices (TCAD) in the transient regime. The simulation tool computes the EM fields in a self-consistent way and the resulting magnetic fields are incorporated in the computation of the current sources that get modified by the Lorentz force (LF).published_or_final_versio
A Novel UV Photon Detector with Resistive Electrodes
In this study we present first results from a new detector of UV photons: a
thick gaseous electron multiplier (GEM) with resistive electrodes, combined
with CsI or CsTe/CsI photocathodes. The hole type structure considerably
suppresses the photon and ion feedback, whereas the resistive electrodes
protect the detector and the readout electronics from damage by any eventual
discharges. This device reaches higher gains than a previously developed
photosensitive RPC and could be used not only for the imaging of UV sources,
flames or Cherenkov light, for example, but also for the detection of X-rays
and charged particles.Comment: Presented at the International Workshop on Resistive Plate Chambers,
Korea, October 200
Crystal structure of LaTiO_3.41 under pressure
The crystal structure of the layered, perovskite-related LaTiO_3.41
(La_5Ti_5O_{17+\delta}) has been studied by synchrotron powder x-ray
diffraction under hydrostatic pressure up to 27 GPa (T = 295 K). The
ambient-pressure phase was found to remain stable up to 18 GPa. A sluggish, but
reversible phase transition occurs in the range 18--24 GPa. The structural
changes of the low-pressure phase are characterized by a pronounced anisotropy
in the axis compressibilities, which are at a ratio of approximately 1:2:3 for
the a, b, and c axes. Possible effects of pressure on the electronic properties
of LaTiO_3.41 are discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure
NaV_2O_5 as a quarter-filled ladder compound
A new X-ray diffraction study of the one-dimensional spin-Peierls compound
\alpha-NaV_2O_5 reveals a centrosymmetric (Pmmn) crystal structure with one
type of V site, contrary to the previously postulated non-centrosymmetric
P2_1mn structure with two types of V sites (V^{+4} and V^{+5}). Density
functional calculations indicate that NaV_2O_5 is a quarter-filled ladder
compound with the spins carried by V-O-V molecular orbitals on the rungs of the
ladder. Estimates of the charge-transfer gap and the exchange coupling agree
well with experiment and explain the insulating behavior of NaV_2O_5 and its
magnetic properties.Comment: Final version for PRL, value of U correcte
The effect of sample drying temperature on marine particulate organic carbon composition
Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2018. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here under a nonexclusive, irrevocable, paid-up, worldwide license granted to WHOI. It is made available for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Limnology and Oceanography Methods 16 (2018): 286-298, doi:10.1002/lom3.10245.Compositional changes in marine particulate organic carbon (POC) throughout the water column trace important processes that underlie the biological pump’s efficiency. While labor-intensive, particle sampling efforts offer potential to expand the empirical POC archive at different stages in the water column, provided that organic composition is sufficiently preserved between sampling and analysis. The standard procedure for preserving organic matter composition in marine samples is to immediately store particles at -80°C to -20°C until they can be freeze-dried for analysis. This report investigates the effect of warmer drying and storage temperatures on POC composition, which applies to the majority of POC samples collected in the field without intention for organic analysis. Particle samples collected off Woods Hole, MA were immediately dried at 56°C, at room temperature, or stored at -80°C until being freeze-dried. Results show that oven- and air-drying did not shift the bulk composition (i.e., carbon and nitrogen content and stable isotope composition) of POC in the samples relative to freeze-drying. Similarly, warmer drying temperatures did not affect POC thermal stability, as inferred by ramped pyrolysis/oxidation (RPO), a growing technique that uses a continuous temperature ramp to differentiate components of organic carbon by their decomposition temperature. Oven- and air-drying did depress lipid abundances relative to freeze-drying, the extent of which depended on compound size and structure. The data suggest that field samples dried at room temperatures and 56°C are appropriate for assessing bulk POC composition and thermal stability, but physical mechanisms such as molecular volatilization bias their lipid composition.This research was funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship program and the NSF Cooperative Agreement for the Operation of a National Ocean Sciences Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Facility (OCE-0753487)
Angular localisation for non circular signals
We present in this article an angular location algorithm of non circular sources . We show how to take into account non circularit y
of signals in array processing and develop an extension of the MUSIC algorithm . This extension offers, for a relatively simple
implementation, performance appreciably superior the classic algorithm . The main improvement linked to the non circularit y
concern the resolution, the variance of estimation and the number of localizable sources . These characteristics are illustrated b y
simulations .Nous présentons dans cet article un algorithme de localisation angulaire de sources non circulaires. Nous montrons comment prendre en compte la nature non circulaire des signaux en traitement d'antenne et développons une extension de l'algorithme MUSIC. Cette extension offre, pour une mise en oeuvre relativement simple, des performances sensiblement supérieures à l'algorithme classique. Les principaux avantages liés à la non circularité concernent la résolution, la variance d'estimation et le nombre de sources localisables. Ces caractéristiques sont illustrées par des simulations
Advanced Photodetectors for Hyperspectroscopy and Other Applications
Hyperspectroscopy is a new method of surface image taking, providing
simultaneously high position and spectral resolutions which allow one to make
some conclusions about chemical compositions of the surfaces. We are now
studying applications of the hyperspctroscopic technique to be used for
medicine. This may allow one to develop early diagnostics of some illnesses, as
for example, skin cancer. For image taking advanced MCPs are currently used,
sensitive in the spectral interval of 450-850 nm. One of the aims of this work
is to extend the hyperspectrocpic method to the UV region of spectra: 185-280
nm. For this we have developed and successfully tested innovative 1D and 2D UV
sealed photosensitive gaseous detectors with resistive electrodes. These
detectors are superior MCPs due to the very low rate of noise pulses and thus
due to the high signal to noise ratio. Other important features of these
detectors are that they have excellent position resolutions - 30 micron in
digital form, are vibration stable and are spark protected. The first results
from the application of these detectors for spectroscopy, hyperspectroscopy and
the flame detection are presented.Comment: Presented at the IEEE Nuclear Science Syposium, Puerto Rico, October
Magneto-Dielectric Effect in the S = 1/2 Quasi-Two Dimensional Antiferromagnet K2V3O8
We report the optical and magneto-optical properties of K2V3O8, an S=1/2
quasi-two-dimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnet. Local spin density
approximation electronic structure calculations are used to assign the observed
excitations and analyze the field dependent features. Two large magneto-optical
effects, centered at ~1.19 and 2.5 eV, are attributed to field-induced changes
in the V 4+ d to d on-site excitations due to modification of the local crystal
field environment of the VO5 square pyramids with applied magnetic field. Taken
together, the evidence for a soft lattice, the presence of vibrational fine
structure on the sharp 1.19 eV magneto-optical feature,and the fact that these
optical excitations are due to transitions from a nearly pure spin polarized V
d state to hybridized states involving both V and O, suggest that the
magneto-dielectric effect in K2V3O8 is driven by strong lattice coupling.Comment: Zipped file containing 8 pages, 12 figures, in press PR
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