608 research outputs found

    Modeling networks of spiking neurons as interacting processes with memory of variable length

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    We consider a new class of non Markovian processes with a countable number of interacting components, both in discrete and continuous time. Each component is represented by a point process indicating if it has a spike or not at a given time. The system evolves as follows. For each component, the rate (in continuous time) or the probability (in discrete time) of having a spike depends on the entire time evolution of the system since the last spike time of the component. In discrete time this class of systems extends in a non trivial way both Spitzer's interacting particle systems, which are Markovian, and Rissanen's stochastic chains with memory of variable length which have finite state space. In continuous time they can be seen as a kind of Rissanen's variable length memory version of the class of self-exciting point processes which are also called "Hawkes processes", however with infinitely many components. These features make this class a good candidate to describe the time evolution of networks of spiking neurons. In this article we present a critical reader's guide to recent papers dealing with this class of models, both in discrete and in continuous time. We briefly sketch results concerning perfect simulation and existence issues, de-correlation between successive interspike intervals, the longtime behavior of finite non-excited systems and propagation of chaos in mean field systems

    Neighborhood radius estimation in Variable-neighborhood Random Fields

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    We consider random fields defined by finite-region conditional probabilities depending on a neighborhood of the region which changes with the boundary conditions. To predict the symbols within any finite region it is necessary to inspect a random number of neighborhood symbols which might change according to the value of them. In analogy to the one dimensional setting we call these neighborhood symbols the context of the region. This framework is a natural extension, to d-dimensional fields, of the notion of variable-length Markov chains introduced by Rissanen (1983) in his classical paper. We define an algorithm to estimate the radius of the smallest ball containing the context based on a realization of the field. We prove the consistency of this estimator. Our proofs are constructive and yield explicit upper bounds for the probability of wrong estimation of the radius of the context

    Partially observed Markov random fields are variable neighborhood random fields

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    The present paper has two goals. First to present a natural example of a new class of random fields which are the variable neighborhood random fields. The example we consider is a partially observed nearest neighbor binary Markov random field. The second goal is to establish sufficient conditions ensuring that the variable neighborhoods are almost surely finite. We discuss the relationship between the almost sure finiteness of the interaction neighborhoods and the presence/absence of phase transition of the underlying Markov random field. In the case where the underlying random field has no phase transition we show that the finiteness of neighborhoods depends on a specific relation between the noise level and the minimum values of the one-point specification of the Markov random field. The case in which there is phase transition is addressed in the frame of the ferromagnetic Ising model. We prove that the existence of infinite interaction neighborhoods depends on the phase.Comment: To appear in Journal of Statistical Physic
