13 research outputs found

    Signal integration by GSK3 kinases in the root

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    International audienceSignal integration is central to the regulation of patterning during plant development. During lateral root initiation, a signalling pathway controlled by the phloem-secreted TDIF peptide is found to activate the auxin signalling pathway independently of auxin, through phosphorylation of ARF transcription factors by GSK3 (Shaggy-like) kinases

    Salt stress signals shape the plant root

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    Plants use different strategies to deal with high soil salinity. One strategy is activation of pathways that allow the plant to export or compartmentalise salt. Relying on their phenotypic plasticity, plants can also adjust their root system architecture (RSA) and the direction of root growth to avoid locally high salt concentrations. Here, we highlight RSA responses to salt and osmotic stress and the underlying mechanisms. A model is presented that describes how salinity affects auxin distribution in the root. Possible intracellular signalling pathways linking salinity to root development and direction of root growth are discussed. These involve perception of high cytosolic Na + concentrations in the root, activation of lipid signalling and protein kinase activity and modulation of endocytic pathways.</p

    Halotropism requires phospholipase DĪ¶1-mediated modulation of cellular polarity of auxin transport carriers

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    Endocytosis and relocalization of auxin carriers represent important mechanisms for adaptive plant growth and developmental responses. Both root gravitropism and halotropism have been shown to be dependent on relocalization of auxin transporters. Following their homology to mammalian phospholipase Ds (PLDs), plant PLDĪ¶-type enzymes are likely candidates to regulate auxin carrier endocytosis. We investigated root tropic responses for an Arabidopsis pldĪ¶1-KO mutant and its effect on the dynamics of two auxin transporters during salt stress, that is, PIN2 and AUX1. We found altered root growth and halotropic and gravitropic responses in the absence of PLDĪ¶1 and report a role for PLDĪ¶1 in the polar localization of PIN2. Additionally, irrespective of the genetic background, salt stress induced changes in AUX1 polarity. Utilizing our previous computational model, we found that these novel salt-induced AUX1 changes contribute to halotropic auxin asymmetry. We also report the formation of ā€œosmotic stress-induced membrane structures.ā€ These large membrane structures are formed at the plasma membrane shortly after NaCl or sorbitol treatment and have a prolonged presence in a pldĪ¶1 mutant. Taken together, these results show a crucial role for PLDĪ¶1 in both ionic and osmotic stress-induced auxin carrier dynamics during salt stress.</p

    UvA-DARE (Digital Academic Repository) Link to publication Citation for published version (APA): Identification and functional characterization of the Arabidopsis Snf1-related protein kinase SnRK2.4 phosphatidic acid-binding domain

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    Halotropism requires Phospholipase DĪ¶1-mediated modulation of cellular polarity of auxin transport carriers

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    Endocytosis and re-localization of auxin carriers represent important mechanisms for adaptive plant growth- and developmental responses. Both root gravitropism and halotropism have been shown to be dependent on re-localization of auxin transporters. Following their homology to mammalian phospholipase Ds (PLDs), plant PLD Ī¶-type enzymes are likely candidates to regulate auxin-carrier endocytosis. We investigated root tropic responses for an Arabidopsis pldĪ¶1-KO mutant, and its effect on the dynamics of two auxin transporters during salt stress, i.e. PIN2 and AUX1. We found altered root growth, halotropic- and gravitropic responses in absence of PLDĪ¶1, and report a role for PLDĪ¶1 in the polar localization of PIN2. Additionally, irrespective of the genetic background, salt stress induced changes in AUX1 polarity. Utilizing our previous computational model, we found that these novel salt induced-AUX1 changes contribute to halotropic auxin asymmetry. We also report the formation of 'Osmotic Stress-Induced Membrane Structures', or OSIMS. These large membrane structures are formed at the plasma membrane shortly after NaCl or sorbitol treatment, and have a prolonged presence in a pldĪ¶1 mutant. Taken together, these results show a crucial role for PLDĪ¶1 in both ionic and osmotic stress-induced auxin carrier dynamics during salt stress

    The Snf1-related protein kinases SnRK2.4 and SnRK2.10 are involved in maintenance of root system architecture during salt stress

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    The sucrose non-fermenting-1-related protein kinase 2 (SnRK2) family represents a unique family of plant-specific protein kinases implicated in cellular signalling in response to osmotic stress. In our studies, we observed that two class 1 SnRK2 kinases, SnRK2.4 and SnRK2.10, are rapidly and transiently activated in Arabidopsis roots after exposure to salt. Under saline conditions, snrk2.4 knockout mutants had a reduced primary root length, while snrk2.10 mutants exhibited a reduction in the number of lateral roots. The reduced lateral root density was found to be a combinatory effect of a decrease in the number of lateral root primordia and an increase in the number of arrested lateral root primordia. The phenotypes were in agreement with the observed expression patterns of genomic yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) fusions of SnRK2.10 and -2.4, under control of their native promoter sequences. SnRK2.10 was found to be expressed in the vascular tissue at the base of a developing lateral root, whereas SnRK2.4 was expressed throughout the root, with higher expression in the vascular system. Salt stress triggered a rapid re-localization of SnRK2.4-YFP from the cytosol to punctate structures in root epidermal cells. Differential centrifugation experiments of isolated Arabidopsis root proteins confirmed recruitment of endogenous SnRK2.4/2.10 to membranes upon exposure to salt, supporting their observed binding affinity for the phospholipid phosphatidic acid. Together, our results reveal a role for SnRK2.4 and -2.10 in root growth and architecture in saline conditions.</p

    Halotropism Is a Response of Plant Roots to Avoid a Saline Environment

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    International audienceTropisms represent fascinating examples of how plants respond to environmental signals by adapting their growth and development. Here, a novel tropism is reported, halotropism, allowing plant seedlings to reduce their exposure to salinity by circumventing a saline environment. In response to a salt gradient, Arabidopsis, tomato, and sorghum roots were found to actively prioritize growth away from salinity above following the gravity axis. Directionality of this response is established by an active redistribution of the plant hormone auxin in the root tip, which is mediated by the PIN-FORMED 2 (PIN2) auxin efflux carrier. We show that salt-induced phospholipase D activity stimulates clathrin-mediated endocytosis of PIN2 at the side of the root facing the higher salt concentration. The intracellular relocalization of PIN2 allows for auxin redistribution and for the directional bending of the root away from the higher salt concentration. Our results thus identify a cellular pathway essential for the integration of environmental cues with auxin-regulated root growth that likely plays a key role in plant adaptative responses to salt stress

    Identification and functional characterization of the Arabidopsisā€…Snf1-related protein kinase SnRK2.4 phosphatidic acid-binding domain.

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    Phosphatidic acid (PA) is an important signalling lipid involved in various stress-induced signalling cascades. Two SnRK2 protein kinases (SnRK2.4 and SnRK2.10), previously identified as PA-binding proteins, are shown here to prefer binding to PA over other anionic phospholipids and to associate with cellular membranes in response to salt stress in Arabidopsis roots. A 42 amino acid sequence was identified as the primary PA-binding domain (PABD) of SnRK2.4. Unlike the full-length SnRK2.4, neither the PABD-YFP fusion protein nor the SnRK2.10 re-localized into punctate structures upon salt stress treatment, showing that additional domains of the SnRK2.4 protein are required for its re-localization during salt stress. Within the PABD, five basic amino acids, conserved in class 1 SnRK2s, were found to be necessary for PA binding. Remarkably, plants overexpressing the PABD, but not a non-PA-binding mutant version, showed a severe reduction in root growth. Together, this study biochemically characterizes the PA-SnRK2.4 interaction and shows that functionality of the SnRK2.4 PABD affects root development