12 research outputs found

    Cytostatic effect of novel mTOR inhibitor, PRP-1 (galarmin) in MDA 231 (ER-) breast carcinoma cell line. PRP-1 inhibits mesenchymal tumors

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    Activation of the PI3K-Akt-mTOR pathway is implicated both in the establishment of tumors and as well as a target for therapy in many types of solid malignancy, its blockade represents an opportunity to improve outcomes in patients with tumors that are associated with poor prognosis. Our experimental data indicates that proline-rich polypeptide-1 (PRP-1, galarmin) is immunomodulator cytokine, produced by hypothalamic neurosecretory cells and exerts its antiproliferative effect on the tumor cells of mesenchymal origin via inhibiting mTOR kinase activity and repressing cell cycle progression. The goal of these investigations was to elucidate the antiproliferative action of PRP-1 on the breast carcinoma cell line MDA 231 (ER-) and to compare PRP-1 action previously reported on other mesenchymal tumors. These experiments confirmed maximum inhibition of cell growth at 0.5 and 1 ÎĽg/ml PRP-1 (71% and 63%, respectively) and inhibition at 10 ÎĽg/ml of 44%. There was no inhibitory effect observed on luminal T47-D (ER+) cells. Videomicroscopy results demonstrated dividing cells in the cytokine-treated MDA 231 (ER-), suggesting that the cells were not in the state of dormancy. The flow cytometry experiments confirmed that PRP-1-treated cells were accumulated in S phase. No apoptosis, caspase activation, or senescence was detected after treatment with this cytokine. Experiments with mTOR with PRP-1 (10 ÎĽg/ml) indicated statistically significant 40% inhibition of mTOR kinase activity in immunoprecipitates of the MDA 231 (ER-) cell line. PRP-1 is a novel mTOR inhibitor with strong antiproliferative action in mesenchymal tumors mostly resistant to radiation and chemotherapy

    Utility of quantitative computerized pain drawings in a sample of spinal stenosis patients

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    To evaluate the utility of quantitative computerized pain drawings (CPDs) in a sample of spine patients before and after surgery. Analysis of changes in quantified CPDs, the Oswestry Disability Index (ODI), the Short Form-36 Health Survey Questionnaire (SF-36), and numerical ratings of pain intensity before and after surgery. Private clinic in large metropolitan area. Patients. Forty-six patients with spinal stenosis. Interventions. Surgery for the relief of pain due to spinal stenosis. A total points (TP) score was calculated from the CPD that reflected the total number of pixels filled by the patient, and the percentage of total pain area indicated as aching, stabbing, numbness, pins and needles, burning, and other, were each calculated separately. CPD scores, ODI score, Physical Components Summary (PCS) and Mental Components Summary scores of the SF-36, and pain intensity ratings (0-10 scale) were all recorded before and after surgical intervention. Results. After surgery, patients showed significant improvements in the extent of shaded pain area of the CPD, pain intensity ratings, ODI, and SF-36 PCS scores (paired t-test, P < or = 0.01). Changes in TP scores calculated from the CPDs were significantly correlated (P < or = 0.05) with changes in ODI scores (r = 0.34) and pain intensity ratings (r = 0.37). Changes in the percentage of total pain area covered by specific qualities of pain were not significant. Results from the present study provide initial support for the use of automated quantified data collected from CPDs to evaluate treatment interventions and to serve the clinician as a record of changes in spatial location, radiation or extent of pain, and the sensory quality of pain when evaluating individual patient needs

    Treatment with a Small Molecule Mutant IDH1 Inhibitor Suppresses Tumorigenic Activity and Decreases Production of the Oncometabolite 2-Hydroxyglutarate in Human Chondrosarcoma Cells.

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    Chondrosarcomas are malignant bone tumors that produce cartilaginous matrix. Mutations in isocitrate dehydrogenase enzymes (IDH1/2) were recently described in several cancers including chondrosarcomas. The IDH1 inhibitor AGI-5198 abrogates the ability of mutant IDH1 to produce the oncometabolite D-2 hydroxyglutarate (D-2HG) in gliomas. We sought to determine if treatment with AGI-5198 would similarly inhibit tumorigenic activity and D-2HG production in IDH1-mutant human chondrosarcoma cells. Two human chondrosarcoma cell lines, JJ012 and HT1080 with endogenous IDH1 mutations and a human chondrocyte cell line C28 with wild type IDH1 were employed in our study. Mutation analysis of IDH was performed by PCR-based DNA sequencing, and D-2HG was detected using tandem mass spectrometry. We confirmed that JJ012 and HT1080 harbor IDH1 R132G and R132C mutation, respectively, while C28 has no mutation. D-2HG was detectable in cell pellets and media of JJ012 and HT1080 cells, as well as plasma and urine from an IDH-mutant chondrosarcoma patient, which decreased after tumor resection. AGI-5198 treatment decreased D-2HG levels in JJ012 and HT1080 cells in a dose-dependent manner, and dramatically inhibited colony formation and migration, interrupted cell cycling, and induced apoptosis. In conclusion, our study demonstrates anti-tumor activity of a mutant IDH1 inhibitor in human chondrosarcoma cell lines, and suggests that D-2HG is a potential biomarker for IDH mutations in chondrosarcoma cells. Thus, clinical trials of mutant IDH inhibitors are warranted for patients with IDH-mutant chondrosarcomas

    Treatment with AGI-5198 Impedes Colony Formation in IDH1-mutant JJ012 and HT1080 Human Chondrosarcoma Cells, While Sparing C28 Cells.

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    <p>A: Cell viability of JJ012, HT1080 and C28 cells. Cells were treated with increasing concentrations of AGI-5198 or DMSO and analyzed using MTS assay after 72 h of treatment. Relative cell viability (%) was calculated as the mean absorbance of AGI-5198-treated cells relative to DMSO-treated cells. B: Colony forming number of JJ012, HT1080 and C28 cells. Cells were treated with AGI-5198 or DMSO for 7 days, then the colonies were stained and counted. Error bars depict SEM from 3 independent experiments. *** <i>p</i><0.001.</p

    Human Chondrosarcoma Cell Lines JJ012 and HT1080 Harbor IDH1 Mutations.

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    <p>A: PCR-based sequencing confirmed that JJ012 encoded an R132G (<u>C</u>GT><u>G</u>GT) missense mutation. B: HT1080 encoded an R132C (<u>C</u>GT><u>T</u>GT) missense mutation. Both cell lines harbored an <i>IDH1</i> mutation in a single allele whereas the other allele was wild-type. C: The chondrocyte cell line C28 had no mutation in either allele.</p

    D-2HG Levels in AGI-5198 or DMSO-treated JJ012 and HT1080 Cell Pellets and Cell Culture Media.

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    <p>AGI-5198 reduced levels of D-2HG in both cell pellets and cell culture media of JJ012 (A) and HT1080 (B) in a dose-dependent fashion. Data was normalized by cell number and analyzed by one-tailed student’s unpaired t-Test between non-treated and drug-treated cells. Error bars depict SEM from 3 independent experiments. * <i>p</i><0.05, ** <i>p</i><0.01, *** <i>p</i><0.001.</p

    A Patient with IDH2 Mutant Dedifferentiated Chondrosarcoma Demonstrates a Drop in D-2HG Plasma and Urine Levels after Surgical Resection.

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    <p>A: Histologic image of this patient’s dedifferentiated chondrosarcoma showing neoplastic cartilage (Arrow a) juxtaposed to higher grade, and more cellular regions resembling fibrosarcomatous elements (dedifferentiated component, Arrow b.) B: plain radiograph pre- (left) and post-operation (right). Bracket delineates the tumor. C: PCR-based DNA sequencing showed that this patient’s tumor exhibits an IDH2 R172S (AG<u>G</u>>AG<u>T</u>) missense mutation. D: D-2HG levels measured in patient plasma samples showed a decrease after surgical resection. E: D-2HG levels measured in patient urine samples showed a decrease after surgical resection. Error bars depict one standard error of the mean (SEM) from three measurements.</p