157 research outputs found

    Demonstration of fast-acting protection as a key enabler for more-electric aircraft interconnected architetctures

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    Driven by anticipated fuel-burn and efficiency benefits, the more-electric aircraft (MEA) concept is a technological shift in the aviation industry, which seeks to replace mechanical, hydraulic and pneumatic functions with electrical equivalents. This shift has greatly increased the electrical power demands of aircraft and has made MEA networks larger and more complex. Consequently, new and more efficient electrical architectures are required, with interconnected generation potentially being one design approach that could bring improved performance and fuel savings. This study discusses the current state of interconnected generation in the aviation industry and key technological advances that could facilitate feasible interconnection options. This study demonstrates that interconnected systems can breach certification rules under fault conditions. Through modelling and simulation, it investigates the airworthiness-requirements compliance of potential impedance solutions to this issue and quantifies the potential impact on system weight. It concludes by identifying fast fault clearing protection as being a key enabling technology that facilitates the use of light-weight and standards-compliant architectures

    Establishing viable fault management strategies for distributed electrical propulsion aircraft

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    Electrical propulsion has the potential to increase aircraft performance. However, this will require the design and development of an appropriate aircraft electrical system to power the propulsor motors. In order to protect this system against electrical faults, which have the potential to threaten the safety of the aircraft, a robust fault management strategy (FMS) is required. The FMS will comprise aspects of system design such as redundancy, reliability and reconfiguration and will rely on a range of protection devices deployed on the electrical system to intercept and manage faults. The electrical architecture will be shaped by the FMS as this will determine the optimal configuration to enable security of supply. The protection system is integral to the system design. Hence it must to be considered from the outset, as part of the wider aircraft concept development. This paper presents a robust framework to develop the optimal FMS for an electrical propulsion aircraft, which is subject to all the relevant aircraft constraints and incorporates the available protection devices for a chosen aircraft for a given developmental timeframe. A case study is then presented in which this protection design methodology is applied to the NASA STARC-ABL aircraft concept in order to demonstrate that the available protection for an electrical propulsion aircraft defines the possible electrical architectures

    Impact of key design constraints on fault management strategies for distributed electrical propulsion aircraft

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    Electrically driven distributed propulsion has been presented as a possible solution to reduce aircraft noise and emissions, despite increasing global levels of air travel. In order to realise electrical propulsion, novel aircraft electrical systems are required. Since the electrical system must maintain security of power supply to the motors during flight, the protection devices employed on an electrical propulsion aircraft will form a crucial part of system design. However, electrical protection for complex aircraft electrical systems poses a number of challenges, particularly with regard to the weight, volume and efficiency constraints specific to aerospace applications. Furthermore, electrical systems will need to operate at higher power levels and incorporate new technologies, many of which are unproven at altitude and in the harsh aircraft environment. Therefore, today’s commercially available aerospace protection technologies are likely to require significant development before they can be considered as part of a fault management strategy for a next generation aircraft. By mapping the protection device trade space based on published literature to date, the discrepancy between the current status of protection devices and the target specifications can be identified for a given time frame. This paper will describe a process of electrical network design that is driven by the protection system requirements, incorporates key technology constraints and analyses the protection device trade space to derive feasible fault management strategies

    Comparison of candidate architectures for future distributed propulsion aircraft

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    Turbine engine driven distributed electrical aircraft power systems (also referred to as Turboelectric Distributed Propulsion (TeDP)) are proposed for providing thrust for future aircraft with superconducting components operating at 77K in order for performance and emissions targets to be met. The proposal of such systems presents a radical change from current state-of-the-art aero-electrical power systems. Central to the development of such power systems are architecture design trades which must consider system functionality and performance, system robustness and fault ride-through capability, in addition to the balance between mass and efficiency. This paper presents a quantitative comparison of the three potential candidate architectures for TeDP electrical networks. This analysis provides the foundations for establishing the feasibility of these different architectures subject to design and operational constraints. The findings of this paper conclude that a purely AC synchronous network performs best in terms of mass and efficiency, but similar levels of functionality and controllability to an architecture with electrical decoupling via DC cannot readily be achieved. If power electronic converters with cryocoolers are found to be necessary for functionality and controllability purposes, then studies show that a significant increase in the efficiency of solid state switching components is necessary to achieve specified aircraft performance targets

    Development of voltage standards for turbo-electric distributed propulsion aircraft power systems

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    Distributed propulsion is being considered as a possible solution to increase aircraft efficiency, reduce fuel costs and reduce emissions. The size, weight and efficiency of components within a Turbo-electric Distributed Propulsion (TeDP) system are dependent on the voltage level of the electrical power network. Current aircraft voltage standards do not address the architecture of distributed propulsion and so a review of voltage standards from different industries is conducted with areas of commonality addressed. An example of TeDP architecture is presented and analyzed to highlight how current aircraft standards may not apply to TeDP. A summary of challenges in developing standards for a TeDP is compiled with a stakeholder analysis to demonstrate the wide range of industries and personnel with vested interests in the development of voltage standards and recommended practices for TeDP

    A copula model of wind turbine performance

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    The conventional means of assessing the performance of a wind turbine is through consideration of its power curve which provides the relationship between power output and measured wind speed. In this paper it is shown how the joint probability distribution of power and wind speed can be learned from data, rather than from examination of the implied function of the two variables. Such an approach incorporates measures of uncertainty into performance estimates, allows inter-plant performance comparison, and could be used to simulate plant operation via sampling. A preliminary model is formulated and fitted to operational data as an illustration

    Evaluation of the impact of high bandwidth energy storage systems on DC protection

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    The integration of high bandwidth energy storage systems (ESS) in compact DC electrical power systems can increase the operational capability and overall flexibility of the network. However, the impact of ESSs on the performance of existing DC protection systems is not well understood. This paper identifies the key characteristics of the ESS that determine the extent of the protection blinding effects on slower acting generator systems on the network. It shows that higher fault impedances beyond that of an evaluated critical level will dampen the response of slower acting generator systems, decreasing the speed of corresponding overcurrent protection operation. The paper demonstrates the limitations of existing protection solutions and identifies more suitable protection approaches to remove/minimize the effects of protection blinding

    Natural resource management issues in the agricultural zone of Western Australia : south west region

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    Provides and analysis of current pressures on agricultural resources of the South West region of Western Australia. Differing ranges of risks are shown for different degradation issues because of various impacts. Each natural resource management issues covers nature and extent of susceptibility, impacts on agriculture and the environment, management options and effectiveness of management options
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