23 research outputs found

    Method for maintaining precise suction strip porosities

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    This invention relates to a masking method generally and, more particularly to a method of masking perforated titanium sheets having laminar control suction strips. As illustrated in the drawings, a nonaerodynamic surface of a perforated sheet has alternating suction strip areas and bonding land areas. Suction strip tapes overlie the bonding land areas during application of a masking material to an upper surface of the suction strip tapes. Prior to bonding the perforated sheet to a composite structure, the bonding land tapes are removed. The entire opposite aerodynamic surface is masked with tape before bonding. This invention provides a precise control of suction strip porosities by ensuring that no chemicals penetrate the suction strip areas during bonding

    Applied fault detection and diagnosis for industrial gas turbine systems

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    The paper presents readily implementable approaches for fault detection and diagnosis (FDD) based on measurements from multiple sensor groups, for industrial systems. Specifically, the use of hierarchical clustering (HC) and self-organizing map neural networks (SOMNNs) are shown to provide robust and user-friendly tools for application to industrial gas turbine (IGT) systems. HC fingerprints are found for normal operation, and FDD is achieved by monitoring cluster changes occurring in the resulting dendrograms. Similarly, fingerprints of operational behaviour are also obtained using SOMNN based classification maps (CMs) that are initially determined during normal operation, and FDD is performed by detecting changes in their CMs. The proposed methods are shown to be capable of FDD from a large group of sensors that measure a variety of physical quantities. A key feature of the paper is the development of techniques to accommodate transient system operation, which can often lead to false-alarms being triggered when using traditional techniques if the monitoring algorithms are not first desensitized. Case studies showing the efficacy of the techniques for detecting sensor faults, bearing tilt pad wear and early stage pre-chamber burnout, are included. The presented techniques are now being applied operationally and monitoring IGTs in various regions of the world

    MHC H-2K gene transcription in cultured mouse embryo cells is increased after adenovirus infection.

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    The class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC) antigens are highly polymorphic cell-surface proteins whose expression is essential for the cellular immune response against virus-infected, abnormal and foreign cells. Transformation of primary rat cell cultures by the oncogenic adenovirus 12 (Ad12) results in suppression of the transplantation antigens, thus enabling the transformed cells to escape the immune response and efficiently form tumours in vivo. In contrast, transformation of the same cells with the non-oncogenic adenovirus 5 (Ad5) does not suppress the transplantation antigens and, consequently, they elicit an effective (MHC-restricted) immune response. Here, however, we show that infection of mouse embryo cells with both viruses initially increases the level of transcripts from the H-2Kb transplantation antigen gene. Both the adenovirus E1a (12S RNA) and E1b genes are required for activation of the H-2K gene and measurement of the relative rate of transcription indicates that the increase in the level of H-2K messenger RNA following infection is at least in part due to a gene-specific transcriptional activation. The newly transcribed H-2Kb mRNA is then properly transported to the cytoplasm