19 research outputs found

    Concentrated Growth Factors vs. Leukocyte-and-Platelet-Rich Fibrin for Enhancing Postextraction Socket Healing. A Longitudinal Comparative Study

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    Platelet concentrates (PCs) have been used for over 20 years in dentistry, as an adjunct to oral surgery procedures, to improve hard and soft tissue healing and control postoperative symptoms. Among various PCs, Leukocyte and Platelet-Rich Fibrin (L-PRF) has become very popular due to its excellent cost-effectiveness ratio, and to the simple preparation protocol, but comparative clinical studies with other PCs are lacking. The aim of this split-mouth cohort study was to evaluate the effect of Concentrated Growth Factors (CGF), a recently introduced PC, as compared to L-PRF for enhancing post-extraction socket healing. Methods: Patients in need of bilateral tooth extractions were included. Each side was treated with either CGF or L-PRF. Pain, socket closure and healing index were the main outcomes. Results: Forty-five patients (24 women), aged 60.52 ± 11.75 years (range 37–87 years) were treated. No significant difference in outcomes was found, except for Pain at day 1 (p < 0.001) and socket closure in the vestibulo-palatal/lingual dimension at day 7 post-extraction (p = 0.04), both in favor of CGF. Conclusions: based on the present results, CGF proved to be as effective and safe as L-PRF, representing a valid alternative option for improving alveolar socket healing and reducing postoperative discomfort

    Wineries communication strategies. A text mining analysis

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    The digital literacy that has developed in recent decades has resulted in internet playing an important role in the communication of wineries. Business websites, initially used as an exhibitor of products, quickly became one of the most important tools to implement communication strategies used to successfully place the wine product in a competitive market. This study aims to analyse major Italian wineries websites through textual statistics and text mining methods to provide evidence on the storytelling device adopted by these companies to promote and brand themselves. The information contained in the websites of the selected businesses in northern, central, and southern Italy, has been analysed in three steps. The first consisted in investigating categories with which the contents were organized, and the second step involved examining the contents’ word clouds which are useful for a qualitative analysis on similarities and differences found in the three different areas. Finally, different strategies were formalized, by reconstructing the structure of concepts underlying the communication models of the wineries of the three areas examined. The results demonstrate considerably different approaches adopted by the areas. While the wineries in Central Italy focus on communication concerning the company, in the North and South, more attention is given to production methods, and territory respectively. Thanks to the analysis of word clouds it was also possible to expose the construct which is the basis of narratives used by wineries, followed by the typical communication strategy of the different Italian areas

    Concentrated Growth Factors vs. Leukocyte-and-Platelet-Rich Fibrin for Enhancing Postextraction Socket Healing. A Longitudinal Comparative Study

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    Platelet concentrates (PCs) have been used for over 20 years in dentistry, as an adjunct to oral surgery procedures, to improve hard and soft tissue healing and control postoperative symptoms. Among various PCs, Leukocyte and Platelet-Rich Fibrin (L-PRF) has become very popular due to its excellent cost-effectiveness ratio, and to the simple preparation protocol, but comparative clinical studies with other PCs are lacking. The aim of this split-mouth cohort study was to evaluate the effect of Concentrated Growth Factors (CGF), a recently introduced PC, as compared to L-PRF for enhancing post-extraction socket healing. Methods: Patients in need of bilateral tooth extractions were included. Each side was treated with either CGF or L-PRF. Pain, socket closure and healing index were the main outcomes. Results: Forty-five patients (24 women), aged 60.52 &plusmn; 11.75 years (range 37&ndash;87 years) were treated. No significant difference in outcomes was found, except for Pain at day 1 (p &lt; 0.001) and socket closure in the vestibulo-palatal/lingual dimension at day 7 post-extraction (p = 0.04), both in favor of CGF. Conclusions: based on the present results, CGF proved to be as effective and safe as L-PRF, representing a valid alternative option for improving alveolar socket healing and reducing postoperative discomfort

    Rehabilitation with 4 zygomatic implants with a new surgical protocol using ultrasonic technique

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    When the residual bone crest cannot allow the placement of standard implants, the treatment for complete arch rehabilitation of severely atrophic maxillae can be performed with 4 zygomatic implants (ZIs) and immediate function with predictable results in terms of aesthetics, function, and comfort for the patient. However, even if ZIs' rehabilitations showed a good success rate, this surgery is difficult and need a skillful operator. Complications in this kind of rehabilitation are not uncommon; the main difficulties can be related to the reduced surgical visibility and instrument control in a critical anatomic area. All the surgical protocols described in the literature used drilling techniques. Furthermore, the use of ultrasonic instruments in implant surgery compared with drilling instruments have shown advantages in many aspects of surgical procedures, tissues management, enhancement of control, surgical visualization, and healing. The aim of this study was to report on the preliminary experience using ultrasound technique for ZIs surgery in terms of safety and technical improvement. Ten consecutive patients with severely atrophic maxilla have been treated with 4 ZIs and immediate complete arch acrylic resin provisional prostheses. The patients were followed up from 30 to 32 months evaluating implant success, prosthetic success, and patient satisfaction with a questionnaire. No implants were lost during the study period, with a 100% implant and prosthetic success rate. Within the limitations of this preliminary study, these data indicate that ultrasonic implant site preparation for ZIs can be a good alternative to the drilling technique and an improvement for the surgeon

    Temporomandibular joint disorders treated with articular injection: the effectiveness of plasma rich in growth factors-Endoret

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) osteoarthritis treatment through articular injections of plasma rich in growth factors (PGRF)-Endoret. Thirteen patients (median age, 47.64 y; SD, 7.51; range, 40-64 y; male-female ratio, 2:11) with osteoarthritis of TMJ associated to chronic pain have been selected. They were treated with articular injections of PRGF-Endoret, measuring the maximum mouth opening and pain level before the first injection (t0), 30 days after just before the second (t1), and after 6 months (t2). Data were analyzed using the paired Student's t-test data. The visual analogue scale score at t0 is 7.69 (range, 4-10; SD, 1.9), whereas that at t1 is 1.54 (range, 0-5; SD, 1.74) and that at t2 is 0.23 (range, 0-2; SD, 0.65). These differences in the results are statistically highly significant (P < 0.0001 comparison t0-t1 and t0-t2 and P < 0.01 comparison t1-t2). In terms of maximum mouth opening, it reduced from 30.15 mm at t0 (range, 26-40 mm; SD, 4.44) to 37.54 mm at t1 (range, 31-51 mm; SD, 5.10), with an increase of 7.38 mm (range, 4-11 mm; SD, 2.02) and a highly significant difference (P < 0.0001). At t2, it was 39.54 mm (range, 34-51; SD, 4.55) with an increase of 9.38 mm (range, 5-12 mm; SD, 2.21) compared with t0 and that of 2.00 mm compared with t1. Both differences in the results are statistically significant (P < 0.0001 and P < 0.01, respectively). The articular injections of PRGF-Endoret represent a very efficient method to control pain and to improve the TMJ mobility

    Surgical treatment of denture-induced fibrous hyperplasia with plasma rich in growth factors

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    Denture-induced fibrous hyperplasia is a fibrous connective tissue lesion that commonly occurs in oral mucosa in patients showing important alveolar ridge atrophy. In this study, we propose Plasma Rich in Growth Factors (PRGF) to overcome constrains of traditional surgical treatment. Herein, we demonstrated that PRGF represents an autologous source of growth factors able to reduce the healing time of the alveolar mucosa and the discomfort of those patients. These properties are the result of PRGF's precise biological features that result in the following: reduction of duration and intensity of postsurgical pain, acceleration of re-epithelialization of the wound, and reduction of bleeding events and of edema. In conclusion, we showed that using PRGF on patients affected by denture-induced fibrous hyperplasia allows a short healing time, thereby reducing complications and overall improving their quality of life. The aims of this study were to evaluate the influence of PRGF-ENDORET on secondary re-epithelialization in vestibuloplasty after excision of denture irritation fibrous hyperplasia, with an explorative randomized case control trial with 10 patients, 5 patients treated with PRGF and 5 patients with traditional hemostasis, and to analyze differences with simple surgery, considering postoperative rapidity of re-epithelialization, comfort, and discomfort of patients, pain, swelling, and infections

    A simple score for evaluation of the complexity of third-molar extractions

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    This article proposes a simple preoperative score to evaluate the complexity of tooth extractions of the third mandibular molar and to estimate the time involved

    Conservative treatment with plasma rich in growth factors-Endoret for osteoradionecrosis

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    Osteoradionecrosis (ORN) is the worst long-term complication due to radiotherapy to the head and neck and is defined as an area of exposed necrotic oral bone, with failure to heal for at least 3 months. In most cases, ORN is associated with oral surgery procedures involving the jaw bone. The aim of this study was to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of a biological approach for ORN treatment

    Dental Implants with a Calcium Ions-Modified Surface and Platelet Concentrates for the Rehabilitation of Medically Compromised Patients: A Retrospective Study with 5-Year Follow-Up

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    Background: Platelet concentrates are biological, autologous products obtained from the patient’s whole blood, consisting of a supraphysiological concentration of platelets and growth factors, that have proved beneficial in different applications in the medical and dental fields. They are used in several medical and dental applications to enhance tissue healing. Previous evidence shows that platelet concentrates may be beneficial in patients with compromised systemic conditions, in which the healing process is impaired. Aim: To evaluate the 5-year clinical outcome of implant treatment using acid-etched implants with calcium ions-modified surface in association with plasma rich in growth factors, in patients with systemic diseases of a different nature. Methods: Charts of 99 medically compromised patients, who had received a total of 224 dental implants from January 2013 to June 2013, were retrospectively evaluated. Patients were divided into four groups, according to their condition: diabetes (n = 39 patients), osteoporosis (n = 36), lupus erythematosus systemic (n = 5), rheumatoid arthritis (n = 19). The main outcomes were implant survival, marginal bone level (MBL) change and complications throughout follow-up. Results: Mean follow-up was 63.06 ± 1.90 months (range 60.1 to 66.4 months). In total, eight implants failed in 6 diabetic patients and 4 in 3 patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Overall 5-year implant survival was 94.6%. In total, 30 complications occurred in 24 patients, mostly transient, and no severe adverse event occurred. Overall MBL change was 0.45 ± 0.12 mm, with no significant differences among groups. Conclusions: In the present sample of medically compromised patients, rehabilitation with calcium ions-modified surface implants associated with plasma rich in growth factors proved to be a safe and effective treatment. The satisfactory results achieved after 5-year follow-up are comparable to those historically reported for healthy patients

    Patient-based assessment of tooth extraction with ultrasonic dental surgery

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    The aim of this study was to compare the postoperative period and healing of 2 methods used for simple tooth extraction: traditional and ultrasonic bone surgery. The clinical healing of the sockets and psychologic acceptance of the ultrasonic bone surgery were also evaluated