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    Funcionamiento familiar y su relaci贸n con la exposici贸n a la violencia en adolescentes mexicanos

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the relation颅ship between family functioning and exposure to vi颅olence among Mexican adolescents. The design of this study was transversal, descriptive, and correla颅tional. Participants were 133 high school students, ages 15 to 18. Two instruments were administered:聽La Escala de Evaluaci贸n de la Cohesi贸n y Adapta颅bilidad Familiar, in English聽The Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scale, (FACES IV-Esp) by Rivero, Mart铆nez-Pampliega and Olson (2010), and聽Cuestionario de Exposici贸n a la Violencia, in English聽Exposure to Violence Questionnaire, by Orue and Calvete (2010). Results showed statistically signifi颅cant gender differences related to observing violence in the streets, and victimization in the school and in the street. Gender differences were also significant in family functioning variables such as: flexibility, co颅hesion, satisfaction, and family communication. Re颅sults from the correlational analysis suggested that the higher the flexibility, cohesion, satisfaction and family communication, the lower the violence obser颅vation at school and at home, and the lower victimi颅zation at home. Predictive validity was also observed for family cohesion over victimization at home. As a conclusion, it is important to strengthen family ties and to promote a positive and balanced family func颅tioning, with the purpose of families being a protec颅tive factor against violence exposure.ResumenLa presente investigaci贸n tuvo como objetivo estudiar la relaci贸n entre el funcionamiento familiar y la exposici贸n a la violencia en adolescentes mexicanos. Se propuso un dise帽o transversal, descriptivo y correlacional. La muestra estuvo conformada por 133 estudiantes de bachillerato con edades entre los 15 a 19 a帽os de edad. Como instrumentos se utilizaron dos cuestionarios: La Escala de Evaluaci贸n de la Cohesi贸n y Adaptabilidad Familiar (FACES IV-Esp) de Rivero, Mart铆nez-Pampliega y Olson (2010) y el Cuestionario de Exposici贸n a la Violencia (CEV) de Orue y Calvete (2010). Los resultados muestran diferencias de g茅nero en cuanto a la observaci贸n de la violencia en la calle y la victimizaci贸n en la escuela y en la calle. Se muestran tambi茅n diferencias de g茅nero en variables del funcionamiento familiar tales como: flexibilidad, cohesi贸n, satisfacci贸n y comunicaci贸n familiar. Los resultados del an谩lisis de correlaci贸n sugieren que a mayor flexibilidad, cohesi贸n, satisfacci贸n y comunicaci贸n familiar menor observaci贸n de violencia en la escuela y en la casa, y menor victimizaci贸n en casa. Se observ贸 tambi茅n una predicci贸n significativa de la cohesi贸n familiar sobre la victimizaci贸n en casa. Finalmente, se concluye la importancia de fortalecer los v铆nculos familiares y de fomentar un funcionamiento familiar positivo y balanceado. Esto con el objetivo de que la familia ejerza un efecto protector ante la exposici贸n a la violencia.聽AbstractThe aim of this study was to investigate the relation颅ship between family functioning and exposure to vi颅olence among Mexican adolescents. The design of this study was transversal, descriptive, and correla颅tional. Participants were 133 high school students, ages 15 to 18. Two instruments were administered: La Escala de Evaluaci贸n de la Cohesi贸n y Adapta颅bilidad Familiar, in English The Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scale, (FACES IV-Esp) by Rivero, Mart铆nez-Pampliega and Olson (2010), and Cuestionario de Exposici贸n a la Violencia, in English Exposure to Violence Questionnaire, by Orue and Calvete (2010). Results showed statistically signifi颅cant gender differences related to observing violence in the streets, and victimization in the school and in the street. Gender differences were also significant in family functioning variables such as: flexibility, co颅hesion, satisfaction, and family communication. Re颅sults from the correlational analysis suggested that the higher the flexibility, cohesion, satisfaction and family communication, the lower the violence obser颅vation at school and at home, and the lower victimi颅zation at home. Predictive validity was also observed for family cohesion over victimization at home. As a conclusion, it is important to strengthen family ties and to promote a positive and balanced family func颅tioning, with the purpose of families being a protec颅tive factor against violence exposure.